Цей квілт топ Наталії Булавенко з Фастова вже завершений і я дуже задоволена тим, який вийшов результат оскільки дизайн квілтинну настільки органічно поєднався з клаптиковим топом, що врешті створив такий ледь помітний ефект діагональних хвиль.
💛 Цей квілт пошитий з тканин колекції Artisan Spirit від Northcott Fabrics @northcottfabric
💛 Квілтинг дизайн Wavy pano від Kimberlee Diamond Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio @sweetdreamqs
💛 Утеплювач Freudenberg @vlieseline
Буду вдячна за ваші відгуки в коментарях😉
This quilt top by Nataliia Bulavenko from Fastiv is now complete, and I am very pleased with the result. The quilting design has seamlessly integrated with the patchwork top, creating a subtle effect of diagonal waves.
💙 Fabric Collection: Artisan Spirit by Northcott Fabrics
💙 Quilting Design: Wavy Pano by Kimberlee Diamond, Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio
💙 Batting: Freudenberg
I would appreciate your feedback in the comments.😉
Ten top quiltu autorstwa Natalii Bułavenko z Fastowa jest już ukończony i jestem bardzo zadowolona z efektu. Projekt pikowania idealnie zintegrował się z patchworkowym topem, tworząc subtelny efekt ukośnych fal.
❤️Kolekcja tkanin: Artisan Spirit od Northcott Fabrics
❤️Projekt pikowania: Wavy Pano autorstwa Kimberlee Diamond, Sweet Dreams Quilt Studio
❤️Wypełnienie: Freudenberg
Będę wdzięczna za Wasze opinie w komentarzach.😉
🇺🇦 Це відео вже є історією про те, як я шила квілт «Дикий запад» за патентом Едити Сітар. Той момент, коли всі частини готові і залишилось тільки зшити їх між собою і проквілтувати:)
Хто вгадає яка кількість деталей в цьому квілті?
🇺🇸This video is already a story about how I made the “Wild West” quilt based on Edyta Sitar’s pattern @laundrybasketquilts . That moment when all the parts are ready, and it’s only left to sew them together and quilt it. :)
The quilt is made of Canvas fabric collection by @northcottfabric.
Can anyone guess the number of pieces in this quilt?
🇵🇱Ten filmik to już historia o tym, jak uszyłam quilt „Dziki Zachód” według wzoru Edyty Sitar. Ten moment, kiedy wszystkie części są gotowe i pozostaje tylko zszyć je razem i przepikować. :)
Kto zgadnie, ile kawałeczków jest w tym quilcie?
#quiltstudio #quiltsofinstagram #northcottfabrics #wildwestquilt #laundrybasketquilts #edytasitar #canvasfabrics #quilt #quiltlove #patchwork #patchworkrehab
Now I can show you the entire quilt and the way it will look like laying on the bad. The quilting created such a balanced texture and “softened” the geometric quilt top design.
Thank you @bulavenkodesign for trust and collaboration:) keep going quilting your beautiful quilts😉
#quiltstudio #рукоділля #gammillquilting #шиття #печворк #quiltsofinstagram #nelgaquilting #northcottfabrics #computerizedquilting #customerquilt #текстиль #печворк #клаптикова_майстерня #клаптиковаковдра #квілтинг
This week starts with one more finished #charityquilt top by Olena Derkach @tuta_teplenko from Dnipro. It is such a pleasure to see how the quilting design matches the quilt:) hope you like it to:)
#quiltstudio #wrapukrainewithquilts #gammillquilting #wrapukrainewithquilts #рукоділля #печворк #quiltsofinstagram #шиття #quiltingforcharity #madeinukraine
Quilt top by Natalia Bulavenko @bulavenkodesign made of the black and white Ginko fabric collection by @northcottfabric is finished today:)
It is a pure magic of quilting texture and patchwork design.
#quiltstudio #рукоділля #gammillquilting #шиття #quiltsofinstagram #печворк #madeinukraine #customerquilting #квілтинг_на_замовлення #квілтинг
Welcome to the magic of quilting:) I hope you can also feel the power of the moment when the quilt top is getting the beautiful texture and becomes a quilt literally. I’m loving it.
Thanks to @nata_quiltart from Kharkiv:) hope you like it:)
#quiltstudio #wrapukrainewithquilts #рукоділля #gammillquilting #quiltsofinstagram #шиття #печворк #charityquilt #quiltingforcharity #madeinukraine
My first and definitely not the last art quilt:)
Mamai Quilt is the biggest project ever made by @ukrainian_quilters_association. There were 47 participants to make the 2,5 by 6,5 m quilt.
The quilt idea belongs to @natalya.lashko as well as the support of the whole group during the working process.
I’m happy and very proud to be a part of it with two blocks. It was not an easy one for me, but happy not to surrender, as the art quilt is something very new for me.
Now there is a display of the whole Mamai quilt in Lviv at @lvivartpalace if you have a chance to visit and the the beautiful display in person it definitely worth it.
#quiltstudio #artquilt #mamaiquilt #ukrainianquiltersassociation
It’s time to get back to work and today it is a #charityquilt top made by @quiltland
The Emoji fabric collection by @northcottfabric makes the quilt so good 😉👏👏
#wrapukrainewithquilts #gammillquilting #northcottfabrics #quiltingforcharity #patchwork #quilt #печворк #клаптиковешиття #шиття #клаптиковаковдра #квілтинг #шиттядлядітей #рукоділля
Brazilian patchwork at @carrefour_patchwork is amazing.
#epm2024 #cep2024
Reproduction fabrics quilts made by hand. Just love it 😍
2024 Quilt Contest topic OCEAN at @carrefour_patchwork are so amazing and inspiring. Can’t wait to know the top prize winner and the visitors choice winner as we all voted.
Have a look and get inspired with the techniques and the vision of textile that definitely became the source of culture diplomacy. #quiltfestival
Personal exhibition of Marina Landi quilts from Brasil is the one you can watch endlessly. I’ve spent more than an hour just watching the quilting line movement and the images being alive with the tiny pieces of fabric.
Enjoy watching, hope you will be inspired as much as I am😉