Quinns Carrickmacross

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Everything in this post is factual, correct and can be supported by documentation.

I have written to the Examiners Office of the High Court on 29th March 2022 regarding a number of issues which only came to light after the matter was sent to the Examiners Office. The Examiner, Ms Patricia Troy is a public servant. Louis McDermott is the assistant Examiner. They are ignoring the facts that High Court Judges have been deliberately hoodwinked and misled by AIB plc’s solicitors altering the map of the site for the court case. They have fled to respond to this letter and this letter will be put up on Facebook shortly.

Gardai are investigating matters in relation to this and a pulse number has been provided. While I am skeptical of the commitment of the Garda Commissioner to direct the Gardai to properly investigate this, any investigation by the Gardai has to take priority over civil matters and that is an acceptable fact.

The Garda Commissioner cannot look the other way when there is so much deception, fraud and white-collar crime in plain view in this case. He has the platform to hold to account those that do not respect our laws, our Constitution and our courts. No ordinary citizen can take a criminal case. That is a job for the Garda Commissioner and he cannot protect criminality, fraud or white- collar crime within the State. He should have an interest to make sure the Judges get the truth.

The Garda Commissioners job is as easy or as hard as he makes it, but he too like everyone else must strive to uphold the Constitution and the law for the benefit of all the people. Anything else is not acceptable when the facts are to hand. All he has to do is respect our laws and our Constitution and by doing that he will get respect from the people. If he does not or if he has a conflict of interest then there is no respect.

This case is so serious that if precedence is made, then nobody’s property in Ireland is safe from economic financial terrorists. This is a matter of public importance and public interest.
If the Garda Commissioner believes there is no criminality or no deception, then I require the following from the Garda Commissioner, in writing.

1. Ciaran Lewis the barrister representing AIB plc and Ken Fennell has acknowledged in Court that the maps were altered by the solicitor and that we were not aware of that at the time nor was Judge Kevin Feeney. This should have been a game changer as it interferes with the probity of the Court. Does the Garda Commissioner believe that it is acceptable for a solicitor to alter maps and hand them up to a High Court Judge to mislead him and take advantage of me and my family?

2. There is a document from the court claiming that a company in the UK has bought our property. This document can be made available if anyone wants to see it. Can the Garda Commissioner confirm if this document is a forgery or not?

3. Following receipt of this document, people have called to my house with their faces covered and have called to family members houses offering hundreds of thousands of euros for our silence because they know that they cannot take our property without our consent. This is harassment and intimidation. Can the Commissioner confirm that this type of behaviour is acceptable in the Irish State?

4. On another matter, which has been brought to the Commissioners attention previously, €400,000 worth of plant and equipment belonging to Cloughvalley Hire and personal items belonging to us were removed from the Hire premises on the Shercock road in the middle of the night by Ken Fennell and his associates. Can the Commissioner confirm that this theft is acceptable in the Irish State?

5. Does the Garda Commissioner agree that where criminality is involved that no party should be financially enriched at the expense of others?

6. Does the Garda Commissioner agree that all parties are entitled to access to justice and that the state has a responsibility to protect all people including me and my family?

The learned Judge Kevin Feeney tried to help us and made Orders that have been totally ignored. I visited his final resting place in Glasnevin Cemetery. I also took the tour of the cemetery which is well worth doing. There are many people, men and women, buried in this cemetery and a lot of them are from the 1916 rising. Even men and women with different political objectives are buried next to one another.

I also visited Kilmainham Jail and saw the lonely black crosses in the stone breakers yard, marking the spot where men were shot for fighting for Irish freedom and to give us a Constitution that we must respect. It would make your blood boil to see what was done to them and to the women who stood beside them shoulder to shoulder.

Sinn Fein are the only party to send correspondence to the Garda Commissioner and he cannot ignore this correspondence. Other political parties in Government and some of their politicians are prepared to bury their heads in the sand and do nothing.

I wish to congratulate Sinn Fein on their recent success in the elections in Northern Ireland. The day is coming when they will be the biggest party in ROI as well, because they work for the people.
Criminality, fraud and white-collar crime cannot be support by any parliamentarian or state officials.

What is going on is very simple – land grabbing and greed.

I am just a family man and I have a duty to protect my family, my property rights and my business which was established in 1970. We are up against the big boys here and they have shown by their actions that they care nothing about family values or the Constitution. When the law and the Constitution are not respected there can be consequences. I cannot be held responsible for the actions of the people if the Garda Commissioner does not do his job.

I am not an enemy of the state. All I want is for the law and the Constitution to be upheld and I am entitled to that.

It is very simple. If someone came into your house and took your front or back garden and said it was theirs, like Eurospar are trying to do with our property, what would you do? There can be no consent or goodwill under these circumstances.

Eurospar are trying to participate in a land grab and they are being used by AIB plc and Ken Fennell to clean their hands. That goes against our Constitution and all that our forefathers fought so hard for and died for. We cannot forget them nor their sacrifices.

The Criminal Justice Act 2011 brought in by Alan Shatter gives everyone a duty to notify the Gardai when white collar cr...

The Criminal Justice Act 2011 brought in by Alan Shatter gives everyone a duty to notify the Gardai when white collar crime is committed. We have the laws to deal with this and now we need to have enforcement.

We notified the Garda Commissioner Drew Harris of fraud and criminality and we have asked if he has a conflict of interest. To date we have received no response to that very important question. This is the culture in the financial institutions and there is no trust and no accountability. The Garda Commissioner is supposed to act with impartiality for the people. Why is Drew Harris not doing his job that we the people are paying him to do? That is a very reasonable question.

Unbelievably last week it was reported that according to the Central Statistics Office (CSO), fraud crimes across Ireland rose by 116% in 2021. Is there any wonder when there are no deterrents or punishment? Who is protecting the people and industry and commerce and small businesses from unjust attack?

The Sgt Maurice McCabe case was a watershed moment in the history of policing in the Irish state. This Garda was trying to do his job but senior Garda Management were trying to stop him, silence him, discredit him and destroy his good name and reputation.

After many years the Garda Commissioner and the Government had to publicly apologise to him and his family which showed the failings of the state on many levels. In his apology Commissioner Harris thanked Sgt McCabe for his public service in bringing forward concerns that have helped improve policing in Ireland.

I have sent correspondence to certain bodies and authorities within the state regarding our issues. I have given an undertaking that I will not put those issues up on social media for the moment to give them an opportunity to reply.

The Irish Constitution was put in place by honourable men and woman. It is a fantastic document and the foresight and vision of the architects of this document are recognised across the world as the best Constitution that goes the extra mile to protect the people from unjust attack from wherever it may come, even from the state itself.

No financial institution, corporate identity or person within the state has the right or the authority to abuse this document and all its provisions.

AIB plc does not have the right or the authority to direct others to alter a map used in court proceedings to facilitate a cover up.

AIB plc does not have the right or the authority to encourage others to participate in fraud or white- collar crime.

Justice must be equally applied. All Judges in the Courts are the custodians of the Constitution and the protectors of the law and they are entitled to the truth. Their powers extend only to the jurisdiction of the Irish state.

Be assured the Quinn family are committed to all their businesses and to the community of Carrickmacross and its surrounding areas. We are also committed to the law and the Constitution.

There can be no safe harbour for white-collar crime where state financial institutions, corporate identities and people seek to be financially enriched at the expense of others.

• The Lady of Justice stands alone and her only focus is to protect the law.

• The Lady of Justice is blindfolded to represent objectivity, in that justice is or should be meted out objectively, without fear or favour, regardless of identity, money, power, or weakness; blind justice and impartiality.

• The scales represent the weighing of evidence and are balanced to portray that the evidence should stand on its own.

• The sword she holds represents punishment.

• Justice cannot be interfered with by anybody including financial institutions, government departments, state bodies or officers of the court.

• Justice must not only be done but must be seen to be done.
The state or the Gardai cannot act with double standards where white-collar crime is concerned and is sitting in plain view for the last 11 years. Honourable people cannot be asked to break the law by consenting to this criminality.

Everything in this post can be backed up by facts and figures.

Michael Quinn.


You may have seen some of this information in previous posts but there is new information also as this is an evolving issue.

In today’s society with so much happening internationally and in Ireland it may seem that it is never the right time to bring these issues to the attention of the public as the public is always burdened.

The failure of some people employed by the Irish state needs to be highlighted and action needs to be taken, as it affects people’s wellbeing.

There is no room in my store for Ken Fennell and his associates. Bully boy tactics will not work with the directors of Cloughvalley Stores Ltd. We have worked too hard to build this business up to allow this to happen.

Ken Fennell and his associate’s actions brings shame on themselves and shows no respect for the people or anything sacred within the state.

The hardest thing for any man to do is to do nothing when your family and your company is under unlawful attack. There is a time for doing nothing and there is a time for action and you must follow your own counsel.

It is always important to give the aggressor plenty of time to consider their position and give them every opportunity to do the right thing. In this case the aggression started with AIB plc, a state-owned bank and its officials and it still continues. It is up to AIB plc, its CEO and current Board of Directors, to sort it out and get rid of Ken Fennell and his associates as they are making a mockery out of everything.

In AIB plc Bank Centre in Ballsbridge the banks agents told us at a meeting, that we neither had the wherewithal nor the ability to fight high court cases at this level as outlined in our previous post. This clearly showed that the bank was directing and control Ken Fennell’s actions. No financial institution or person, no matter who they are, are above the people’s law.

There can be no false sense of duty by anyone in the state to protect or to shield financial institutions that don’t respect the people or the law as to do so encourages more abuses against the people.

The CEO of AIB plc Colin Hunt was not present when this started 11 years ago but he and the current Board of Directors are being complicit and they have unclean hands. You cannot defend the indefensible.

We have had to apply reconnaissance, patience and due diligence and ensure that we checked the facts, something the bank either never did or ignored. We are satisfied that the law stands on our side and we can prove that it is professional criminal misconduct and negligence.

We have had to educate ourselves in relation to the law and the court process and while we may not be seen as professionals, we are expert factual witnesses to the corruption and white-collar crime in this case.

I do not want AIB plc etc. to claim an oversight, a misunderstanding or a typographical error as they have done in the past. Since the start, there has been clear criminal intent to abuse the courts, the legal process and trample on the people’s laws and their provisions that are enshrined in the Constitution made by our forefathers in a bigger battle than what we are in today with AIB plc and its officials.

You have to gather the evidence and the facts and thread the needle and join the dots. The evidence must stand on its own.

• This is not a court appointed receivership. That is a fact.

• There were no issues with Cloughvalley Stores Ltd and the Revenue Commissioners. Fact.

• There are no rulings made by any Court against the company directors, their conduct or the company itself. That is a fact.

• We have not given our consent or our goodwill in relation to our personally owned land, in fact we have objected to this action from the start. Fact.

• This state-owned bank AIB plc has no charge or title over our personally owned land and its actions are unlawful where they have tried to encourage other parties to purchase our personally owned land on the false belief that everything is bone fide and correct, which compounds the fraud and criminality. Fact.

• Our company Cloughvalley Stores Ltd was not in default on its company loan with AIB plc. This was verified after forensically checking the bank statements given to us by AIB plc in 2016. AIB plc has not rebutted these facts in the report which was sent to them and to the Garda Commissioner. Fact.

• No power exists in law to appoint a receiver to any company when the company was not in default on its loan. This renders the purported appointment of Ken Fennell by AIB plc null and void. Fact.

• There is no statute of limitations where fraud and criminality have taken place. Fact.

• As a consequence of AIB plc’s actions, this state-owned bank and its officials have not received one single cent off the company loan from Ken Fennell since he has been running the business. This is a state-owned bank and this bank is funding Ken Fennell’s actions so ultimately it is the tax payer who is funding this fraud. Fact.

• Ken Fennell and Deloitte are continuing to take their fees to financially enrich themselves and others
o At our expense
o At our company’s expense and
o At the expense of the Irish tax payer and the public purse
o This is costing millions of euro.

Everything in this post can be backed up by facts and figures.

Michael Quinn.


Thank you for all your comments, shares and likes following our last Facebook posts on 7th March.

People do not want to see our laws or our Constitution being trampled into the ground. Corporate greed and white-collar crime are not acceptable.

Some people have a fear of coming forward as they may have businesses themselves or loans from the same financial institution. We understand that. We felt the same way ourselves but when aggression knocks at your door you have no option but to stand up or be walked on. Every effort has been made to silence us but we will stand up and there is no fear now.

This is a letter that we received anonymously regarding our family and business. The person has suggested that we give a brief history of the Ward and Quinn family. This very kind person can clearly see the wrongs that were done and has taken the time to sit down and draft this letter in my interest and in the interest of my family. We thank them for their kindness.

“A brief history of the Ward and Quinn family.
Paddy and Bridie Ward began the business Cloughvalley Stores shop and filling station in their family lands in the late 1960’s, living and working on the premises with Bridies mother and rearing a family of one boy and three girls. A real family business.

1988 Paddy and Bridie decided to retire from the business and handed over the running of the business to their daughter Brigid and her husband Michael, who purchased the business from them. Brigid and Michael set up home there, with the living area in the same building as the shop and filling station. They slept above the shop and were very happy there. Their three children, one girl and two boys were born there. It was a very busy time but all the family helped out, especially Paddy and Bridie.

On the night of 4th July 2001, the family were awakened by intruders when a Dublin gang broke into the premises. Fearing for their lives, Michael confronted them and was knocked down ad badly injured, being hit by the getaway car. After a lengthy stay in hospital and months of treatment at home he still suffers from the leg injuries.

After this event the family decided for their safety, they would buy the house which they currently live in today. After moving to the house, they developed their shop and filling station on their family homestead and lands, which is the subject of this fraud which has been perpetrated on the family today and every day since January 2011.

There is no doubt that this case and the family’s commitment to their family lands and property is as strong today as when the family started the shop and filling station in the 1960’s.”

These are all the facts.

Michael Quinn


1. AIB plc and Ken Fennell.

This is a follow on from my last post regarding BWG Eurospar dated 27th February 2022. This post relates to Ken Fennell and AIB plc and I have divided it into 7 separate posts.

The financial institutions in this state are abusing the people and the law and officials within the state, such as the Gardai are allowing this to happen.

There were serious road works in the Carrickmacross back in 2008 / 2009 which had a devastating effect on all businesses in the town. It was bad enough the first year but the following year they dug up the same road again for sewerage works 10 to 15 ft deep, and left our business with little or no access for vehicles for months. The photo speaks a thousand words.

Despite this, the company, its directors and family persevered and stood shoulder to shoulder to support the company and they invested financially to ensure that AIB plc was at no financial loss. When the roadworks were over the company ran a promotional campaign in 2009 and raffled a car on the forecourt and by the middle of 2010 had regained all of its customers and turnover. The company was a strong company with good foundations and a strong customer base.

As a consequence of what took place family members registered charges on our personally owned land which comprises of 80% of the site. These charges are registered in the Registry of Deeds, the Property Registration Authority of Ireland.

Towards the end of 2010 AIB plc and its officials reduced our company overdraft to zero. Family again stepped in to help out. When the family and the directors pushed back against the reckless criminal behaviour of AIB plc and its agents every effort was made to blacken their good name and reputation. The intent of AIB plc was to destroy the company and its directors and family and that was crystal clear but it hasn’t worked.

All of these posts show the harassment and intimidation against the family for the last 11 years and it can all be proven. The facts speak for themselves.

Further posts will follow.
Michael Quinn.


2. Cloughvalley Stores Ltd and Ulster Bank.

We initially banked with Ulster Bank. AIB plc saw that it was a good profitable business and wanted it. They gave a better offer on the interest rate than Ulster Bank and we made the decision to go with AIB plc in 2006. We gave them the same security that Ulster Bank had and AIB plc were happy with that. AIB plc funded the money and everything went ok for years. Then AIB plc threw the dummy out of the pram and unlawfully appointed Ken Fennell. AIB plc issued proceedings against us to try and take our personally owned land that they had no charge over.

In January 2011 when Ken Fennell arrived at our business, he continued to use the company bank accounts. The company had a good business relationship with Ulster Bank. On 13th January 2011 the Ulster Bank company account was €26k overdrawn. The limit on the overdraft was €100k which was personally guaranteed by the company directors. Ken Fennell continued to unlawfully use this bank account and ran the overdraft to its limit. Ulster Bank issued proceedings against us, case number 2013 88S, for €97,574 which was the overdraft that Ken Fennell used.

This is collaboration and collusion by financial institutions and their agents to blacken my good name and reputation and my family’s.
We were held responsible for €71k for a debt that Ken Fennell had run up on the Ulster bank company account and he had no entitlement to use this account or its cheque book. We made the Chartered Accountants of Ireland aware of this but Ken Fennell is not a member of the CAI, and they have no control over him and he is not accountable. He is an employee of Deloitte and they are responsible for his actions as confirmed by the CAI.

All of these posts show the harassment and intimidation against the family for the last 11 years and it can all be proven. The facts speak for themselves.

Further posts will follow.

Michael Quinn.


3. Our former solicitor was silenced by AIB plc.
Our solicitor was McDonough Breen in Dundalk and we had been dealing with them for almost 20 years and never had any issue with them.

Shortly before the court case started in the High Court in 2012 before Judge Kevin Feeney, AIB plc issued proceedings against McDonough Breen to silence them, case number 2012 5305P. They brought a 70-year-old retired solicitor from the firm into court to give evidence against us. This solicitor never dealt with us or our company and he confirmed this to the judge that he had no knowledge of our dealings with his firm, which was true.

This was an attempt by AIB plc and Ken Fennell to undermine the company and its directors and was the bank’s fall-back position if the case against us wasn’t successful, as admitted in court on the first day of the case by AIB plc’s Senior Counsel, John Gleeson. Incidentally, John Gleeson is a brother of Dermot Gleeson who was the Chairman of AIB plc at the time and is a former barrister.

At a meeting at AIB plc bank centre in Ballsbridge on 26th September 2011, Willie Madden of AIB plc acknowledged that we were the legal owners of the land and asked us to just sign the land over to the bank. When we refused, Ken Fennell told us that we neither had the wherewithal nor the ability to fight high court cases at this level. Who has crossed the line here and is this the culture?

All of these posts show the harassment and intimidation against the family for the last 11 years and it can all be proven. The facts speak for themselves.

Further posts will follow.

Michael Quinn.


4. No breach of contract or conduct by Cloughvalley Stores Ltd or its directors.

There was no breach of contract by our company or its directors on its AIB plc loan therefore the actions of AIB plc are unlawful and invalid.

Also, the actions of AIB plc and its agents against the company and its directors are not supported by a court order and it was not a court appointed receivership. This alone shows the intent to mislead and misdirect at all levels.

AIB plc and Ken Fennell refused to give us the company bank statements for many years while they were making claims against the company in court. Eventually after threatening to bring the matters before Judge Peter Kelly in the Commercial Court, the bank statements were provided by Katie Redmond of AIB plc on 17th November 2016 and delivered by courier to our home.

After being forensically checked, the bank statements proved beyond all doubt that the company was not in arrears with it loan from AIB plc when Ken Fennell was allegedly appointed in January 2011. What the forensic report showed was that there was overcharging on the account and as a consequence, there was a surplus of money for the loan repayments.

This was reported to AIB plc and to the Gardai but was ignored. We were advised that if these matters went to senior gardai management that they would be pulled. There should be no safe harbour for fraud, criminality and while collar crime. When this is brought to the attention of senior Gardai, they have a duty to act responsibly. The Gardai are failing in their duty to protect and serve the people. There are no deterrents or sanctions for white collar crime or criminality.

The directors and their children who were working in the business were put out of it by Ken Fennell.

On 20th May 2011, following a peaceful protest of between 800 to 900 people at the supermarket, the Gardai assisted Ken Fennell in removing the directors and their family on the false pretences that a meeting would be arranged to sort things out. I was under threat of arrest by the Gardai at that time. No meeting took place.

Ken Fennell ran to the courts and applied for an interlocutory injunction to stop us going into the business. He made various claims and allegations against the company and the directors which we objected to in the strong possible terms. In his affidavit of 31st May 2011, he undertook to pay damages to us if the court did not grant the injunction.

• Quote from Ken Fennell’s affidavit:
“… if ultimately at the hearing of this action it is determined that I am not entitled to any such relief, I undertake to pay such damages as might arise.”

Ken Fennell also gave an undertaking to the Judge in his affidavit dated 12th August 2011 that any money that he would make while running the business would be used to reduce the AIB plc company loan.

• Quote from Ken Fennell’s affidavit:
“… the revenue received by the Company in receivership is ultimately being used to discharge the Company’ liability to AIB”

From that day to today not one single cent has been paid by Ken Fennell to reduce the company debt to AIB plc, this state-owned bank. Any money generated from the business is being used to pay fees for Ken Fennell, Deloitte and their associates. They are milking the system with no questions asked. This is costing the tax payer millions over the last 11 years.

Criminality is not statute barred and it is appropriate for the Garda Commissioner to act responsibly where a crime of misleading and misdirecting a high court judge is clearly evident.

John Hedigan was the Judge who heard the case in 2011. John Hedigan advised me that he didn’t want to put ordinary hard-working people in jail. The intent was clear that he would put me in jail.

Ken Fennell and his solicitor Paul McDonnell from Gartlan Furey had a duty to AIB plc and to himself and the Chartered Accountants of Ireland (CAI) to follow the correct procedure and check that the ability to appoint a receiver existed. This is an excerpt from a book that is endorsed by the CAI outlining the procedure for appointing a receiver.

“Checklist prior to appointment
Prior to the appointment the following should take place:
• A full review of all security documentation
• A full review of the debenture / charge document and to confirm that the power to appoint a receiver exists.”

Company directors still have responsibilities to the company even after a receiver is appointed.

• Quote from the CAI book:
“It is appropriate for the receiver to seek and obtain good legal advice on his rights and obligations following his appointment. Ultimately, the debenture or charge document outlines the powers of the receiver.

However, case law would indicate that directors and members of the company maintain rights and responsibilities, even following the appointment.”

Despite this, John Hedigan granted the interlocutory injunction to stop us entering onto our own property that was not mortgaged to AIB plc. We are the legal registered owners of this land. All judges in the courts are the custodians and protectors of the Constitution and the law made by the people. People’s property rights fall under this remit. This action by the Judge, John Hedigan in this case undermines the Constitution and the law. No one can be stopped from entering their own property when they are the legal owners and have bought and paid for the land with the honest hard work of their own hands.

John Hedigan is now head of the Irish Banking Culture Board, which is funded by the financial institutions in Ireland.

All of these posts show the harassment and intimidation against the family for the last 11 years and it can all be proven. The facts speak for themselves.

Further posts will follow.

Michael Quinn.


Castleblaney Road





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