I am proud to announce that my University has published my work. The culmination of almost 3 years of work. Here is the link:
For those of you who want a short read of what it is about, below is the abstract.
I stand at the apex of this journey, holding my dissertation, not as a solitary scholar but as a beneficiary of support, encouragement, and kindness from cherished individuals, most importantly, my parents.
I extend my sincere thanks to my academic advisor, Prof. Fava, and the whole University team for the invaluable advice and steady guidance throughout my research journey.
Appreciation is also due to my friends, Mike Urbas, Professor of Philosophy, who always pushed me to examine the ethical questions, and David Anderson, who I could call anytime
during my long research days for advice. I thank them for their consistent support and insightful discussions that contributed to my research and overall well-being during the PhD journey.
Lastly, I dedicate this work to my precious daughter, Sophie. May you see in these pages not merely an academic endeavor but love, resilience, and pursuit of knowledge. My journey is
imprinted with your innocent smiles, becoming a source of perpetual inspiration. In each word, find a seed for your future, illuminating the path that propels you toward your dreams.
This dissertation delves into the interplay between culture, organizational psychology, and Human Resource Management (HRM) within the context of global businesses. It systematically explores the impact of cultural factors, such as individualism/collectivism, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance, on various facets of HRM practices. Additionally, it investigates the profound influence of psychological processes, including motivation, job satisfaction, and emotional intelligence, on HR strategies and employee outcomes. The study underscores the significance of cultural sensitivity in HRM practices, emphasizing the need for organizations to tailor their recruitment, selection, training, and motivation strategies to accommodate diverse cultural preferences and beliefs. Furthermore, it highlights the pivotal role of organizational psychology in shaping HR outcomes and the importance of emotional intelligence in effective leadership. In the contemporary globalized workplace, embracing diversity is recognized as a catalyst for innovation and organizational success. The research findings promote the idea that diversity should not only be seen through a compliance lens but as a source of strength and creativity. Moreover, the study highlights the need for cultural competency training, the
incorporation of psychological assessment tools in HR processes, and the development of inclusive leadership styles. As the business landscape continues to evolve, this research offers valuable insights into the future of HRM. It serves as a foundational resource for future research.
Endeavors, such as exploring cross-cultural leadership styles, investigating the increasing role
of AI in the hiring process, assessing the effectiveness of cultural intelligence training programs,
investigating the link between the corporate environment and employee well-being, and studying the impact of technology and remote work on HRM practices. Ultimately, this study contributes to a deeper understanding of how culture and psychology shape HRM strategies, offering guidance to HR professionals and organizations seeking to navigate the complexities
of a diverse and globalized workforce.