On March 27, 1937, a group of nine businessmen organized the first association of beer wholesalers in Virginia, named the Virginia Malt Beverage Association. The organization continued as the Virginia Malt Beverage Association until September 26, 1970, when the membership voted to change the name to Virginia Beer Wholesalers Association. Today, the Virginia Beer Wholesalers Association is comprise
d of member firms engaged in the wholesale distribution of malt beverages and related products. The Association offers a wide range of member services and programs that help beer wholesalers thrive in today’s competitive environment. VBWA members are the second element of the three-tier system of alcoholic beverage distribution (manufacturer, wholesaler and retailer). They bring domestic, craft and imported malt beverage products to your local restaurant, bar, convenience store and grocery outlet. Many of our members also distribute water products, juice drinks, sports drinks, soft drinks and other beverages. When you see the truck of your local beer distributor at your grocery store, you can bet that distributor is a member of the VBWA!