We appreciate everyone who participated in our raffle 🏆
Another raffle will be back again soon 😀
Happy Valentine's Day
#freerosé #rosewine #cotedesroses #happyvalentinesday #urmyvalentine
Don Julio 1942 Rosado is here!
Your favorite Don Julio 1942 rested in Ruby Port Wine Casks 😍
Only Limited quantity available
#merrychritsmas #goodbye2022 #letsparty #alpharettaga #liquorstore #familybusiness #smallbusiness #saturdatnight
#winetasting #alpharettaga #freeevent #charcuterieboard
#winetasting #freeevent #alphretta
Winner’s will receive a phone call or a text message. If you are 1-30 you need to be at the store at 10:00 am on Saturday, Dec. 17, if you are 31-68, be at the store 11:00 am on Saturday Dec. 17. If you are not there at the time of your turn, you will be placed at the end. Thank you for your support.
#freewinetasting @mcfarland400finewinespirits