自1724年创立以来,Rémy Martin始终秉承卓越品质,酿造出世界顶级干邑。从历史传承到现代创新,Rémy Martin不断追求极致,用每一滴酒讲述着百年匠心与经典。
今天,Rémy Martin依然是奢华与品质的象征,无论是与朋友共享,还是独自品味,它都能带来难忘的体验。
A Timeless Symbol of Luxury
Since 1724, Rémy Martin has been dedicated to crafting exceptional Cognac, blending heritage with innovation. Each drop tells a story of centuries-old craftsmanship and timeless elegance.
Today, Rémy Martin remains a symbol of luxury and quality, offering an unforgettable experience whether shared with friends or savored in solitude.
🥂Raise a glass to the enduring classic and luxury.
#RémyMartin #奢华干邑 #经典传承 #品质生活 #干邑 #LouisXIII #VSOP #干邑酒 #奢华生活 #品味生活 #顶级白兰地 #Cognac #酒文化 #品质之选 #百年匠心 #法国干邑 #RemyMartin #LuxuryCognac #TimelessElegance #QualityLiving #cognac #LouisXIII #VSOP #FineCognac #luxurylifestyle #TasteOfExcellence #topshelfliquor #frenchcognac #craftsmanship #exquisitetaste #premiumspirits #luxurydrinks
今晚,让我们一同探索达摩威士忌系列中的珍品——从12年到18年的经典酒款。首先,让我们来品味达摩12年,这款威士忌展现了浓郁的香草和橙子的风味,口感丰富而平衡,带有轻微的巧克力🍫和胡椒的香气。接下来,是达摩15年,这款威士忌经过了更长时间的雪莉桶陈酿,呈现出更为复杂和丰富的果味,如蜜饯水果和杏仁,伴随着淡淡的焦糖和香料的味道。而达摩18年,则是系列中的顶级之选,混合了不同类型的雪莉桶陈酿,呈现出复杂而深邃的层次感,带有浓郁的巧克力、橙子和坚果的风味,同时还带有轻柔的烟熏香气和丝滑的口感。 🍫🍊🔥达摩系列的每一款威士忌都承载着品牌丰厚的历史与传统。从最初的12年至如今的18年,每一瓶酒都经过严格的选择和精心的酿制,体现了达摩酿酒师的匠心独运。这些酒款不仅在口感上展现了苏格兰酿酒工艺的精髓,更是对时光的礼赞,每一口都是对岁月积淀的尊重和呈现。🥃✨无论您是威士忌爱好者还是初次品尝达摩的人,它们都能带给您一场充满惊喜和愉悦的品味之旅! 🌟🥃💫 Tonight, let's explore the treasures of the Dalmore Whisky range— from the classic 12-year-old to the distinguished 18-year-old expressions. First, let's savor the Dalmore 12-year-old, which boasts rich flavors of vanilla and oranges, with a balanced and full-bodied palate complemented by hints of chocolate and pepper. Moving on to the Dalmore 15-year-old, aged for a longer period in sherry casks, it offers a more complex and rich profile, featuring notes of dried fruits, almonds, along with subtle hints of caramel and spices. Finally, the Dalmore 18-year-old stands as the pinnacle of the range, blended from various sherry casks to deliver a complex and deep profile, with rich flavors of chocolate, oranges, and nuts, complemented by gentle sm
🥃Mission accomplished🥃。 Thanks to Jameson Team for such Wonderfull & successfully jameson event. Jameson Irish Whiskey is a blended Irish Whiskey.What’s that we hear you say? Well first we take the best of pot still and fine grain whiskeys. Then we triple distill them- not because we have to because we want to as it gives it its signature smoothness. Finally we age them in oak casks for a minimum of 4 years. It’s where we recommend starting your whiskey journey. How to drink it? Any way you like. Just add mates and widen the circle. Triple distilled, twice as smooth, one of a kind.#wonderfulnight #pernodricard #mhwine #johorbahru #malaysia #irish #whisky #TripleDistilled #jameson
🎉 感谢Martell Lo'r de Jean 安排了一场完美的评酒会! 🥂
感谢Martell Lo'r de Jean 安排了一场完美的评酒会,我们沉浸在美酒的海洋中,得以品尝到稀世佳酿。每一杯酒都是一次独特的味觉冒险,令我们陶醉其中。尤其是全球仅有750瓶的龙年限量版Martell Lo'r de Jean,这款尊贵的美酒更让我们倍感珍惜。作为全马首批品尝到这款龙年限量版的人,我们深感荣幸!🍷✨
在此,我们还要特别感谢Martell品牌大使 Eloi Parent 的光临与指导。 他是Martell品牌的杰出代表,对美酒的热情与专业造诣令我们无比钦佩。他的出席使得这场评酒会更加完美,我们由衷感谢他支持与付出。🌟🙏
同时,我们也要感谢北京楼的盛情款待。 这里不仅有着一流的美食水准,更有着无可挑剔的服务态度和温馨的氛围。每一道菜品都展现了北京楼独特的美食艺术。无论是优雅的用餐环境还是周到的服务,都让我们感受到了北京楼对顾客的用心。💫🍽️
Thank you, Martell Lo'r de Jean, for arranging a perfect wine tasting event! 🥂
We immersed ourselves in the ocean of wine, thanks to the meticulous arrangement by Martell Lo'r de Jean, allowing us to taste wines and cognac. Each glass of wine/cognac was a unique culinary adventure, leaving us enchanted. Especially the globally exclusive 750-bottle limited edition Martell Lo'r de Jean Dragon Year release, this prestigious wine made us feel truly honored. As one of the first in Malaysia to taste this Dragon Year limited edition, we feel deeply privileged!🍷✨
Here, we would like to extend special thanks to Martell Brand Ambassador Eloi Parent for gracing us with their presence and guidance. Eloi Parent is an outstanding representative of the Martell brand, whose passion and
#winetasting #thursday #wanderfulevent #chileanwine #sauvignonblanc #chardonnay #Merlot #cabernetsauvignon #carmenere #mhwine
🌸 Roku Gin Sakura 限量版来了!🌸
呼吸着春天的气息,我们自豪地介绍 Roku Gin Sakura 限量版,这是一瓶独一无二的艺术品和美味佳酿的完美结合。
🍃 关于 Roku Gin Sakura:
Roku Gin Sakura 是一款专为赏味而酿造的极致之作。以日本樱花为灵感,这款限量版以独特的方式融合了日本传统与现代精神。清新的樱花芬芳与 Roku Gin 的经典风味相融合,带给您一场绝妙的味觉之旅。
🍹 如何饮用 Roku Gin Sakura:
让我们来探索 Roku Gin Sakura 的品饮方式:
樱花青檬汤: 在一杯装满冰块的高脚杯中,倒入适量的 Roku Gin Sakura,加入一片新鲜的樱花和柠檬切片,然后轻轻搅拌即可。这款清爽的饮品将给您带来春天的气息和极致的享受。
樱花泡泡鸡尾酒: 在鸡尾酒壶中,将 Roku Gin Sakura、苏打水和一勺柠檬汁轻轻混合。在酒杯中轻轻倒入,然后加入几朵樱花作为点缀。这款鸡尾酒口感清新,气泡爽口,绝对是一款令人难忘的饮品。
樱花柠檬莫吉托: 在一杯装满冰块的玻璃杯中,将 Roku Gin Sakura、新鲜的柠檬汁、薄荷叶和轻轻搅拌。最后,加入一勺糖浆和几片新鲜的樱花作为点缀。这款饮品的清新口感和樱花的芬芳将带您漫步在春天的花海中。
现在就品尝 Roku Gin Sakura 的独特魅力,感受春天的芬芳和日本传统的精髓!限量版,限时供应,千万不要错过!🌸🍹✨
🌸 Introducing Roku Gin Sakura Limited Edition! 🌸
Immerse yourself in the essence of spring with Roku Gin Sakura Limited Edition – a perfect fusion of artistry and exquisite taste.
🍃 About Roku Gin Sakura:
Roku Gin Sakura is a masterpiece crafted for discerning palates. Inspired by the beauty of Japanese cherry blossoms, this limited edition delicately blends tradition with modern spirit. The fresh aroma of sakura harmonizes with the classic flavor profile o
#whiskytasting #enjoylife #enjoyeverymoment #singlemaltwhisky #limitededition #caskstrength #Glenallachie #mhwine #asiaeuro
#cognac #MartellCognac #martelllor #mhwine #thursday
#reelsfb #izakaya #johorbahru #goodfood #mhwine #KAKUBIN #japaneseculture #highball
首先,要感谢我们的Club 29.MountAustin!没有你们提供的酒吧场地,我们就无法享受这样一个美好的夜晚。你们的热情招待让我们感到宾至如归!🎉🙌
#品酒之旅 #感谢支持持 #美酒美人 #欢乐时光 #下次再会