Jabal Arafat (Arabic: جبل عرفات) is a small, granite mountain in the plain of Arafat, about 20km from the Ka’bah. Standing at Arafat is a fundamental requirement of Hajj. Pilgrims travel here from Mina on the second day of Hajj (9th Dhul Hijjah). The mountain is also known as Jabal al-Rahmah, meaning “Mountain of Mercy”.
Meaning of ‘Arafat’
The common meaning of the word Arafat is ‘to know’. After being taken out of Jannah and placed on Earth, it was at Jabal Arafat that Prophet Adam (عليه السلام) and Hawa (عليها السلام) met up again.
The Prophet (ﷺ) said: “Apart from the day of the Battle of Badr there is no day on which the Shaitan is seen to be more humiliated, more rejected, more depressed and more infuriated, than on the day of Arafat, and indeed all this is only because of beholding the abundance of descending mercy (on the day) and Allah’s forgiveness of the great sins of the servants.“ [Mishkat]
One of the virtues of the day of Arafat is that fasting this day expiates for the sins of the past and coming year. It was reported from Abu Qatadah that a man said: “O Messenger of Allah, what do you think of fasting on the day of Arafat?” He said: “It expiates for the sins of the previous year and of the coming year” [Muslim]
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