Subscribe and save while staying safe. For 48.99 three bottles of any brand with up to 100ml sized nic salts included. This is for the first 50 customers only, after which price for this deal will change based on size bottle ordered. You get to pick what is in stock now and have same day delivery, or pick whatever you want and we will be sure to have it every 2 weeks sooner or later. It is up to you. No need to commit except for the one future order in 2 weeks and the one ordered that day. Go to Ezv** for more details. However be sure to text directly and not order onliine, while some maintenance is still going on. 713- 2o2- one088. This is for anything so long as our distro has it and will be cheaper than anywhere else. Check out v** for more selection but they are only one of our distros. To get this price you must order through us. We have other distros so if what you V**e is not listed so just let me know as I'm sure I can find it. This is how you stay home and v**e safe.
Come by and see us. One stop v**e shop 😄
Moment of silence please for my loss. At least untill I find the glass replacement.
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Cat spinner
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