Happy Small Business Saturday! Thank you all for supporting local. To show our appreciation for your support, all day today, spend $100 or more in-store and we’ll throw in one of our brand new F44 tote bags!
And now, a note from our owner, Rick Anderson:
“Small Business Saturday was, ironically, created as a marketing effort by a massive financial services company in 2010. What surely began as a way to “increase consumer engagement” on an otherwise sleepy shopping day has taken on a life of its own. Thankfully, in the years since this concept launched, people have increasingly come to understand that “big box stores” aren’t all they’re cracked up to be and “low, low, prices” come with a host of unseen costs.
By directing some of your purchases to a small business, you are investing in your local community because all the money we earn stays close to home. Plus, small businesses add uniqueness and character in a way that no large chain can manage. Each business reflects the personality of its owner, as well as the team they assemble. While we may not be able to offer a rock-bottom price, we hopefully make up for it in more personal service. This allows for the magical “Cheers” feeling many people crave but struggle to find in a large operator. Because of this personal touch, small businesses really define a neighborhood, giving it character that is sorely lacking in shopping malls or big box stores.
Of course, it all begins with you, our customer. By choosing to shop local, you make it all possible. Our commitment to you is that we will work every day to earn your business, to provide good value for your money and to continue to nurture the communities in which we live, work, and play. We are all very thankful for your continued.”
Thank you all! Happy Saturday!