We are unharmed! But what a mess! We are on generator power. We lost power about 2:30 am. At around 4:30 we had a break in the rain so I went out and plugged in the generator and fired it up. We are surrounded on three sides by water. We received 12inches of water and the lake was already flooded. We had the top of a pine tree next door break off and land on our roof. The top of a cypress tree broke off and landed on our little fishing boat. We had a large tree fall accross our driveway. Gina and I tied a tow strap and have pulled it out of our way so we can get out of the driveway. We had a couple of fences fall in the back yard and we will have to replace. Our burn can that we use to dispose of our yard waste is under water so that will not be used for a while.
BUT ! ! !...
WE are all unharmed and from what we can tell there is no damage to our home. I have enough propane to keep the generator running for a few days. So now we just need to start cleaning up.