A Trailer Park on the beautiful Gulf side of Key Largo that could be AWESOME except ~ FILTHY DIRTY RAT & Drug Dealer INFESTED RV PARK ~ run down little park that is owned by a Local Slumlord & Islamorada Mayor This page Formally was: "Children of the Corn Trailer Park"
~ ~ FILTHY DIRTY RAT & Drug Dealer INFESTED RV PARK ~ ~ ....A Filthy Rat infested Dope Fiends & Dealers filled run do
wn little park that is owned by a Local Slumlord Politician in Islamorada as a Councilman CHRIS SANTE who also was the mayor at 1 time... and if you even threaten to report the conditions to the local Board of Health Mr SANTE Will EVICT YOU! If you say anything about his Alcoholic Manager, Bruce RAMSEY , he will notify Mr SANTE and then You will BE EVICTED. If this ALCOHOLIC Manager BRUCE RAMSEY just doesnt like you, he will threaten the other Tenants with EVICTION and have them LIE to the Slumlord Politician Owner Chris SANTE... and THEN you will be EVICTED. ( not that anyone has to Lie... Mr SANTE LOVES Throwing out the elderly and terminally ill.... This Slumlord, Mr SANTE, has NOT done ONE improvement to this park in the almost 4 YEARS I took this Abuse. My Cat is a Lethal Mouser, but when we moved to this Park.... the RATS were so BIG, the beat the S**t out of my Cat and I was constantly doctoring him because of the Holes these Chi-wawa Dog sized RATS put in my Cat !Around Thanksgiving 2 years ago I bought about 5 HUGE Wooden steal spring traps that cost me about $8 Each.... ( The Rats would haul anything smaller away...).... and within 7 or 8 days I caught and killed 20 or 21 RATS! There are so many I actually caught TWO RATS IN ONE TRAP! In One Trap!.... Well... I have to be out on the 1st of June. I own my AVION....,.,,,,,,,,,,.. ( airstream)... and this PIG of a Politician has already asked 2 of the Dope Fiends here if they want to Buy it! MY RV !!! He was going to Sell My AVION. Like HE OWNED IT! ... WTF? Im 64... terminally ill.... on a very small fixed income... and this CHRIS SANTE is EVICTING ME! For No Reason. I have never been late with my rent. I dont even leave my yard to go to our private Beach because the Manager, BRUCE RAMSEY makes s**t up and blames it on me! He got caught doing that once because I stayed at a friends for a week and he said He SAW ME doing something... and I wasnt even there! This Politician CHRIS SANTE owns a lot of "Low Income SLUMS" here in Key Largo. Steer clear of anything he owns. Or you will be HOMELESS in no time if you dont Follow HIS ILLEGAL RULES. ........ PS... One Dope Fiend who even WORKS for this Politician... was making CRYSTAL M**H in his trailer. His Girlfriend had to sleep on the porch because of the Smell. That was before she moved.... when he beat the s**t out of her. I did NOT Know such places existed in Key Largo.... and I have LIVED in Key Largo 27 YEARS!