Power Market

Power Market Discover our exceptional services and loyalty program to save big on gas and earn fantastic rewards. Join our loyalty program today and start earning rewards!

Join our loyalty program to get cents off per gallon for every dollar you spend at our Power Market store, and be the first to know about special promotions and events. With our competitive prices, frequent promotions, and user-friendly Power Market app, you'll always find great deals and exclusive offers. At Power Market, we're committed to providing you with exceptional service and making your experience even better.


1975 Ponderosa Way
Anderson, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 4:30am - 11pm
Tuesday 4:30am - 11pm
Wednesday 4:30am - 11pm
Thursday 4:30am - 11pm
Friday 4:30am - 11pm
Saturday 4:30am - 11pm
Sunday 4:30am - 11pm




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