Get ready Vegas and join us on September 9th!. #malo #tierra #oldschoolmusic #oldschoolmusiclovers #oldiesbutgoodies#lowrideroldies #oldiesconcert #barrelsandvinesliquorlv #ElChicano
Top 9 Posts in 2022 and what better tribute song to @coolio who's in 2 of our top 9.
He was a great friend of ours, as he will never be forgotten. Everyone have a safe New Years Eve out there! Thank you for a great year! From @barrelsandvinesliquorlv family
#coolio #top2022 #lasvegaslocals #lvliquorstore #lasvegasliquor #bestoflasvegas #lasvegaslocalbusiness #bestof2022 #nye2022
Come today for your last minute liquor needs! Call in an order to 702-331-3429 & prepay if you're in a rush to your Thanksgiving meal! We hope that everyone enjoys a safe holiday with the ones that you love most!
Barrels And Vines Liquor Familia
#lasvegasliquorstore #lvliquor #openthanksgiving #lasvegaslocals #SupportSmallBusiness
All are invited! Happy 1 Year Anniversary Barrels And Vines Liquor LV!
Stop in @barrelsandvinesliquorlv to try one of our uniqueitems that we carry! We're located in the Southernarea of town here in Las Vegas. Have some @doritos @cheetos @lays that are unique in flavors andinternational. Also @faygo beverages along with@minute_maid_offical drinks in exotic flavors. #faygobeverages #foreignchips #doritosinternational #lasvegassmallbusiness #supportsmallbusinesslasvegas #uniqueitems #barrelsandvinesliquorlv #lasvegasliquorstore #notjustaliquorstore #vegasbaby
Tequila Tuesday with a throwback just a couple of weeks ago with @osadiatequila. We love having different vendors in the store. Our next big event with tastings all day is November 19th for our one year anniversary party! Don’t miss it! #tequilatuesday #osadia #osadiatequila #tequila#tequilatequila #tequilashots #tequilaanejo#tequilareposado #tequilalife #lasvegasliquorstore#liquorstorelife #lasvegaswineandspirits #vegaslife#blancotequila #happyhourtime #tequilareels #igreel
Its one week to be exact until voting polls are done for Best Liquor Store 2022 in Las Vegas.
Our family would like to thank everyone for the
ongoing support in having our store. Please tap the link for a easy vote!
We couldn't do it without our loyal customers, friends and family. Stay tuned for some events that we have lined up that'll include our 1 year celebration!
Barrels & Vines Family
#supportsmallbusiness #lasvegassmallbusiness
#bestoflasvegas #lasvegaswineandspirits
#viquorstore #lasvegasliquorstore
#barrelsandvinesliquorlv #wineandspirits
We’re grateful to be nominated as Best Liquor Store in Las Vegas! Please vote for us Voting can be daily until September 22nd #bestoflasvegas #bestoflasvegas2022 #lasvegasliquorstore
Today we honor the legacy Elvis Presleybeing gone for 45 years now. @elviswhiskeyis part of a licensing collaboration betweenGrain & Barrel Spirits and Authentic BrandsGroup, who bought the Elvis brand from theElvis family. Elvis was one of the mostsignificant cultural icons of the 20th centuryand his commanding voice and charismaticstage presence unleashed a musical and ISKEY,cultural revolution that changed the world. #tennesseewhiskey #whiskeys #whiskey #ryewhiskey #elvispresley#elviswhiskey #whiskeylover #elvislover #elvispresleyanniversary #elvisforever #elvispresleyfans #whiskeylife #whiskeygram #whiskeyporn #kingofrockandroll #lasvegasliquorstore #barrelsandvinesliquorlv #lvliquor #lasvegaslocals
Happy National Watermelon Day! From Barrels and Vines Liquor LV. We have watermelon wine, rum, vodka, and a premixed cocktail all in this refreshing flavor! We’re open daily at 10am in the southern area of the Las Vegas strip! #WatermelonDay #NationalWatermelonDay #flavoredvodka #watermelonvodka #ciroc #WatermelonRum #premixeddrinks
Its National Tequila Day!
Happy International Tequila Day! Life is always better for everyone with some good Tequila! We are open today in the Southern valley of Las Vegas, Nevada from 10-8pm.
#nationaltequiladay #internationaltequiladay
#tequiladay #tequila #tequilas #tequilashots
#tequilalover #tequilalife #tequilaworthcelebrating
#patron #claseazul #claseazultequila #casamigos
#donjulio #añejo #blancotequila #reposadotequila
#lasvegasliquor #liquorstorelife #tequilatime
#tequilatequila #lasvegassmallbusiness