Tis the Season

Tis the Season Tis the Season Gifts and More to Celebrate Life
Locally owned and operated gift shop showcasing local artists Something special from the Three K's

Tis the Season to celebrate Tuesday, January 28, 2025, where today is NATIONAL BLUEBERRY PANCAKE DAY, NATIONAL KAZOO DAY...

Tis the Season to celebrate Tuesday, January 28, 2025, where today is NATIONAL BLUEBERRY PANCAKE DAY, NATIONAL KAZOO DAY, and INTERNATIONAL LEGO DAY.
I can also celebrate that this Tuesday is a lot warmer than last Tuesday. Remember? Today we might get above 50 degrees! What a difference a week can make!
Are you happy that January is about over…. putting Spring closer. I can certainly celebrate that!
How does a Kazoo Concert sound to celebrate warmer weather and an approaching Spring. Ok, so you don’t have a Kazoo. How does celebrating with Blueberry Pancakes sound? I just must decide if I want Blueberry Pancakes for breakfast, lunch, or supper! I know, that is a hard question.
Lastly, does celebrating International Lego Day hold some interest to you, too? If you have not considered LEGOs for some time, you might want to do a little research. There are some amazing LEGO sets out there now…. LEGO sets for all ages and many, many interests. Trust me, I know some things about LEGO sets, for I have a family member that puts several LEGO ideas/options on her Christmas Wish List each year. Also, trust me, when I say you might just have to dig a little deeper in your pocket to pay for said LEGO sets. I am told that they are loads of fun, though, and some even say they are a great stress reliever. Check it out; LEGOs might become your new 2025 INTEREST!!
Whether you are into LEGOs or not, though, try to make the most of this day. Whether you have a Kazoo or not, make your own music today. Enjoy those Blueberry Pancakes, too.
Yes, let the ENJOYMENT begin.
Until we meet again. See you, bye.

Tis the Season to celebrate Saturday, January 27, 2024, where today is NATIONAL CHOCOLATE CAKE DAY and NATIONAL GEOGRAPH...

Tis the Season to celebrate Saturday, January 27, 2024, where today is NATIONAL CHOCOLATE CAKE DAY and NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC DAY.
Oh! My! National Chocolate Cake Day! Is this the best news that you have heard today?
Are you ready to buy or bake a Chocolate Cake today? If you bake it, will you make it from scratch or will you choose a cake mix? I know that I usually go with a Duncan Hines Cake Mix. I find them delicious and intriguing, too.
In fact, just this morning, thanks to my book, FOODIMENTARY, by John-Bryan Hopkins, I discovered some tasty information about cake mixes. “The Duff Company from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, brought the first boxed cake mixes to the market in the early 1930s.” However, “Cake mixes didn’t take off until after World War II, when mixes requiring fresh eggs became popular.” I also discovered that “In 1948, Pillsbury introduced the first boxed chocolate cake mix.”
So, are you ready to bake that Chocolate Cake (mix or scratch) yet? First, though, are you ready for more history?
As I considered National Geographic Day, I allowed Checkiday to enlighten me on this celebration, too. “The National Geographic Society was incorporated in Washington, D.C. on today’s date in 1888. Nine months after the society got its start, National Geographic Magazine began being printed.” Are you presently a recipient of this publication? Do you also love the National Geographic television channel? Don’t you believe that the fellows that started the National Geographic Society in 1888 would be totally amazed how their endeavor has grown over the years.
Just as I believe that Betty Crocker, Duncan Hines, and others would be astonished with how their products have continued to grow over the years, too. Can you imagine what they would say if they could walk down the cake mix aisles in today’s grocery stores?
I believe they would say, “It is time to celebrate! It is time for Chocolate Cake!!”
Great idea!!Let the baking/buying begin.
Until we meet again. See you, bye.
Information for this blog came from Checkiday, Foodimentary, and Wikipedia.

Tis the Season to celebrate Friday January 26, 2024, where today is NATIONAL PEANUT BRITTLE DAY and NATIONAL SPOUSE’S DA...

Tis the Season to celebrate Friday January 26, 2024, where today is NATIONAL PEANUT BRITTLE DAY and NATIONAL SPOUSE’S DAY. Most importantly, though, it is a Day of Worship for many of us! Are you ready to enjoy this day?
We can enjoy some Peanut Brittle if we can find some at the store OR…. we could make our own. The internet is packed with Peanut Brittle recipes. Some people even make Microwave Peanut Brittle. They say that it is quite good….as good as made from scratch. So maybe it will even be Microwave Peanut Brittle for you today.
Whether you make it from scratch or not; though, if your spouse loves Peanut Brittle, you can tell him/her it was made/purchased especially for them. Now, you will just have to determine what else you will do for your spouse today to make this National Spouse’s Day notably special. Whether you have been married for just a few years or you have already celebrated certain milestones (25th Anniversary, 50th Anniversary, etc., etc.), surprise your spouse today in a manner that will allow him/her to see just how SPECIAL they are to you.
Let this day be limited only by your imagination. Yes, make this a Red-Letter Day for your spouse. A day where they will once again be so delighted they said “YES” to you!!!!
Let the dreaming and planning begin.
Until we meet again. See you, bye.

Tis the Season to celebrate Saturday, January 25, 2025, where today is NATIONAL OPPOSITE DAY, LOCAL QUILT SHOP DAY, and ...

Tis the Season to celebrate Saturday, January 25, 2025, where today is NATIONAL OPPOSITE DAY, LOCAL QUILT SHOP DAY, and NATIONAL FISH TACO DAY.
HHHhhhmmmnnnn celebrating National Opposite Day doesn’t sound so great to me. I have a hard enough time trying to do things right; I don’t believe I want to complicate matters by doing things just the opposite of the way they need to be done. However, if you are game to do things differently today (i.e., wear shoes on the wrong foot, wear clothes backward or inside out, say just the opposite of what you mean, etc., etc.) have at it. Maybe it is a day more suited for the young.
Now the other two daily celebrations are more doable for older folks such as myself. How about you? I know that if you live in or near Wayne County, Monticello has a WONDERFUL Quilt Shop for you to visit. I also know folks that think Fish Tacos are wonderful, too.
Plus, maybe today would be a good day to look at our MONTHLY CELEBRATIONS, too, especially since we just have one more week of January!! Can you believe it? 2025 is certainly off and running.
Wow, just mentioning some of these celebrations makes me consider all the different soups I can try in 7 days. I might even freeze some of them to help me get through the chilly days of February. Slow Cooking sounds (and smells) good, too.
HHHHhhhmmnn, could COOKING be considered as a HOBBY? Yes, I think it could be if you enjoy learning and sharing new dishes with family and friends. In fact, your recipients might love your new dishes so much that they would like you to teach them how to create such wonders. Thus, you become a MENTOR, too.
Yes, I think we older folks can truly celebrate the rest of January.
Let the celebrating begin.
Until we meet again. See you, bye.

Tis the Season to celebrate Friday, January 24, 2025, where today is NATIONAL LOBSTER THERMIDOR DAY. Does that whet your...

Tis the Season to celebrate Friday, January 24, 2025, where today is NATIONAL LOBSTER THERMIDOR DAY. Does that whet your appetite? What is not to like…. lobster in creamy white sauce topped with crusty brown cheese. It is expensive, though. So expensive that some, namely me, do not trust ourselves with the preparation. We want to leave that to the experts. Experts, that might not be too close.
So, where does that leave us? We could celebrate NATIONAL PEANUT BUTTER DAY. You might be hard pressed to use peanut butter in your main dish today, but it certainly makes a good snack. Plus, it sure plays well with a lot of desserts. What peanut butter confection that you prepare does your family like the most? You know the one where you receive the most compliments!
Speaking of compliments (I had to work for that segue), today is also NATIONAL COMPLIMENT DAY. Every day should/could be National Compliment Day since a spoken word of praise is so easy to give. Easily given…. but the impact can produce such powerful results.
Just think about compliments that you have received and just how much they meant. Case in point, Mark Twain was quoted as saying, “I can live for two months on a good compliment.” Perhaps it speaks to the doubts that we all have. Compliments just reaffirm something that we hope is true.
If you, that have been successful in life need compliments to fuel your endeavors, how about those folks that are presently struggling? Some sincere words of encouragement via a compliment, just might give the recipient the energy and power needed to continue with their initiatives. You are being asked to help with that nourishment today.
You might not be able to nourish yourself with lobster today, due to expense and availability, but at NO expense, COMPLIMENTS can profoundly change a person’s day!
Yes, you can spread some joy today. And if the Lobster Thermidor is truly out of the picture today, just be happy spreading the Peanut Butter.
Keep spreading the joy and I will continue spreading the somewhat “corny” writing!!
Until we meet again. See you, bye.

Tis the Season to celebrate Thursday, January 23, 2025, where today is NATIONAL PIE DAY, NATIONAL RHUBARB PIE DAY, and N...

Tis the Season to celebrate Thursday, January 23, 2025, where today is NATIONAL PIE DAY, NATIONAL RHUBARB PIE DAY, and NATIONAL HANDWRITING DAY.
Yes, National Pie Day….so many possibilities. If you must limit this celebration to one pie, what will it be? Maybe, though, it will be two pies since Rhubarb Pie was smart enough not to be overlooked today. Whatever pie(s) you choose, though, it is wonderful that you choose to “bake this world a better place” today. In fact, to make Pie Day even more special, maybe you will decide to learn how to make a new pie…. something that you have always wanted to try, but never got to it.
Speaking of learning something new, as soon as I saw that today was National Handwriting Day, once again I thought of Fancy Writing and how much I want to learn how to do it. When I say Fancy Writing I mean something like calligraphy. You know the type of writing done now for wall hangings, cards, advertisements, etc., etc. What better way to get started on this quest than National Handwriting Day? Especially since the art of handwriting is becoming somewhat of a lost art. Since we communicate so much via social media (texting, emailing, etc.), handwritten notes, cards, and letters are becoming somewhat of an oddity.
However, I like the distinctive touch when someone takes the time to sign and sends me a personalized message. A personal HANDWRITTEN message. How about you? To celebrate this day, would you like to consider sending out a few handwritten notes today? Think about it.
Yes, think about that while I consider what pie I will choose to celebrate this day. I will also have to consider how much of that said pie I am going to consume. Or I could be like the baseball great, Yogi Berra, when he said, “Cut my PIE into four pieces, I don’t think I could eat eight.”
Let the cutting begin.
Until we meet again. See you, bye.

Tis the Season to celebrate Wednesday, January 22, 2025, where today is CELEBRATION OF LIFE DAY, NATIONAL BLONDE BROWNIE...

Tis the Season to celebrate Wednesday, January 22, 2025, where today is CELEBRATION OF LIFE DAY, NATIONAL BLONDE BROWNIE DAY, and NATIONAL HOT SAUCE DAY.
Celebration of Life Day is a celebration to honor your children and grandchildren! I know, how wonderful is that!! Granted, you probably celebrate your children and/or your grandchildren every day, but can you ever celebrate them too much? I know you have their birthday and other special holidays that you celebrate them specifically, but I suggest you add this to your list, too. Some even take the day further and simply celebrate LIFE in general.
To add some spice to this day of celebration, you might choose to celebrate National Hot Sauce Day, too. However, you might want to make sure you have some anti-acids available and/or plenty of milk and other calming factors to reduce the inferno effects in your mouth.
If you celebrate National Blonde Brownie Day, too, those very brownies might help reduce the heat abiding in your mouth, too. Yes, allow this sweet treat to not only satisfy your sweet tooth today, but also put your brownies to work today to quiet the furnace in your mouth. You know there is a reason that it is referred to as HOT Sauce!!! Perhaps you just need to oversee the sauce with care!
Just as I trust that you manage this entire day with care and prayer, too.
Please continue to pray for our Nation and World. In honor of Celebration of Life Day, part of our prayers today can be prayers of praise and thanksgiving for our children and grandchildren and just LIFE itself.
May our prayers continue just as suggested in 1Thessalonians 5:17. “Pray without ceasing.”
Until we meet again. See you, bye.
Information for this blog came from Checkiday and the Bible.

Tis the Season to celebrate Monday, January 20, 2025, which is MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY. In fact, you might have the d...

Tis the Season to celebrate Monday, January 20, 2025, which is MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. DAY. In fact, you might have the day off from work today in honor of MLK DAY. No matter what you plan to do today to celebrate the day, one aspect of MLK Day remains the same. We are still being asked to observe the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service.
This aspect of MLK Day became known as the King Holiday and Service Act. It was the desire of this piece of legislation to encourage citizens to transform Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, from a day of observance to a day of action and service. President Clinton signed the legislation into law in 1994.
Dr. King was always looking for solutions to our nation’s problems. I believe he would say that we could all roll up our sleeves today and look for ways to help our nation to become better.
Speaking of our nation, I would be remiss if I did not mention that this day is the Inauguration of our 47th President. It will begin with a church service at the historic St. John’s Church and a tea with the Biden’s before heading to the U.S. Capitol for the swearing-in ceremony which will be around 12 PM in the U.S Capitol Rotunda (due to the extreme cold). After President Trump’s inaugural address, he will hit the ground running with some executive orders. May God bless the new President and all the legislative members. Yes, may God Bless America.
No matter your political stance (I know this day is hard for many Americans) please allow this to be your prayer today, along with prayers that people can stay safe during this time of bitter freezing weather. Presently, the state of Kentucky, as well as a substantial percentage of our entire nation, is under a bitter freeze. For homeless people and people living in humble homes, staying warm can be a matter of grave concern.
Yes, I believe this should be a Day of Prayer.
Let the praying begin.
Until we meet again. See you, bye.
Information for this blog came from NBC News.

Tis the Season to celebrate Sundy, January 19, 2025, where today is NATIONAL POPCORN DAY, TIN CAN DAY, and GOOD MEMORY D...

Tis the Season to celebrate Sundy, January 19, 2025, where today is NATIONAL POPCORN DAY, TIN CAN DAY, and GOOD MEMORY DAY. Most importantly, though, it is a Day of Worship for many of us.
After worship, what will be on your agenda first? For me, I can celebrate popcorn anytime of the day. You see, I love popcorn. But CAN I celebrate Tin CAN Day? I CAN… if I CAN figure out how to celebrate the Tin CAN. I know that I CAN continue to RECYLE my cans. I also know that folks have found crafty cool ways to use their cans, too. So, if you think you CAN celebrate CANS today, you CAN!!
Can you as easily celebrate a good memory? On this snowy day, would you love to get out your old photos and take a walk down memory lane? Or have you noticed your memory does not serve you as well as it did in the past? That is even more reason to celebrate Good Memory Day by seeing what we can do to improve our memory, especially the good ones. As expected, there is research/suggestions on the subject. If you are led to study this subject further today, you will see certain techniques/suggestions that appear in most articles. Four steps/suggestions that appear in all my studies are as follows: 1. Daily Physical Activity (increases blood flow to the entire body including the brain). 2. Stay Mentally Active (i.e., crossword puzzles, learn to play a new instrument, read aloud, learn a new language, etc., etc.) 3. Sleep Well (a person over sixty needs 7-9 hours of sleep per night). 4. Healthy Diet ……
HHHhhmmmnnn, why does it always have to come back to what we eat?
So….so what is recommended? Well, you have probably heard of some of the recommendations. Presently one of the most acclaimed approved diets is the Mediterranean Diet or something similar. A diet that focuses on fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, poultry, and fish.
Bottom line, there is research out there to help you decide what is the healthiest route for you. A route that will help your memory, too. You could start by Googling TOP BRAIN FOOD.
Speaking of memory, I just remembered something that I am supposed to be doing. I need to be studying my Sunday School lesson. So….
Until we meet again. See you, bye.

Tis the Season to celebrate Saturday, January 18, 2025, where many will be much in favor of celebrating NATIONAL WINNIE ...

Tis the Season to celebrate Saturday, January 18, 2025, where many will be much in favor of celebrating NATIONAL WINNIE THE POOH DAY. I just love Winnie the Pooh, don’t you? Especially how much he believes in the power of LOVE.
Just consider some favorite Winnie the Pooh quotes, and once again you will see how much he values the bonds of love and friendship. Quotes such as “A hug is always the right size.,” “Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart.,” “Any day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside.,” and maybe my favorite, “Any day spent with you is my favorite day. So, today is my new favorite day.”
But wait, there is more. Today is also NATIONAL GOURMET COFFEE DAY and THESAURUS DAY.
Ok, ok, some of you are not a Word Nerd……like I am, so the Thesaurus might be out. However, did National Gourmet Coffee Day get your attention? Are you hoping to get to your favorite Coffee Shop today if the weather will permit. Yes, some Kentucky weather forecasters are saying rain…. then possible snow. Winnie the Pooh might say it is time to put your boots on. Then he would follow with…. “When you see someone putting on their Big Boots….an adventure is going to happen.”
An adventure where you choose to venture out to purchase your favorite gourmet coffee and maybe even stop by a bookstore to purchase another thesaurus. (I just had to include just one more Thesaurus Plug.)
And to prove to Winnie the Pooh that I am really listening/honoring his wisdom today, I am being led to go ahead and end today’s blog since I totally agree with this Pooh wisdom. “What could be more important than a little something to eat?”
Yes, breakfast is calling.
Until we meet again. See you, bye.
Information for this blog came from Checkiday and Wikipedia.

Tis the Season to celebrate Friday, January 17, 2025, where today is DITCH NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS DAY.HHHhhmmmnn, I do no...

Tis the Season to celebrate Friday, January 17, 2025, where today is DITCH NEW YEARS RESOLUTIONS DAY.
HHHhhmmmnn, I do not know about this celebration. If your Resolution is going well and you are incredibly pleased with your success/process thus far…. I say stick with it. If you ditched your Resolution days ago, I say that you are ahead of the game.
Enough about resolutions, though, how do you feel about BEN FRANKLIN DAY and POPEYE THE SAILOR MAN DAY. To honor Ben Franklin who was born on this day in 1706, would you like to learn more about him …. other than just being on the $100.00 bill. Do you remember all that he invented? We might remember the lighting rod, bifocals, and a wood-burning stove with sliding doors…. but there are probably some more inventions. Yes, we might need to do a Ben Franklin refresher course.
How about Popeye, are you considering some spinach to celebrate this sailor today? Who knows, you might start feeling stronger, too. Maybe to humor yourself and your funny bone, you might watch a few of his cartoon clips on the internet. Who knows, you might go through the rest of the day saying, “I yam what I yam, and that’s all I yam!”
To end today’s blog, I think I will borrow one of his quotes, too. “That’s all I can stands, cause I can’t stands no more!” (Maybe you can’t either, ha!)
Until we meet again. See you, bye.

Tis the Season to do NOTHING! Yes, since 1973, January 16 has been labeled as NATIONAL NOTHING DAY. A day where you are ...

Tis the Season to do NOTHING! Yes, since 1973, January 16 has been labeled as NATIONAL NOTHING DAY. A day where you are encouraged to sit without celebrating, observing, or honoring anything. Do you like the sound of that?
However, maybe this is just not how you are geared. You need to be productive; you need to be up and doing fun things. Ok, there are a few options for you, too. Today is also INTERNATIONAL HOT AND SPICY FOOD DAY and NATIONAL FIG NEWTON DAY. If hot and spicy suits your palette, why not plate it up for lunch and supper, too. Yes, I am onboard for HOT and Spicy. Plus, I am always onboard Fig Newtons; they are delicious.
So, celebrate DO-NOTHING DAY or entertain your palette. Your decision.
Until we meet again. See you, bye.

Tis the Season to celebrate Wednesday, January 15, 2025, which is HUMANITARIAN DAY. How does this day sound to you? As J...

Tis the Season to celebrate Wednesday, January 15, 2025, which is HUMANITARIAN DAY. How does this day sound to you? As January is now about half over, are you ready for an adventure?
An adventure where you choose to do a SERVICE for someone in need. An adventure that could have your community, town, state, and nation on a road/direction that will produce positive benefits for many?
What is that? Are you doubting your influence and impact this morning? How about if you start small? One example I can think of for the people of Wayne County (Monticello, Ky.) is to help with the House of Blessings Project. A project where three days a week, a hot meal is provided for over 1,000 people. Drivers are needed. Prep cooks are needed. Of course, a clean-up crew is always needed/appreciated.
Need more information? Just call Miss Veronica at 765-635-7018 or stop by the House of Blessing. She would gladly accept any humanitarian effort you offer.
Plus, while you are setting that in motion, you might consider celebrating some of today’s other celebrations. Today is also NATIONAL BAGEL DAY, NATIONAL FRESH SQUEEZED JUICE DAY, NATIONAL HAT DAY, and NATIONAL STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM DAY.
Yes, fuel this Humanitarian Day with bagels, juice, and strawberry ice cream while looking very stylish in one of your favorite hats.
Hello Wednesday! Let’s do this!
Until we meet again. See you, bye.

Tis the Season to celebrate Tuesday, January 14, 2025, where today is NATIONAL HOT PASTRAMI SANDWICH DAY, NATIONAL DRESS...

Tis the Season to celebrate Tuesday, January 14, 2025, where today is NATIONAL HOT PASTRAMI SANDWICH DAY, NATIONAL DRESS UP YOUR PET DAY, and RATIFICATION DAY.
If you are like I, when someone mentions a specialty sandwich, I am onboard. If the sandwich happens to feature a highly seasoned smoked beef and wears the title, Hot Pastrami Sandwich…. I say, “Yes, please!”
I cannot say the same, though, when it came to dressing up my dogs for National Dress Up Your Pet Day. My dogs didn’t even like to wear collars. Maybe because it meant one thing; they were going to the vet. However, if your pet just loves to wear different coverings and outfits, maybe it would be fun to get them a new outfit today in honor of the celebration.
Would it also be fun to have a little history lesson today, too? Today is Ratification Day (January 14, 1784). As U.S. Citizens, this is an important date in our history as this is the date the Second Treaty of Paris was signed ending the War for Independence (the Revolutionary War between Great Britain and the United States). Bottom line, the 13 colonies gained their independence from their Mother Country.
I believe celebrating/understanding our history has always been important, but considering the present, obvious conflict between our political parties…. I find it even more important! Even the same legislative bodies that at times seems to be “warring” against each other.
Speaking of war, of all the wars involving American soldiers, the Civil War produced the greatest losses (623,026). I guess you could say that our greatest enemy was each other (brother against brother, one state against another). Unfortunately, our present-day conflict has far too many similarities. History can be such a great teacher. I pray that we will listen to her lessons and find ways to become the UNITED States of America once again.
Speaking of history…. this blog is now becoming history in that I am out of here!
I am history!
Until we meet again. See you, bye.


55 1275 South
Monticello, KY

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Wednesday 10am - 5pm
Thursday 10am - 5pm
Friday 10am - 5pm
Saturday 10am - 3pm





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