Wrapping up another barrel to ship out!
Getting that drum wrapped and off to a new home!
We've got stainless steel drums in a range of sizes, good for a multitude of applications.
Give 'em a peep at bubbasbarrels.com
Custom work is our specialty!
This is so cool we had to share it again. This is just some of our recent custom builds.
Give us a shout if you have a custom design in mind.
Shipping more drums today
Getting that drum wrapped and off to a new home!
We've got stainless steel drums in a range of sizes, good for a multitude of applications.
Check them out at bubbasbarrels.com
Mushroom substrate steamers are shipping now
Here's Brandon welding a fitting on a Mushroom Steamer. Working on getting those steamers out to customers just as quick as we can.
Check them out at bubbasbarrels.com
Custom builds are what we do!
A whole slew of some recent custom builds. Made to order at bubbasbarrels.com
Need a custom tank for your next project? Give us a holler! We can build a tank for all sorts of applications.
Closed head drums in stock and shipping now
Josh is giving a used barrel an extra rinse before it gets shipped out to a new owner.
We've got used, closed head drums and plenty of them.
Details matter at Bubba's
Taking care of the details inside and out.
Gotta get it right the first time.
Custom ports put where you want them
The first step for adding npt fittings- punching out the hole.
Need fittings added to a drum?
We can do that.
We're more than caught up on orders and we're shipping more today!
Letting the good time roll at Bubba's Barrels. Rolling tanks right on outta here!
Need drums? Custom tanks? Give us a shout. We got you.
We do custom work like it's our job! (because it is)
We do all sorts of custom work here at Bubba's. Brandon is finishing up a custom funnel.
Give us a shout if you're looking for some custom stainless steel work.
Custom work by great people. It's what we're about!
We've got Brent with the mill turned on its side again. He's working on a really cool custom component.
Check it out.
Need custom work? Give us a holler!