(Told by Steve & Cindy Fabiano)
In the early 1900's, in Southern Italy, there was a powerful earthquake that killed thousands. My great grandfather Dominic Fabiano was away from his family. He said that if his family survived, they would move to America. On his return to Saint Ippolito, the small village where he lived, he found h
is family was alive, but the little village was destroyed including his grocery store. So, he headed for Ellis Island in the United States and told his family he would send for them. Dominic ended up in Eaton Rapids, Michigan and a year later his family joined him.
Dominic's daughter (my grandmother) met the love of her life, Frank Spagnuolo and the couple moved to Mt. There, Frank and Virginia opened a small neighborhood grocery store. They lived above the store and that is where my mother and the rest of her family were raised.
In 1942, Mary Spagnuolo (my mother) moved to Lansing, Michigan to attend nursing school at St. Lawrence Hospital. There she met John Fabiano and started a courtship (yes, that is what they called it back then.) John was shipped out to Europe to fight in World War II. In 1943 John and Mary were married. After his return, John joined his brother Frank in business at Fabiano's Market in Lansing, Michigan. In 1966 John bought out his brother and became sole owner of Fabiano's Market. John and Mary had three children; Ginny, Paul and Steve.
Steve and Cindy, as high school sweethearts married in 1978. In 1979, as a young 24-year-old couple, they moved to Portland, Michigan and opened their first business, Fabiano's Restaurant and Lounge; formerly known as Jean's Restaurant. Their three children, John, Mary and Mark all worked in the family business as they grew up. While the children were growing up, Steve & Cindy opened several successful businesses. Fabiano's Restaurant & Lounge in Westphalia opened in 1983 and a convenience store was added in 1984. Westside Grocery was opened in 1990. In 1991, Fabiano's Grocery and Deli opened in Wacousta. In 2001, Grand River Storage Co was built. Fabiano's Eagle Inn was opened in 2010. Fabiano's River House Bar and Grill opened in 2014. Steve and Cindy are proud that their three children have chosen to carry on the family business and to continue the 5th and 6th generation.
Steve and Cindy's son John is the owner of Fabiano's Eagle Inn, daughter Mary and her husband Bill own Fabiano's Grocery & Deli in Wacousta and Fabiano's Pizzeria in Westphalia. Nephew Bill Fabiano owns Fabiano's River House Bar & Grill in Portland, MI. Now, their youngest son Mark and his wife Toni are starting a new chapter in their life as owners of Fabiano's Westside Grocery in Portland, MI. They are making a lot of good changes to the store and plan on adding a deli in the future.
Now Mary and Bill's 7 children work in the family business as does Mark and Toni's son Jacob. So today we have progressed and changed over time, but we are proud that the "family" after 120 some years works together with the same determined goal, SATISFY THE CUSTOMER.