不好意思 让大家久等了🫡为了给我们尊贵的顾客带来更好的购物体验 我们用了一个月多的时间 做了些内部调整 ‼️
现在我们以‼️全新面孔 全新样貌 重新开张啦‼️
我们将会在‼️17/11-20/11‼️推出 最实惠的优惠给我们的会员哦‼️消费满Rm100我们将会送出神秘礼物哦⁉️神秘礼物的数量有限哦‼️先到先得哦‼️
周一到周五 7:00 - 9:00
周六周日 7:00 - 7:00
‼️ We Are Back ‼️
Firstly we would like to apologise to you for the long wait. 🫡 After a month of waiting, we had improvise the shopping experience and some internal arrangement ‼️ Now we are proudly to announce that, WE ARE BACK with NEW APPEARANCE and most importantly with a LOWER PRICE‼️‼️
On the period of ‼️17-20th November‼️we are giving away BIG BIG DISCOUNT to our MEMBERS ‼️ Spending above RM100 we will be giving away MYSTERIOUS GIFT ‼️ LIMITED GIFT ‼️ FIRST COME FIRST SERVE‼️
Operation Hours 🌞
Weekdays 7am - 9pm
Weekend & Public Holiday 7am - 7pm