Tjedan započinjemo jednom jako poznatom hrvatskom obiteljskom destilerijom, ali i njihovim možda ne tako poznatim proizvodom. Riječ je o našim dobrim prijateljima iz Istre odnosno destileriji AURA i njihovoj rakiji od suhe smokve.
Ova rakija od suhih smokava proizvedena je na bazi destilata jabuke u kojemu se smokve, osušene prirodnim putem, na zraku, maceriraju šest mjeseci.
Krasi je bistra boja starog zlata, djelomično je gusta, sofisticiranog i elegantnog mirisa na kojemu prevladava nota suhe smokve, lješnjaka i suhe marelice. Na okusu je poluslatka, ugodna i profinjena, a na aftertasteu osjeća se nota suhe smokve.
Osim što može biti lijep poklon, rakija od suhe smokve može postati dio vaše kućne kolekcije aperitiva. Uz hrvatske klasike: travaricu, pelinkovac i liker od višnje, rakija od suhe smokve će biti pravo osvježenje!
Iznenadite svoje goste malo drugačijim izborom aperitiva i poslužite ju ohlađenu na 8 - 10°C, bez leda.
We start the week with a very well-known croatian family distillery, but also with their perhaps not so well-known product. We are talking about our very good friends from Istria - the AURA distillery and their dry fig brandy.
The base of this dried fig brandy is apple distillat, figs are dried naturally in the air and macerated for six months.
The brandy has a clear color of old gold, it is partially thick, with a sophisticated and elegant fragrance dominated by notes of dried fig, hazelnut and dried apricot. The taste is semi-sweet, pleasant and refined, and the aftertaste has a hint of dried fig.
Not only can dried fig brandy be a nice gift, it can become part of your home aperitif collection. Along with Croatian classics: travarica, pelinkovac and cherry liqueur, dried fig brandy will be a real refreshment!
Surprise your guests with a slightly different choice of aperitif and serve it chilled at 8 - 10°C, without ice.