⭐️Stop in or go through the drive thru at Buddy's Package in Portageville and get your PLE drinks ready to drink! Or grab packets to mix later. Buddy's has been around for many years and we thank them for offering our drinks.
⭐️They are open later which is great for anyone who works nights to get some extra Energy! Also open on Sundays!
Thank you Donna Hawkins for being a customer in Portageville and when you are in Cape!
⭐️Sugar Free plus Vitamins
⚡️Level 1 and Level 2 available in all Flavors.
⚡️Level 3 - There are a few currently available
💙🤍PHS Bulldogs - Blue Raz, Cotton Candy, Pina Colada
🏄Summer Lovin - Strawberry, Watermelon, Lemonade
🩴Flip Flop - Cherry, Watermelon, Pink Starburst
🌞Hello Sunshine - Mango, Peach, Pineapple
✌️🌸Flower Child - Raspberry, Pineapple, Pink Starburst
🧥🧣Sweater Weather - Blackberry, Cranberry, Strawberry
If you have a business and would like to offer our drink packets, send a pm to discuss. Type of business and location will be considered. We can ship these to you as well ✌️❤️