
LovelyCreaturesGifts Hello and welcome to the place where Lovely Creatures are born to celebrate Life's lovely momens. My name is Svetlana, I am from Poland.

Seven years ago I started to crochet and this hobby transformed in to a little business. Warm and positive reflection on my work from people- is the main thing that motivate me to keep going and create my lovely little things once again and again. Wishing you the love and happiness,

BooRooRoom'y- fantazyjne stwory z dalekiej ukrytej krainy. One pojawiają sie wsrod ludzi zeby pomagać nam robić dobro  i...

BooRooRoom'y- fantazyjne stwory z dalekiej ukrytej krainy.

One pojawiają sie wsrod ludzi zeby pomagać nam robić dobro i dzielić się milością z bliskimi. Dziwne ale słodkie Autorskie plushaki z materyalów wysokiej jakości potrafią wywołać uśmiech na każdej twarzy!!

Zadać pytania oraz sprawdzić dostęnoć można telefonocznie lub przez whatsap'a pod numerem +48534390362.

Darmowa dostwa ta terenie Trójmiasta.

Bunny Lovey crochet DIY kit pattern book and

Bunny Lovey crochet DIY kit pattern book and materials

In this kit you will find Bunny Lovey pattern in A5 format book and materials:

-1 skein of white yarn (50g(1.70z.)/150m(180yd.); 50%cotton/50%acryl)

- 1 skein of peach yarn 50g(1.70z.)/150m(180yd.); 50%cotton/50%acryl)

-1/2 skein of pink yarn (25g(0.85oz.)/80m(90yd.); 50%cotton/50%acryl)

-tuffing material

- easy to follow pattern with colorful images in A5 format.

Happy crochetting!!


Shop Good Gift Ideas by LovelyCreaturesGiftC located in Gdansk, Poland. Rave reviews! Average review rating is 4.8 or higher


Easy crocheting with

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Lovely Creatures - Gift Shop

Amigurumi Patterns new 2023 year Sale!!Up to 23% sale on each pattern!!

Amigurumi Patterns new 2023 year Sale!!
Up to 23% sale on each pattern!!

You searched for: LovelyCreaturesGiftC! Discover the unique items that LovelyCreaturesGiftC creates. At Etsy, we pride ourselves on our global community of sellers. Each Etsy seller helps contribute to a global marketplace of creative goods. By supporting LovelyCreaturesGiftC, you’re supporting a ...


Wooden Eco Toys-Wonderful Gift Idea for children!
Toys are handmade and 100% organic. •
Our toys are green! We use wood, water, water-based paints, linseed oil, and bio wax for production.
Welcome to our Shop!
All materials are of high quality, non-toxic, and labeled "For children" and "BIO" (certified for use on children's toys EN71.3)


Hello!! My name is Svetlana) I love crocheting so much. But much more I love to share my talens with others!! If you’re ...

Hello!! My name is Svetlana) I love crocheting so much. But much more I love to share my talens with others!! If you’re looking for unique gift, souvenir for someone you love, or you are looking for inspiration -I’ve got many unique finds to celebrate life’s lovely moments. My little handmade creations are guaranteed to put a big grin on someone’s face!!
Welcome to my little crocheting workshop!!
With love, Svetlana)

Crochet plushies and suffed animal toys PDF amigurumi English patterns. Instant download, easy and clear instructions. J...

Crochet plushies and suffed animal toys PDF amigurumi English patterns.
Instant download, easy and clear instructions. Joyful making guarantee!
Visit my little shop to watch more tutorials.
Thanks for stopping by and happy crocheting!


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