若手の夜明けが現代アートとコラボ!気鋭の作家が集まるアートオークションにて、12名の作家の出身地のお酒を が提供します!どなたでも入場可能ですので、お誘い合わせて是非!
2024年7月4日(木)に、代官山ヒルサイドフォーラムにて、「Thursday Lates Powered by SAKEJUMP」を開催いたします!
弊社は、売買の場の提供を超えて、アートを愛する方々に特別な体験や繋がりを提供するプラットフォーマーを志向しています。その取り組みの一環として、今回アート×日本酒という切り口でイベントを企画いたしました。 この度ご協賛をいただくSAKEJUMPは、美味しい日本酒とその文化、とりわけ若手醸造家の意欲的な活動や思いを世界に発信していく活動に尽力されています。
参加申込はこちらから→https://forms.office.com/r/AR6zm5V5sj (締切6/28)
SBI Art Auction is delighted to announce “Thursday Lates Powered by SAKEJUMP” on Thursday, July 4, 2024, at the Daikanyama Hillside Forum.
We aim to go beyond providing a place for selling and buying artworks to become a platform that offers special experiences and connections to art lovers. As part of our efforts, we have planned this event from the angle of ART x SAKE.
SAKEJUMP is an organization which has been dedicated to promoting the fine taste of sake, its culture, and especially, enthusiastic thoughts and activities of young brewers, to the wider world.
Inspired by the hometowns of the artists who will be featured in the July sale, we have curated a selection of 12 different types of sake from emerging sake breweries from all over Japan, from Tohoku to Kyushu. By extending the opening hours of the auction preview and providing an opportunity to enjoy sake together with art, we hope to expand the relationship between art and sake, and to introduce sake culture to visitors to Japan during the Tokyo Art Week in the summer, including Tokyo Gendai Art Fair. We are looking forward to welcoming you to this event (Admission is free!).
Please sign up to join the event! →https://forms.office.com/r/AR6zm5V5sj (Deadline: 6/28)
#日本酒 #現代アート #近代アート #東京アートウィーク