EmPOWERed Connections
Empowering The Whole Life of Women and Families.
EmPOWERed Connections (EC) is a 501(c) 3 Social Service Agency that was created with the whole woman and community in mind. We offer community resources, support, and educational services that will EmPOWER and Uplift the families we serve. EmPOWERed Connections will be the cornerstone of comprehensive social services in the Midlands.
EmPOWERed Connections was established in July of 2015. We have opened a Women’s Resource Center in Columbia, SC. Our target populations for our programs are low income women and families with diverse needs that include those returning from incarceration, dealing with Domestic Violence, limited parenting skills, those who have experienced long term homelessness, under or unemployment, substance abuse, as well as women living with obesity, hypertension, mental illness, diabetes, and HIV or Aids.
Through repeated failures women and families throughout South Carolina and beyond are struggling with the need for adequate housing, employment, community resources, and healthcare. EmPOWERed Connections is a program that is in direct response to the growing number of families that are either falling through the cracks of a social service loophole or are already entangled within the court system. The goal of the program is to identify women and families who are falling through the cracks. We will create a stable environment for the women and families we serve. We will offer a positive support system to avoid the pitfalls that can derail their lives. The focus is slightly different at each level but the goal remains the same; to empower the person to make positive changes in their life.
Our programs will form partnerships with local social service agencies, community service organizations, the court system and the community at large. EmPOWERed Connection’s goal is to foster a commitment to women and families that will empower and enable them to move towards creating a stable environment for themselves. Only through adequate resourcing, help, support and personal relationships can a sense of individual responsibility be reestablished that will give women the commitment to follow through on a path to destiny, hope and a brighter future.
The mission for EmPOWERed Connections is to be the vehicle by which women and families can thrive and grow in the community of their choice. Our vision is to promote various types of social awareness and empowerment for all women and families in urban and rural communities throughout South Carolina and beyond.
EmPOWERed Connections will facilitate a variety of supportive services to women, men, and adolescents. Some of the Services we will offer are included, but not limited to the following:
Re-Entry Program, designed to help strengthen urban communities by assisting formerly incarcerated persons who are reentering the community through education/employment-based programs that incorporate mentoring, job training, and other concrete services.
Provide access to preventive health care for chronic diseases in the community.
Professional Development workshops.
Empowerment and Self Development workshops.
Food and clothing assistance to the community.
Domestic Violence prevention services include a support group;
Evidence based parenting program.
Self Defense.
Entrepreneurship classes.
Parent University
Case Management, Information, Advocacy and Referrals services.
Our Goals:
To create a stable environment for the women and families we serve.
To develop programs that offer coaching for disadvantaged individuals.
Increase the access to preventive health care for women in areas such as depression, obesity, hypertension, and diabetes.
Develop future leaders and entrepreneurs in poverty stricken neighborhoods.
Decrease rate of recidivism for formerly incarcerated women.
Our Plan:
Developing strategic community based partnerships who share our mission.
Recruiting top professionals in the field.
Establishing a quality service component that focuses on research, development and measures the outcomes of our established programs.
Create educational conferences/workshops that educate other organizations/communities of our findings.
To accomplish these goals and to facilitate our plan in the most effective way, EmPOWERed Connections will provide women and families with resources and services that promote their best interest and reinforces their entire well-being.
While the agency is new we understand that one of the most important challenges facing social services agencies today is the need to implement performance-based services that align with their mission and goals. We are working to develop a Quality Assurance component that will create benchmarks to evaluate our ability to meet the needs of our community.
Although EmPOWERed Connections will focus primarily on low income women and families in the South Carolina area and beyond. Over time, EmPOWERed Connections will create a thriving inclusive environment that will be an invaluable resource to women, families and the community at large. It is our mission, our goal and our vision to fill the need in urban as well as rural communities to do better as it pertains to economics, personal development, education, and interpersonal relationships. By bringing awareness and empowerment to the lives of women and families EmPOWERed Connections exist to do just that.
Contact Us:
EmPOWERed Connections
3307 Broad River Rd Suite B
Columbia, SC 29210
Website: www.EmPOWERedConnections.org
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]