Update on Wyoming Legislature
Quick rundown on SF0163
Info on Friday’s component tasting - a six pack sampler or any six premiums from @blackbirdcigar gets you in on 4pm’s component tasting, limited to the first 25.
Message from Blackbird! 🔥
Some current limited releases we can help with, both in store and for our shipping customers:
🔥 Espinosa Knuckle Sandwich Chef’s Special
🔥 Arsenio by Aganorsa Leaf
🔥 Bishop’s Blend from Black Label
🔥 Bits Of Havana Selección de Capital by Warped
🔥 Aladino Cameroon Reserva
🔥 LFD Andalusian Bull
🔥 Espinosa 10th Anniversary
🔥 Padrón Black PB97 PCA Exclusive
🔥 Fiat Lux Tenebrus from Luciano
🔥 Paper Crane from Black Label
🔥 Aquitaine EMH Sabre Tooth from RoMa Craft
🔥 Orthodox from Black Label
Message if you need ‘em in the mailbox quick 📫
Lock and load with @stogiemag at @pca1933
Some new new from Apostate Cigars - The Zarahemla + Sword Of Laban have joined the fold, and Feathered Serpent is back in stock. Still got an Apostate torch on the house with any 3 🔥
Saturday 10-6, come see Joe Fabian and save big!
Chad Lore Music still getting it in until around 5, Gringowyo cooking it up hot and fresh, and Stahoo's Brewery and Taproom is on the pour - we’ll head inside around 5:30 for UW & Texas Tech, still plenty of time to join us for a fun evening!
Chad Lore Music in session 🎸
Your new Lotus/Vertigo dealer in Casper - come through and see all the new arrivals!