Open Today 3-7 pm — Last Day Before Winter Break
Wishing everyone a very Happy New Year from the grateful folks at Arizona Wine Collective. We’re going to take a few days and recharge so we can make 2024 another great year exploring and supporting Arizona’s wine industry. So, we’ll be closed January 1 – 8, reopening with regular hours on January 9. Stop by today and stock up for your New Year’s celebration!
#happynewyeartucson #happynewyear2024 #winterbreak #azwine #azwineisawesome #azwcbottleshop #azwinetasting #arizonawinecollective
Drink local this Thanksgiving!
You have the food planned, now it’s time to choose the wine. Arizona Wine Collective has more than 70 different Arizona White, Rosé, Red and Dessert wines to serve with your meal — from start to finish. Stop by today and let us help you find the perfect pairings.
#azwine #azwinetasting #azwcbottleshop #supportlocal #supportazwinemakers #thanksgiving #thanksgivingwine #stockup
Did we mention we now feature a “guest” sparkling wine on our tasting and glass list every day? Let’s celebrate the weekend together at Arizona Wine Collective!
Special lineup of Chateau Tumbleweed wines for this week only!
It’s not too late to get in on the special Chateau Tumbleweed tasting going on now through Sunday at Arizona Wine Collective! We have some very special wines from our friends up North.
Weekend loading
Hope we're a part of yours!
#wineweekend #azwineisawesome #azwinetasting #azwcbottleshop #arizonawinecollective #besafetucson
Arizona Wine Collective merchandise
In addition to all the amazing wine we carry, Arizona Wine Collective has lots of fun and unique gifts for the wine lovers on your Christmas list!
#arizonawinecollective #azwcmerch #giftideas #winegifts #azwcbottleshop #pourdecisions #holidayshopping #timeforgiving
20 AZ Wineries at Arizona Wine Collective!
Did you know Arizona Wine Collective carries wine from 20 different Arizona wineries. Taste what the state has to offer in a single stop!
#azwine #azwinetasting #azwineisawesome #azwcbottleshop #azwcwineclub #winetasting #sonoitawinecountry #willcoxwinecountry #northernazwine
Just like our wine, we only serve Arizona-produced beers at Arizona Wine Collective. We support local because you support local. Thank you Tucson!
Current Tap List:
Dragoon - IPA
Firetruck Brewing - Hero Dunkel
Firetruck Brewing - Desert Blonde
1055 Casa SS Golden Ale
#1055brewing #firetruckbrewing #dragoonbrewing #tucsonbeer #azbeer #ipa #dunkel #blondebeer #goldenale #supporttucsonbreweries #supporttucsonbars #locallove
Arizona Wine Collective offers an extensive collection of the best Arizona wines in one location. Taste for yourself Tues-Sun from 4-9 pm!
#goldenrulevineyards #runewines #laramitacellars #birdsandbarrels #doscabezas #chateautumbleweed #ariduswinecompany #highlonesomevineyard #pillsburywinecompany #azwcservesagain #azwineisawesome #azwcbottleshop #azwinedelivery #azwinetasting #supportazwinemakers #supporttucsonbars
We are pleased to announce that Arizona Wine Collective will re-open for dine-in service on Friday, Aug. 28 from 4 pm - 9 pm. We are committed to the health and safety of our customers and staff, so we will be following the CDC and state-mandated guidelines to the letter. Details of what to expect are outlined on our website, We look forward to having everyone back in our place and enjoying tastings, glasses and bottles of great Arizona wine (along with food!).
Thanks to all of you who have supported us with take-out/delivery purchases. It definitely helped get us to this point!
#azwineisback #azwineisawesome
#openagain #supporttucsonbars #wegotthistucson #covidguidelines #locallove #supportazwinemakers #supportsmallbusiness
Date night!
We can make your date night at home this weekend special with Arizona wine and popcorn. And, we’ll bring it right to your door with a minimum order of three bottles. Check out our current list at
#datenight #azwineisawesome
#azwcbottleshop #supporttucsonbars #supportlocal #azwinedelivery #4tailsvineyard #poppedartisanpopcorn
Fill Up for the Fourth!
4th of July Weekend Growler Special at Arizona Wine Collective: Only $10 for a 32oz growler of beer or $25 for a 32oz growler of wine. Bring your own growler or we’ve got a few to sell for only $3/ea. Might as well add a bottle of wine to enjoy by the pool! Check out for our current list of wines and beers. We’ll be open at the Collective Saturday and Sunday from 2-5 pm for take-out and growler fills. Come and get it while supplies last!
#dillingerbrewing #roadrunnerred #4thofjuly #winedelivery #beergrowler #winegrowler #azwcbottleshop #quarantine4thofjuly #azwineisawesome #supporttucsonbars