Frazer's Corner Shop

Frazer's Corner Shop Opening in 2015, FCS is a convenience store for the local needs of the community and a coffee shop, doing daily light food and brunch at weekends.

Eng Epicerie zu Bouffer! Keen Cactus, keen Delhaize, mee eng gudd local, kleng, perseinlech an frendlesch, international Epicerie. Esou ewei freier. Den Epicier huet een waisst Schiteg un, an serveiert fresch Eer vum Bauer! Bio Produkter! Gemeiss an Uebst! Zeitungen an fresh Croissanten! Dann braucht dir net mei an d'Noperen Duerf ze rennen. The Domaine du Parc situated in Bofferdange, Luxembourg

has been without a communal shop since it's conception. There is commercial space available and it is my idea and concept to set up a community focused grocery shop. This will add character and quality to our village. It will bring people together. It will save you having to go and buy those eggs and milk you forgot. You might even be able to get something delivered to your door. Opening hours will be flexible and modern; I will open at 0630 in the morning and close at 2100. This is for us and and for you!


Green Bark


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