好消息!Miri首家宝宝辅食店在这个星期日Soft Launch啦😍🎉
除了为你带来400多种辅食产品之外,我们也有Zoey Homemade的冷冻食品!现在不需要从遥远的西马运过去啦~ 我们的店也可以买到全现货商品
Two Eazy Baby Food 是一家专卖宝宝辅食的门店,目前有【超过30多种牌子】【400多样商品】。在这里你可以找到不同月龄/ 不同牌子 /不同口味的辅食商品,我们也有售卖宝宝馒头&冷冻辅食等等!
这个星期日会试营业~ 28/9正式开张!
Good news! Miri’s first baby food store is having a soft launch this Sunday! 😍🎉
In addition to offering over 400 types of baby food products, we also have frozen foods from Zoey Homemade! Now, no more shipping all the way from West Malaysia—you can get everything in stock at our store.
⭕️ Steamed buns and frozen foods
⭕️ Rice cereal and fruit puree
⭕️ Rice crackers for younger babies
⭕️ Rice crackers for older babies
⭕️ Baby rice noodles
⭕️ Baby porridge and soups
⭕️ Ready-to-eat baby food
⭕️ Baby food oils and sauces
⭕️ Baby food powders, and more!
Two Eazy Baby Food is a store specializing in baby food. We currently carry over 30 brands and more than 400 products. Here, you can find baby food items for different age groups, from different brands, and in various flavors. We also sell baby steamed buns and frozen foods!
Soft Opening will be on this Sunday, and the grand opening will be on 28th September! Stay tuned!
Lot 1374, 1st Floor, Centre Point Phase 2, Jalan Kubu,98000 Miri, Sarawak.
🕐Opening Hours
Mon to Saturday 9am to 6pm
Sunday 9am to 3pm