【酒莊有故事】紐西蘭頂級佳釀 - Blank Canvas👉https://bit.ly/3WhsDL7
Blank Canvas 是新西蘭著名釀酒師 - 邁特·湯姆森(Matt Thomson MSc)和葡萄酒大師 - 蘇菲·帕克-湯姆森(Sophie Parker-Thomson MW)創立的精品葡萄酒品牌。只釀造特色鮮明、小產量的精品葡萄酒釀酒的葡萄來自新西蘭各個產區獨具特色的單一園。
想體驗一下Blank Canvas嘅葡萄酒 ? 就要襯住我地仲有優惠喇~~
【A Winery with Stories】Top-notch New Zealand Wine - Blank Canvas👉https://bit.ly/3WhsDL7
Blank Canvas is a boutique wine brand founded by renowned New Zealand winemaker Matt Thomson MSc and wine master Sophie Parker-Thomson MW. They exclusively produce distinctive and limited-production boutique wines using grapes sourced from unique single vineyards across various regions in New Zealand.
Want to experience Blank Canvas wines? Don't miss out on our special offer!
🏷️ This month, enjoy a 15% discount when you purchase any two bottles of Australian & New Zealand wines.
網店: [kingswine.hk](http://kingswine.hk/)
WhatsApp : +852 6466 4109
買滿 $1,200即可香港免費送貨,Free Hong Kong delivery for single purchase over $1,200
買滿 $2,300即可澳門免費送貨,Free Macau delivery for single purchase over $2,300
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.
根據香港法律 不得在業務過程中 向未成年人售賣或供應令人醺醉的酒類。