We have some news: The Beer Cellar in Geneva is closing.
Our last planned day of service will be this coming Sunday, February 25. Through that date, we’ll be open our usual daily hours.
We’re disappointed, but after the past four and a half years, we’re not at all surprised that we’ve come to this point. Opening a new business is always a risk, and because we opened our doors just months before COVID hit, the struggle to get going was amplified in ways we never imagined.
We kept trying to adapt and grow — hoping we’d really be able to make it work — but last fall, we realized it was time to pull the plug. We made the choice to look for someone to take over our lease, and close our doors.
We may be closing in Geneva, but nothing is changing at our Glen Ellyn location, so we hope to still see you there!
To our customers in Geneva, thank you for your support over the past four and a half years. We appreciate you coming to the bar to enjoy some beers with us! And to our awesome staff: thank you. We’ve been so lucky to have an incredible staff in Geneva.
This coming weekend will be our farewell weekend, so come on out and enjoy some beers with us one more time — and stock up on beer, wine, and spirits to take home!
Finally, we just want to say: Downtown Geneva is filled with so many unique, wonderful shops, restaurants, bars and other businesses, and we will miss being part of this charming community. After a tumultuous few years, we hope the best days are ahead for all these local gems that make this community special.
If you have any questions or concerns, we’re here! The best way to connect is to email at [email protected]
Dave & Lauren