This promotion is a "Thank You" to our existing customers and a "Welcome" to new guests.
Ontario Beverages is a passion project, designed to knock-down the logistical barriers preventing you from enjoying craft Ontario wines (cider and beer, too) in the comfort of your home. All you do is shop for whatever you like, across as many producers as you like and we'll get it to you in one shipment with one low shipping fee (which we are waiving for the remainder of April on orders over $200).
With 100+ products available we already have a more thorough and varied selection of Ontario wine than any LCBO location.
And where you buy matters! The LCBO takes a huge portion of every sale. Buying directly from the producer, either through OnBev or not, allows the producer to keep a much larger percentage of their revenue. In a time when supporting local has never been more vital, we should be sure the producers are receiving a fair portion of their sales.
While we are very proud of our extensive product line-up; the more support we receive, the more producers we'll be able to bring into the fold. Hopefully we'll soon be able to offer several hundred or even thousands of great, local products.
Try us out today!
One Website. One Order. One Delivery
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#ontariowine #ontariocraftbeer #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #ontariocraftwine #coolchardonnay #ontariobeverages #ontariopinotnoir #wine #localbusiness #niagarawine #ontariostrong #openlocalwine #localwine #ontariocider #skipthelcbo
Attention Ontario wine lovers!
Did you know you can shop online from over a dozen craft wineries and receive your order in one delivery with one low delivery fee?
#winedelivery #winesofontario #ontariowine #supportsmallbusiness #supportlocal #stayhome #staysafe #variety #finewine #drinklocal #ontariopinotnoir #coolchardonnay #craftbeer #craftcider #craftwine
We're Ontario’s only craft beverage marketplace that allows you to shop across multiple producers and receive your order in one delivery.
Currently we have 15 partners that offer a wide range of products, styles and price points.
Stay home and let us bring Ontario to you.
#vqa #ontariowine #supportlocal #supportsmallbusiness #ontario #stayhome #wine #niagara #marketplace #craftbeer #craftcider #craftwine #coolchardonnay #pinotnoir #winedelivery