25 and 25 August 2018 in the "Kremlin in Izmailovo" will be the first international exhibition of dolls and toys "Doll Festival".
August 26 and 26 at the Cultural and entertainment complex "Kremlin in Izmailovo" will host an exhibition of dolls "Doll Festival. Kremlin in Izmailovo ".
A similar project will be held for the first time on the beloved Muscovites site. Guests of the festival will be able to plunge into the fantastic atmosphere of the "Kremlin in Izmailovo", and Boyarsky hall they meet dolls and toys, which will present more than 100 authors, members of the International Association of Writers Dolls (Moak), and not only from a variety of Russian and foreign cities .
Guests of the exhibition will see dolls, created in different styles and techniques: folk puppets, fairy tale characters, interior and portrait dolls made of porcelain, papier-mâché, wood, polymer clay. A considerable part of the exposition of authors toys, including many favorite teddy bears. It will be possible to get acquainted with historical-research project "Royal doll" (a joint project with the State Museum-Preserve "Tsarskoye Selo"), who will introduce the collector and artist Svetlana Pchelnikova.
Adults and children can participate in master classes: matted wool toy, matryoshka paint or porcelain fox, wooden Japanese traditional dolls kokeshi, make a toy out of paper. And on the stage Boyarsky hall will be held performances of children's puppet theater and creative presentation. During the fair will present their projects to all the museums in the exhibition halls SRC "Kremlin in Izmailovo".
A detailed schedule of the program of the exhibition "Doll Festival. Kremlin in Izmailovo "can be viewed on the website www.dollslane.ru
Doors will open the exhibition on 25 and 26 August from 11.00 to 20.00
Entrance to all guests free of charge!
Organizers of the exhibition: AAC "Kremlin in Izmailovo" and Gallery "Doll's lane."
Details can be found on the following telephone numbers: + 7-910-452-6286, + 7-926-160-3839, + 7-916-037-1624
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