A bottle of Jack Daniels bitters missing from our inventory. Watch the guy in white t-shirt and make up your own mind regarding what you see. If you know either of them, be sure they know we have this video and several stills.
The thief, on the run at 12:30, when he realized we were on to him
We have a new hand held sanitizer here at The Reserve. Victor found it on Amazon using the search term "handheld sanitizer sprayer" and then looked thru to find one with UV C light. It's being used on all contact surfaces, air intakes, and while walking throughout the store before opening and several times daily.
Here's a heads up worth remembering. September 20th, from 4 to 7, the full line of spirits from Filibuster Distillery will be available for sampling here at The Reserve. Come on by to experience these dual cask aged spirits for yourself and take home your favorite!
Here's a reminder of specials through September 15 and a few of the newer things we have on the shelf. Look close; one of these is very limited...
Specials started today and run through September 11, 2019. If you live in the eastern part of Blount County, take a look at Mint Magazine in your mid-week mail to see the full list of items on special or, just come on by The Reserve and see for yourself.
A hearty thanks to Knoxville Beverage for the new window panel. The old one was so sun faded that it was hard to see what the banner was.
Just a reminder of current sale items. Also,we have added some new products at very competitive prices. A great new Rock & Rye from Stolen Spirits and a new line of organic wines from Art of Earth are among my favorites. Heck, we even have CBD products for people and pets.
Reminder... Tennessee requires all liquor stores to close Easter Sunday. I hope everyone saw our ad in Mint Magazine. Some really great sale prices are available this month, but today we feature some of the newest products at The Reserve in this post.
Check out our ad in next week's Mint Magazine for new specials. You can also come by the store or look at the posted flyer. The sale prices are good starting today!
New specials at The Reserve...
Also, new product this week is Three Finger Jack Cabernet out of Lodi. Named for a gold rush era outlaw, this wine is a bit of an outlaw itself, taking grapes from multiple vineyards and elevations throughout Lodi. We will be opening a bottle to sample Friday afternoon and probably Saturday, as well. Come on by and experience this one for yourself Friday, March 29th, anytime after 3:00pm