Det får brännas i varje muskelfiber i din biceps när den utsätts för 9 olika vinklar direkt 😂💪 Allt handlar om variation i alla delar av kroppen, råkade bli biceps i fokus nu...
Med tanke på att jag har 9 olika vinklar i rörelsen och drar med skuldror som har 17 (18) muskelfästen vardera och höften som har 20 fästen så förstår ni att det sker rätt mycket kedjereaktioner under denna minut....
Ps! Om du inte är så van så börja med 2-3 reps i varje vinkel och kör med 2-3 kg, 6 kg kan bli tungt med bekostnad på rotationsrörelsen.
#biceps #kedjereaktion #chainreaction #rotation #reach #ptigbg #OTR #personligtränare #personaltrainer #movementvariability #3dträning #snartärdetfredag #variation #tspinerotation #bröstrygg #longevity #hips #somecallitcheating
Hip extensions!
If your hips doesn’t move as they should it’s more likely that Your lower back move more (often around S1-L4) than its build for.
When Your intention is to perform a exercise for your hips it’s not a good sign if you feel your back instead. Try to change the position just a little bit so it doesn’t hurt. Then carefully go back and see if there is any change.
conclusion=more mobility and stability in Your hips lower risk for backproblem. This isn’t always a given solution but its totally worth to Screen them properly!
#hipsdontlie #happyhips #hipextension #pt #painfree #personaltrainer #longevity #smärtfri #höfter #personligtränare #hälsa #procedos #platform9 #movementvariability #ubfit
Från Linornas pt-pass!
6 set med mellan 20-35 sekunders arbetsintervaller.
Japp det är sjukt roligt att träna, men jobbigt haha.
Här får de träna reaktionsförmåga, helkropps träning samt pressa sig med en uppbyggd mjölksyra. GRYMT imponerad av er @linajgbg och @linnil86 👌👍💪👏
#procedos #reaktion #reaction #ptduo #pt #mjölksyradelux #ubfit #pannben #platform9 #personligträning #personaltrainer #ptigbg #battleropes #mjölksyra #skavarakulattträna #impressed
Bra tryck idag av några av personalen på stena!
Alla övningar var nya för dem och tekniken var som natt och dag efter bara några min, grymt 👌💪🤙
#företagsträning #stenaline #teamkänsla #teambuilding #båtträning #pt #glutes #coordination #getonnit #ptigbg #ubfit #hälsa #företagshälsovård #hips #rotation #bröstpress #ryggdrag #holistik #cirkelträning #procedos #platform9 #stayhealthy
Utmanande med kettlebell för axelpartiet 👌💪 Detta måste jag lägga in lite oftare så slipper det vara så svajigt haha! Men jobbigt och skönt var det 😜💕
Detta ska göras med stor varsamhet om du ej är van eller har någon form av smärtproblematik i kroppen!
#kettlebell #swing #kettlebellswings #procedos #platform9 #utfall #axelpress #koordination #pt #personligtränare #lunges #longevity #coordination #getonnit #ubfit #movementvariability
What can say?! I have the best job ever 💕 someone asked me if i was able to do some homePT.
In this particular case was it because there was an old couple who couldn’t take their self to my workplace. It’s a privilege to be welcomed in somebody’s home to care of them. This amazing lady that impresses me every time tore her ligament in the foot about 10 years ago. So the foot has collapsed so we need to get back it’s function again. To be continued 💪👍
#homept #wheelchair #flossband #impressed #mantarvadmanhar #fmr #supination #rotera #imponerad #hemmapt #privilege #privilegium #itsnevertoolate #pt #personaltrainer #personligtränare #ubfit #oldpeopleareawesome #fighter #doitwithasmile
Pronation, Eversion, untwisted, loose or just a mobile foot.
I Dosen’t matter what we call it!
If ju can’t take Your knee in and out from a position you are in trouble!
The foot need to control probation (falling in, loosen up) and supination (twist out and get Rigid).
Is not unusual that problem higher up in your body comes from a non functioning foot.
So get a good chain reaction in every step guys!
#pt #chainreaction #trainlikeachain #pronation #eversion #personaltrainer #personligtränare #procedos #procedosplatform9 #platform9 #foot #feet #getonit #knee #getingetout #3dträning #3dtraining
Pronation, Eversion, untwisted, loose or just a mobile foot.
I Dosen’t matter what we call it!
If ju can’t take Your knee in and out from a position you are in trouble!
The foot need to control probation (falling in, loosen up) and supination (twist out and get Rigid).
Is not unusual that problem higher up in your body comes from a non functioning foot.
So get a good chain reaction in every step guys!
#pt #chainreaction #trainlikeachain #pronation #eversion #personaltrainer #personligtränare #procedos #procedosplatform9 #platform9 #foot #feet #getonit #knee #getingetout #3dträning
Most of the time we use a bottom up driver, E.g. foot to knee and hip etc. Like walking, running, golf, baseball yeah most of the thing we do standing. So it’s easy to forget to practice the down to bottom drive sometimes as well. This one is mostly for a better teamwork for the hip and t-spine to create better and more movement in the frontal plane. I switch stance so the Sagital and transverse plane can play together also. After all we always move in 3D in our daily life ;)
#happyhips #tspine #thoracic #3d #adduction #abduction #procedosplatform9 #procedos #frontalplane #tensegrity #getonit #simplify #personaltrainer #longevity #personligtränare #ubfit #unitedtraining #balance #control #mostability #3dmaps #cafs
Who said rehab should be boring?!? This client had his patella smashed into 7 pieces about 2 1/2 months ago!
We started to train the day after he took off his orthosis.
Can’t express enough how much I admire his incredibly hard work 💕👌💪
#rehab #funrehab #knee #patella #pt #personaltrainer #personligtränare #procedos #procedosplatform9 #platform9 #injured #trainsmarter #tränasmart #tensilestrength #painfree #mobility #flexibility #motorcontrol #impressed #imponerad #happyfriday #postoperation #kneerehab #postoperationtraining
Work those hamstrings! Different directions ➡️ different stress ➡️ different mobility ➡️ different stability (controlled movement) ➡️ = movement variability = less possibilities to injuries!
This applies to the entire body!
If you are really tight in the hamstring start slowly without a dumbbell. The joints can be prepared for it but not necessarily the tissue between the joints.
For example the hip and knee joint can be but not the quads or hamstrings. The body is mostly water...
What happens if you applied much power and you are no prepared or enable to spread out the stress (water) when it comes back. Yeah you are right it hit you back much harder in some particular areas! You are not going to be able to create the cushioning that is necessary for the task and the risk for injuries increases.
#ptigbg #personligtränare #hamstrings #fridayworkout #trainsmart #mostability #3dträning #procedos #platform9 #personaltrainer #health #hälsa #movementvariability #longevity #externalrotation #internalrotation #reach #bethebestyou #prehab #beprepared #skadefri #smärtfri #ubfit #unitedtraining
Its critical to allow your fascia to move in as many different ways as possible. So don’t forget to do a twist and #fixyourfeets #fascia #twist #dance #pt #personligtränare #alltblirroligaremeddans #bindväv #fothälsa #plantarfascia #painful #health #ptigbg #unitedtraining