Escape the Inversion this Saturday, December 7th from Noon to 5 pm... See you at the Top!
#hilltopstation #pizzadventures
Introducing the Hilltop Hot Brown Pizza the dayafterThanksgiving!Roasted Turkey, Bacon, Garlic Cheese Sauce, & Fresh Tomatoes. Supplies are unbelievably limited. See you at the Top!
#hilltopstation #pizzadventures #blackfriday2024
Hilltop Station Restaurant & Store will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, so remember to stock up beforehand... Cheers!
#hilltopstation #pizzadventures
Escape the crowds & try our new Baked Seasoned Fries! Choose from Black Garlic, Black Truffle, Rosemary, or Fire Fries... Only at Hilltop Station!
#hilltopstation #blackfryday
Hilltop Station Restaurant & Store will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, so remember to stock up beforehand... Cheers!
#hilltopstation #pizzadventures
The Hilltop Station has been open for eleven years! All thanks to you. Have a great holiday!
#hilltopstation #pizzadventures
#MadeWithRipl via
Bluesman Trent plays the Hilltop Station Wednesday, November 6th, at 6 pm. You don't want to miss this... Show up early for a good seat!
#hilltopstation #pizzadventures
For Halloween, we are watching a silent film rendition of the works of H.P. Lovecraft, and Landonious Monk will provide the music!
Doors open at 4 p.m. The show starts at 7 p.m. Show up early for a good seat!
##pizzadventures #landoniousmonk
Honey Trail plays the Hilltop Station on Wednesday, October 16th at 6 pm. Show up early for a good seat!
#hilltopstation #pizzadventures
Help Wanted at Hilltop Station!
We are ready to add to our store staff. Drop off a resume or fill out an application at the Hilltop at 12342 E. Hwy 21 and join our team!
Can you believe Hilltop Station is eleven years old?
See you at the Top!
Bluesman Trent plays the Hilltop Station Wednesday, November 6th, at 6 pm. You don't want to miss this... Show up early for a good seat!
#hilltopstation #pizzadventures