Whether you’re just getting started or need to stock up for your current needs, check out our variety of tattoo supplies. Machines, inks, cartridges, needles, and more. Discount available for military with ID. Thank you for your service!
Inner Visions
1515 Palm Ave, Suite K2
San Diego, CA 92154
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Black Friday sale after Thanksgiving! 20% off everything in the store! Glass pipes, rolling papers, tattoo supplies, smoking accessories, and more. Stop by this weekend!
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Selection of supplies for whatever you might need for tattooing. Visit us at 1515 Palm Ave, Suite K2, San Diego, CA 92154. Give us a call at 619-575-1216.
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Pen style machines and a large selection of cartridge sizes available. Visit us at Inner Visions, 1515 Palm Ave, Suite K2, San Diego, CA 92154. Contact us at 619-575-1216.
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Variety of tattoo supplies. Inks, needles, tubes, cartridges, green soap, machines, power supplies, and more. Visit us at Inner Visions, 1515 Palm Ave, Suite K2, San Diego, CA 92154. Contact us at 619-575-1216.
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Inner Visions Smoke Shop, family owned since 1978. Visit us at 1515 Palm Ave, Suite K2, San Diego, CA 92154. Give us a call at 619-675-1216.
#smokeshop #handpipe #bubblers #rollingpapers #tattooink #bong #southbaysandiego #chulavista #waterpipes #waterpipe #handpipes #zigzag #tattoosupplies #bongs #sandiego #imperialbeach #nationalcity
Need tattoo supplies? Variety of tattoo inks, needles, tubes, cartridges, green soap, practice skin, and more. Visit us at 1515 Palm Ave, Suite K2, San Diego, CA 92154. Give us a call at 619-575-1216.
#tattoosupplies #tattooink #tattoosupply #sandiego #southbaysandiego #chulavista #nationalcity #imperialbeach #smokeshop #rollingpapers #bong #bongs #glasspipes #handpipes #waterpipes #tattooartist #tattooshop