💙 Kad našeg Goran Hrestak ne vidite u našoj trgovini u Ilici 49, znate da je negdje na obroncima planina u potrazi za hrvatskim dragim i poludragim kamenjem!
Izrazito detaljnom i dugotrajnom obradom nastaju predivni privjesci i ogrlice za muškarce i žene koje pristaju svakoj prigodi. Pronađite ih u Zagreb Crafts Shop. Kupujmo obrtničko!
💙 When you don't see Goran Hrestak in our store at Ilica 49, you know that he is somewhere on the slopes of the mountains looking for Croatian precious and semi-precious stones!
Extremely detailed and long-lasting processing creates beautiful pendants and necklaces for men and women that suit every occasion. Find them in Zagreb Crafts Shop. Let's buy artisanal!