I sat on a 5 Gallon bucket while my Kids lambs, kids, goats and sheep watched as I laughed. Started feeding and milking Rosa after feeding the babies
In the aftermath of Turkey Day's delight,
Christmas rushes in, a festive sight.
From Jesus' birth to corporate greed,
A transformation fueled by consumer's need.
Thanksgiving's end brings Black Friday's race,
A shopping frenzy, a hectic chase.
Yet amidst the chaos, a question does arise,
Is a white Christmas racist or a gift in disguise?
Confusion lingers, politically correct,
A con game played, causing some to reflect.
But in this whirlwind, let's not forget,
The true meaning of Christmas, a message to beget.
For the kids, it's easy to lose their way,
Caught up in the material, they sway.
But as they grow wiser, they come to see,
That Jesus and God's love is the true key.
-Paul R 11- 15 , 2023
FREE EGGS are gone starting Monday $2.⁵⁰ per dozen. Happy Memorial Day Weekend. Please don't drink & drive because their are people who want to go home and see their families.
Still 2 male Great Pyrenees pay the $25 for the microchip 10 weeks eased with Ducks, chickens, turkeys, sheep and lambs.best LGD I Already have 4 adults.
I love it when people tell me all livestock protection puppies ALWAYS will kill b4 trained. Annabelle, Radar and Chloe will put a puppy in check real quick. I've never seen parents literally put pups in check. Radar is getting a doggie vasectomy DEC 15, yup Merry Christmas Radar. But just wanted to share and https://metroeastfarms.com is 6 still needing Jobs Dec 17 - Christmas Day.
This morning session of a customer's Great Pyrenees Puppy who wanted a mostly in-house dog for a autistic child which a few of our pups latched on to disabled child instead of 100% dedicated to the livestock. They seem to sense it and this puppy will be no different, with 1 child good luck in snatching her up because you may be eaten alive.
Great Pyrenees fossils have been found as early as 10,000 BC as early Nomads brought them to the Great Pyrenees mountains around 3,000 B.C I can attest that a big male as these puppies father can, will and have shredded Coyotes, Raccoons and fox the parents seem to train puppies as they get older walking around. Annabelle, Radar and Chloe and Undertaker if a pup shows a interest wanting to play the adults ALWAYS correct the issues before I can intervene they are proficient in this.
I have had folks tell everyone in a Facebook group all pups will kill pups only to shut them up by videos of Ole red, a Rhode Island Red hen that slept on top of the fluffy puppies and one time coming in to feed puppies jump up while she was still sitting and as the pups got up a egg that hit the floor and as they head to the feed tray and they and pups momma allow the chicken to get involved in filling her gizzard.
So this puppy is going to a home of an autistic child so we're doing allot more we would do for a customer and that's where we Excell its not always about the money.