This is for the one I can truly call a friend...true friends are very few and far between!
Here’s to my friends- the ones who are always there when I need them...
Sometimes, they show up before I even realize that I need them in those moments.
They’re always there when I reach out to them, without question or judgement.
They’ve always loved me when I needed it most and even sometimes, when I deserve it least.
They stand beside me through the heartbreaks and failures, holding me together when I can’t do it myself.
They laugh with me about life’s absurdities and cry with me through the tragedies.
They’ve got my back when I don’t even ask for it.
No matter where the chips may fall or what will happen, I know that they always have my back like I have theirs..and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
Truthfully, I don’t know where I’d be without my tribe- my BFFs, my besties, my ride or dies, my sisters from another mister.
They make it all worthwhile.
They always pick up my calls and never make me feel bad for loving the wrong guy.
Most of all, no matter how long it’s been or where they are, we pick up right where we left off..that’s just who we will always be.
So, thank you to my people that have loved me through it all.
I don’t know how I would’ve made it without you all this time.
You’re more than amazing or beautiful to me, you’re everything.
Thank you for being so dear and close to my heart.
I love you for being just who you are..
My friends.
There’s no place I’d rather be than in your hearts.
It’s a wonderful feeling having you in my life.
You’re the family I choose..
Each and every day.
You’re loved more than you will ever know.
Thank you for everything you are, everything you do and what you mean to me..
But most of all, thank you..
Just for being you.
You mean everything to me,
I’ll always love you for just who you are.