From Streetsblog Cal: "Yesterday, Governor Newsom signed Senator Scott Wiener's Complete Streets bill, S.B. 960. This is a huge victory for proponents of safe and equitable streets, and the result of many years of advocacy. It's the third such bill introduced by Senator Wiener, after pushback from Caltrans and Newsom's veto of a previous version a few years ago despite overwhelming legislative support. S.B. 960 requires Caltrans to prioritize road improvements for pedestrians, bike riders, and public transit users whenever it performs maintenance or does road work. That can include sidewalks, bike lanes, bus-only lanes, comfortable and accessible public transportation stops, frequent and safe crosswalks, median islands, accessible pedestrian signals, curb extensions, narrower travel lanes, and more. The bill also requires a faster and more transparent decision process for interactions with local jurisdictions who want to make safety changes on state highways that run through their communities."