I haven't been able to get around to going back to work due to my greedy morgage company ocwin morgage company in 16 years I had never been late on a payment I went into modification to modify my loan and drop my note after my mom died low and behold they told me I could not pay a note until modification was over they strung me on for four months really a year then denied me but after four months said I was in default of my loan agreement and had to give them 77,742.88 loan in full now mind you I figured it out on the third month something smelled fishey I had been putting the note every month in the bank with late fees just in case they tried to pull the rug over my head and damn if they didn't so I hired a lawyer had a good case was paying my escrow on time and everything was going in my favor until April 27,2017 when I hit a dump truck fully loaded at about 50 mph. Didn't move it a quarter of a inch turned my van into a acoradian no seatbelt died for 4min.32sec. 8bags of blood squeezed into me flown to hospital died 2more times during surgery both times over 3min. Survived it or did I during the 3months 21days I was in the hospital they forclosed also my house was broken into by so called friends they camped out destroying my house flooding my house taking over 15,000 dollars in tools if it was pawnable or sellable it was gone 70 inch,90 inch,50 inch, flat screen tvs,movies,alchol,dvd players,copper wire out if my garage,took me 2 weeks working out of a wheelchair because the motor crushed my right leg from the knee down 5pins in my knee cap 2metal plates in my leg 1 metal plate in my foot toes just hang there can't move any one of them except my big toe they fixed it so I could keep my balance now I have lost everything my lawyer worked better for them than he did for me he came out getting 6,500 they get the house and my conculatuon prize a meizzely 1,500 dollars for 20 years if my life my mother and my little brother died in this house people with money will f**k you out of everything if they think they can get away with it and they did ocwin morgage and loan are theifs they are the worst rated morage company in business to day look it up the #1 worst no s**t the bad thing is I didn't borrow a f**kin dime from them f**kin cocksuckers my loan was with GMAC Morgage and loan they sold my mortgage to ocwin now that's fu**ed up but legal I borrowed money from a american business it was sold to a foreign company in India ocwin morgage company now with the stroke of a computer never came to see the house took it away from me from another country now President Trump's wanting to build a wall f**k that wall or government pays the India indians to answer our phones own every corner store in the world knowlage is power and instead of letting Americans answer our phones for business it's cheaper to force them out to a foreign company how fu**ed up is that