You must read it...
1. Burns Body Fats: Increases your metabolic rate, modulates blood sugar, improves insulin sensitivity, curbs your appetite and stimulates the nervous system, triggering fat cells to break down body fat.
2. Boosts Performance: Increases Epinephrine (Adrenaline, body’s “fight or flight” hormone) levels in the blood, readying our body for intense physical exertion but also the number of fatty acids circulating in the bloodstream making them available as ready fuel.
3. Fights Depression and Makes You Happier: It gives your body a jolt, but it also acts a mild anti-depressant, boosting production of “feel-good” neurotransmitters in the brain, including dopamine, serotonin and noradrenalin.
4. Decreases Metabolic Syndrome Risk: decreases the risk of Metabolic syndrome (obesity, a large waist circumference, and insulin resistance) by reducing triglyceride levels and improved glucose tolerance.
5. Speeds Recovery and Reduces Muscle Soreness: Reduces the process of muscle recovery by up to 48% and improves muscle glycogen re-synthesis, post-workout.
6. Increases Motivation & Reaction Time: Blocks an inhibitory neurotransmitter Adenosine, increasing the amount of other neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine. These fire up the neurons, responsible for better memory, mood, vigilance, logical reasoning, energy levels, reaction times and general cognitive function.
7. Lowers stress: It lead to changes in brain proteins tied to stress, felt as a result of sleep deprivation and over exertion.
8. Prevents Heart Disease and Stroke: High Antioxidants, in lingzhi coffee, help quell the damaging effects of inflammations on arteries. Improves the ratio between “bad” LDL and “good” HDL cholesterol by 8%.
9. Improves Vascular Health & regulates Blood Pressure: Improves health of the blood vessels by increasing nitric oxide production in the endothelium, improving vascular muscle tone. Helps maintain healthy arterial pressure, lowering blood pressure over the long-term.
10. Protects against Prostate cancer: Studies have proved that active lingzhi coffee drinkers reduce their risk of prostate cancer.
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