
酒舍Alcohood “Closely connected with the neighbour”
Existed in close proximity of our neighbourhood

💖 情人節限定優惠 🌹浪漫時刻,靚靚酒陪你傳遞愛意!🍾💕💛 BOTTEGA GOLD & PINK  15%OFF💛來自意大利嘅經典品牌 BOTTEGA!擁有超過300年歷史,以高質量同靚麗設計聞名。BOTTEGA GOLD:金色瓶身,奢華...

💖 情人節限定優惠 🌹

來自意大利嘅經典品牌 BOTTEGA!擁有超過300年歷史,以高質量同靚麗設計聞名。

BOTTEGA GOLD:金色瓶身,奢華優雅,適合送俾特別嘅佢!
BOTTEGA PINK:粉紅香檳,散發自然莓果香氣,甜蜜又浪漫~💖

🎉 全部 ROSÉ 酒 85折優惠!
👉 使用優惠碼:LOVE15%rose

📅 即日起至2月14日
📍 https://bit.ly/40IeusF


💖 Valentine's Day Exclusive Offer 🌹
Romantic moments, beautiful wines to convey your love! 🍾💕

From the classic Italian brand BOTTEGA, with over 300 years of history, known for high quality and beautiful design.

BOTTEGA GOLD: Gold bottle, luxurious and elegant, perfect for that special someone!
BOTTEGA PINK: Pink champagne, exuding natural berry aromas, sweet and romantic~ 💖

🎉 15% off all ROSÉ wines!
👉 Use promo code: LOVE15%rose

📅 From now until February 14
📍 https://bit.ly/40IeusF

#情人節優惠 #浪漫香檳 #玫瑰酒 #高質生活 #甜蜜時刻 #送禮必備 #特別的佢 #浪漫情人節 #情人節禮物 #酒舍

WINE•LUXE INTERNATIONAL AWARDS 2024 & 15th ANNIVERSARY GRAND TASTING - Trade & Media Session國際評審團精選,頒發2024年度最佳葡萄酒及烈酒大獎,仲...



📅 日期: 2025年2月7日 (星期五)
📍 地點: DB Gallery, 中環3號碼頭1樓
⏱ 時間: 下午6:00-9:00

仲有好消息!First Drop Mothers Milk Shiraz 喺 WINE•LUXE INTERNATIONAL AWARDS 2024 榮獲銀獎 🌟

2月7號嚟 WINE•LUXE 15TH GRAND TASTING 現場就可以品嚐呢款得獎佳釀!唔好錯過啦~


Selected by an international jury, we will award the 2024 Best Wines and Spirits, along with a variety of rare wines, whiskies, and cocktails for you to taste! 🍷🥃🍹

Event Details:
📅 Date: February 7, 2025 (Friday)
📍 Location: DB Gallery, 1st Floor, Pier 3, Central
⏱ Time: 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

And there's more good news! First Drop Mothers Milk Shiraz has won a silver award at the WINE•LUXE INTERNATIONAL AWARDS 2024 🌟

On February 7, you can taste this award-winning wine at the WINE•LUXE 15TH GRAND TASTING! Don't miss out!

#15周年 #得獎佳釀 #酒舍

📣 截單通知!✨新年訂酒安排📣大家好呀~新年就快到喇!🎉🎇感謝各位一直支持我哋嘅酒品~為咗大家可以喺新年期間開心暢飲,請大家留意我哋嘅截單同送貨安排!🚚🍷🛒 最後落單日期:1月28日 下午兩點🕒👉 記住喺1月28日之前落單!過咗截單時間,我...

📣 截單通知!✨新年訂酒安排📣


🛒 最後落單日期:1月28日 下午兩點🕒
👉 記住喺1月28日之前落單!過咗截單時間,我哋就無法保證可以喺年初六前送到喇~

📅 送貨日期:2月3日(年初六)
👉 落單成功嘅客人,我哋會喺 年初六(2月3日) 為你安排送貨,確保你喺新年期間有酒飲~🍾🍷

1️⃣ 截單後嘅訂單會安排喺年初六之後送貨,請提早計劃呀!
2️⃣ 如有任何問題,歡迎隨時聯絡我哋!




📣 Order Closure Notification!✨ New Year’s Alcohol Arrangement 📣

Hello everyone! 🎉🎇 The New Year is just around the corner! Thank you all for your continuous support of our products. To ensure that you can enjoy drinks during the New Year, please pay attention to our order closure and delivery arrangements! 🚚🍷

🛒 Last Order Date: January 28, 2 PM 🕒
👉 Remember to place your order before January 28! After the order closure time, we cannot guarantee delivery before the sixth day of the New Year.

📅 Delivery Date: February 3 (Sixth Day of the New Year)
👉 For customers with successful orders, we will arrange delivery on February 3 (the sixth day of the New Year) to ensure you have drinks during the celebrations! 🍾🍷

Important Notes:
1️⃣ Orders placed after the closure will be scheduled for delivery after the sixth day of the New Year, so please plan ahead!
2️⃣ If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!

Wishing everyone a Happy New Year, abundant wealth, happiness every day, and joy in every cup! 🥂🍻


✨揭開 The Macallan Time Space Mastery 嘅奧秘 ✨當講起威士忌界嘅傳奇品牌,The Macallan 絕對係唔少人心目中嘅No.1!佢哋最新推出嘅 Time Space Mastery,唔單止係一款威士忌,更...

✨揭開 The Macallan Time Space Mastery 嘅奧秘 ✨

當講起威士忌界嘅傳奇品牌,The Macallan 絕對係唔少人心目中嘅No.1!佢哋最新推出嘅 Time Space Mastery,唔單止係一款威士忌,更加係藝術同創新嘅完美結晶!🎨🥃

📅 時間與空間嘅靈感
🍂 層次豐富嘅味道
🌌 未來感爆棚嘅瓶身設計


🔥 鍾意威士忌嘅你,真係唔可以錯過!試過之後,記得同我哋分享你嘅品酒感受呀~ 🍷💬


✨ Unveiling the Secrets of The Macallan Time Space Mastery ✨

When it comes to legendary brands in the whiskey world, The Macallan is undoubtedly the No. 1 in the hearts of many! Their latest release, Time Space Mastery, is not just a whiskey; it’s a perfect blend of art and innovation! 🎨🥃

📅 Inspiration from Time and Space
🍂 Rich and Complex Flavors
🌌 Futuristic Bottle Design

Why do so many people consider this whiskey the ultimate choice for both collecting and enjoying? Click the link below to learn more about the story behind this whiskey! 👇👇👇

🔥 If you love whiskey, you really can’t miss this! After you try it, be sure to share your tasting experience with us! 🍷💬

#威士忌 #威士忌收藏 #頂級威士忌 #品酒體驗 #威士忌藝術 #酒舍

✨ 農曆新年限定珍藏 – Martell 2025 年限量版 ✨�Martell 特別攜手由《富比士 FORBES》評選為當代指標性影響力的知名藝術家 鄔建安,推出「2025 新年限定版系列」。將馬爹利的匠心精神與藝術靈感結合,體現 「人類...

✨ 農曆新年限定珍藏 – Martell 2025 年限量版 ✨�
Martell 特別攜手由《富比士 FORBES》評選為當代指標性影響力的知名藝術家 鄔建安,推出「2025 新年限定版系列」。將馬爹利的匠心精神與藝術靈感結合,體現 「人類對永恆體驗的理想追尋」。

🍷 Martell VSOP 2025 – Martell VSOP 2025 特別版,將品牌 300 年嘅傳承揉合創新,帶來圓潤豐富嘅果香同淡淡木桶香氣,寓意新一年圓滿豐收。

🐍 Martell Cordon Bleu Limited Edition 2025 – 擁有深厚嘅果香、焦糖同堅果味,完美展現法式優雅。

💎 Martell Noblige Cognac Limited Edition 2025 – 尊貴賀歲之選Noblige 呢款 2025 限量版香氣細膩,帶有梨子、李子同香草嘅迷人味道,寓意新一年甜美順遂。

✨立即購買 Martell :www.alcohood.com/martell

✨ Lunar New Year Limited Edition – Martell 2025 Limited Edition ✨�
Martell has partnered with the renowned contemporary artist Wu Jianan, recognized by Forbes as a significant influencer, to launch the "2025 Lunar New Year Limited Edition Series." This collection merges Martell's craftsmanship spirit with artistic inspiration, embodying the "ideal pursuit of eternal experiences."

🍷 Martell VSOP 2025 – The special edition brings together 300 years of the brand's heritage and innovation, offering rich fruit aromas and subtle oak notes, symbolizing a bountiful new year.

🐍 Martell Cordon Bleu Limited Edition 2025 – This edition features deep fruit, caramel, and nut flavors, perfectly showcasing French elegance.

💎 Martell Noblige Cognac Limited Edition 2025 – A prestigious choice for the New Year. This limited edition has delicate aromas with notes of pear, plum, and vanilla, symbolizing a sweet and smooth year ahead.

✨ Purchase Martell now: www.alcohood.com/martell

#2025限量版 #農曆新年限定 #賀歲必備 #法式優雅 #靈蛇添福 #團圓佳釀 #干邑品味 #新春送禮首選 #酒舍

凡購買任何 Lallier 香檳或 Glen Grant 威士忌產品,即可獲得神秘優惠碼一個 💫下次購物可享全場9折!🔥 優惠詳情:✨ 購買 Lallier / Glen Grant 任何產品✨ 完成購買即獲贈優惠碼✨ 優惠碼可享全場9折✨...

凡購買任何 Lallier 香檳或 Glen Grant 威士忌產品,即可獲得神秘優惠碼一個 💫

🔥 優惠詳情:
✨ 購買 Lallier / Glen Grant 任何產品
✨ 完成購買即獲贈優惠碼
✨ 優惠碼可享全場9折
✨ 優惠期有限,立即行動!

🥂購買Lallier :https://bit.ly/4jlHcs6
🥃 購買Glen Grant:https://bit.ly/3BXx4oA
📱 WhatsApp查詢:https://wa.me/85259586480


For every purchase of any Lallier champagne or Glen Grant whisky product, you will receive a mysterious discount code 💫
Enjoy 10% off on your next shopping!

🔥 Discount Details:
✨ Purchase any Lallier / Glen Grant product
✨ Receive a discount code upon completing your purchase
✨ The discount code grants you 10% off storewide
✨ Limited time offer, act now!

🥂 Buy Lallier: https://bit.ly/4jlHcs6
🥃 Buy Glen Grant: https://bit.ly/3BXx4oA
📱 WhatsApp inquiries: https://wa.me/85259586480

#威士忌 #香檳 #限時優惠 #優惠碼 #香港美酒 #9折優惠 #新年酒 #酒舍

來自天地人酒莊 Maison Lou Dumont,由日本釀酒師 仲田晃司 親手打造,融合法國傳統與日本匠心。仲田先生原本係日本一間法國餐廳嘅侍酒師,對布爾岡葡萄酒嘅熱愛令佢毅然踏上釀酒之路。天地人酒莊雖然係一家酒商(Maison),但仲田...

來自天地人酒莊 Maison Lou Dumont,由日本釀酒師 仲田晃司 親手打造,融合法國傳統與日本匠心。

仲田先生原本係日本一間法國餐廳嘅侍酒師,對布爾岡葡萄酒嘅熱愛令佢毅然踏上釀酒之路。天地人酒莊雖然係一家酒商(Maison),但仲田先生親自到葡萄園採摘,嚴選葡萄,確保每一瓶酒都體現出 「天」(天氣)、「地」(土壤)、「人」(葡萄農和釀酒師)嘅完美結合。

仲田先生曾經得到「布爾岡葡萄酒神」 Henri Jayer 嘅指導,佢將「酒神」嘅釀酒哲學融入自己嘅作品,令 Lou Dumont 成為布爾岡葡萄酒中既傳統又獨特嘅代表作。更令人驚喜嘅係,人氣漫畫《神之水滴》都曾介紹佢哋嘅葡萄酒🍷!

Lou Dumont Brut Cremant de Bourgogne
💎 細膩氣泡,清新蘋果、檸檬香氣,尾韻帶烘焙杏仁香。

Lou Dumont Blanc de Blancs Cremant de Bourgogne
💎 100% Chardonnay,柑橘、白桃香,口感優雅細膩。

🎉 高質氣泡酒,價格親民,適合任何場合!立即購買:
👉 https://www.alcohood.com/loudumont


From Maison Lou Dumont, crafted by Japanese winemaker Koji Nakada, blending French tradition with Japanese craftsmanship.

Mr. Nakada was originally a sommelier at a French restaurant in Japan, and his passion for Burgundy wines led him to embark on the winemaking journey. Although Lou Dumont is a wine merchant, Mr. Nakada personally picks the grapes from the vineyards, carefully selecting them to ensure that each bottle embodies the perfect harmony of "Heaven" (weather), "Earth" (soil), and "Human" (grape growers and winemaker).

Mr. Nakada has received guidance from Henri Jayer, the "God of Burgundy Wines," and he has incorporated the "God's" winemaking philosophy into his own work, making Lou Dumont a traditional yet unique representative of Burgundy wines. Interestingly, their wines have also been featured in the popular manga "Drops of God"!

Lou Dumont Brut Cremant de Bourgogne
💎 Delicate bubbles with fresh apple and lemon aromas, finishing with hints of baked almond.

Lou Dumont Blanc de Blancs Cremant de Bourgogne
💎 100% Chardonnay, with citrus and white peach notes, offering an elegant and delicate mouthfeel.

🎉 High-quality sparkling wines at affordable prices, perfect for any occasion! Buy now:
👉 https://www.alcohood.com/loudumont

#天地人酒莊 #布爾岡氣泡酒 #神之水滴 #日本匠心 #葡萄酒推薦 #氣泡酒 #酒舍

Hennessy 蛇年限定系列 🐍✨✨Hennessy 聯手中國新銳藝術家裘淑婷,打造春節新篇章✨今次Hennessy 受到中國傳統絲綢與工藝的啟發,結合金蛇年,以鮮艷的色彩和東西方元素的拼貼設計,向華人生肖中最具象徵性的金蛇致敬。瓶身採用...

Hennessy 蛇年限定系列 🐍✨

✨Hennessy 聯手中國新銳藝術家裘淑婷,打造春節新篇章✨

今次Hennessy 受到中國傳統絲綢與工藝的啟發,結合金蛇年,以鮮艷的色彩和東西方元素的拼貼設計,向華人生肖中最具象徵性的金蛇致敬。瓶身採用霧面質地,紅紫漸層呈現喜慶氛圍,蛇形浮雕象徵轉變與重生,充滿藝術感。禮盒包裝以優雅的壓花和針織裝飾,帶來萬花筒般的視覺盛宴,迎接新年新氣象!

🍷 酒款特色:

🔥Hennessy VSOP 2025 Snake Year Limited Edition
經典 VSOP,寓意紅火!

💎Hennessy XO CNY 2025 Edition

📍 立即搶購,帶著新年祝福同 Hennessy 乾杯 🥂!


Hennessy Snake Year Limited Edition 🐍✨
✨ Hennessy collaborates with emerging Chinese artist Shuting Qiu to create a new chapter for the Spring Festival! ✨

This time, Hennessy draws inspiration from traditional Chinese silk and craftsmanship, combining elements of the Year of the Golden Snake with vibrant colors and a collage design that merges Eastern and Western influences, paying tribute to the most symbolic Golden Snake in the Chinese zodiac. The bottle features a matte finish with a red-purple gradient, creating a festive atmosphere, while the snake-shaped relief symbolizes transformation and rebirth, exuding artistic flair. The packaging is adorned with elegant embossing and knit-like decorations, offering a kaleidoscopic visual feast to welcome the New Year!

🍷 Product Highlights:

🔥 Hennessy VSOP 2025 Snake Year Limited Edition
A classic VSOP, symbolizing prosperity!
Flavor: Mature fruitiness with notes of vanilla, smooth on the palate with a hint of pepper on the finish.

💎 Hennessy XO CNY 2025 Edition
A luxurious choice!
Flavor: Rich dried fruit and spice notes, with a full-bodied taste and a long, lingering finish.

📍 Grab yours now and toast to the New Year with Hennessy! 🥂


只要加入酒舍嘅頻道,可獲得更多獨家優惠 😎
Join the Alcohood channel to get more exclusive offers! 😎
📲 https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Val1OC2GufJ23DhkQ10K

#酒舍 #蛇年限定 #新年好酒 #品味生活 #派對必備 #蛇年限量版 #新年快樂 #恭喜發財 #身體健康

🐍✨ 迎接2025蛇年,共賀新禧!✨🐍Glen Grant 蘇格蘭威士忌推出 2025蛇年新年限量版,用傳統與創新為您打造一場味蕾的盛宴!🎉🍂 Glen Grant 18YO 蛇年限量版深琥珀色澤,香氣層次豐富,帶有蜜糖、堅果與黑巧克力的濃...

🐍✨ 迎接2025蛇年,共賀新禧!✨🐍

Glen Grant 蘇格蘭威士忌推出 2025蛇年新年限量版,用傳統與創新為您打造一場味蕾的盛宴!🎉

🍂 Glen Grant 18YO 蛇年限量版

🍯 Glen Grant 15YO 蛇年限量版

🍎 Glen Grant 12YO 蛇年限量版

購買Glen Grant 2025蛇年新年限量版


🐍✨ Welcome the Year of the Snake 2025, and celebrate the New Year! ✨🐍

Glen Grant Scotch Whisky launches the 2025 Year of the Snake limited edition, crafting a feast for your taste buds with tradition and innovation! 🎉

🍂 Glen Grant 18YO Year of the Snake Limited Edition
Deep amber color, rich aromatic layers with intense flavors of honey, nuts, and dark chocolate. The taste is smooth and long-lasting, perfectly showcasing 18 years of maturation.

🍯 Glen Grant 15YO Year of the Snake Limited Edition
Matured in oak barrels, it exudes aromas of honey, vanilla, and pear, with subtle spicy notes that are unforgettable, perfect for savoring.

🍎 Glen Grant 12YO Year of the Snake Limited Edition
Light fruity notes take the lead, featuring green apple, citrus, and a hint of nutty finish. Fresh and balanced, it’s the best choice for whisky newcomers.

Purchase Glen Grant 2025 Year of the Snake Limited Edition
🐍 https://bit.ly/4gHfiFd

只要加入酒舍嘅頻道,可獲得更多獨家優惠 😎
Join the Alcohood channel to get more exclusive offers! 😎
📲 https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Val1OC2GufJ23DhkQ10K

#2025蛇年 #蛇年快樂 #威士忌 #酒舍 #派對必備 #蛇年限量版 #新年快樂 #恭喜發財 #身體健康

Sassicaia - 意大利最尊貴嘅紅酒投資首選!點解要揀Sassicaia?🏰擁有獨立法定產區,全意大利獨一無二🏅年產量極少,限量釀造💎保值能力強,拍賣市場表現出眾🏆連續多年獲得國際權威評分今次帶來三個卓越年份嘅375ML:🍷2021年...

Sassicaia - 意大利最尊貴嘅紅酒投資首選!



🍷2021年份 WA 100分

🍷2020年份 WA 97分

🍷2018年份 WA 97+分


#意大利紅酒 #紅酒推介 #紅酒收藏 #限量版紅酒 #優質紅酒 #葡萄酒 #紅酒投資 #送禮之選 #酒舍

祝各位聖誕快樂🎁🎄Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas! 🎁🎄

Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas! 🎁🎄

🍾✨ 聖誕香檳精選推介 2024想喺聖誕節營造浪漫氣氛?等小編推介幾款超值嘅香檳俾你!意大利之選:Cinzano Prosecco:蘋果梨子香,清新開胃 🍎Bottega金樽:金光閃閃,派對必備 ⭐️法國皇牌:Moët & Chandon ...

🍾✨ 聖誕香檳精選推介 2024


Cinzano Prosecco:蘋果梨子香,清新開胃 🍎
Bottega金樽:金光閃閃,派對必備 ⭐️

Moët & Chandon Imperial:全球最暢銷,口感細膩
Dom Perignon 2015:白花蜜桃香,品味之選 🥂

Charles Roux:超高性價比,情侶至愛 💕



#聖誕派對 #香檳推介 #聖誕禮物 #香港美酒 #派對必備
#香港交友 #香港生活 #香港美食 #酒舍

意大利 Prosecco Gold Rosé 迷你套裝🥂4支裝迷你套裝 $188意大利嘅氣泡酒一向都係香港人嘅至愛,今次呢款玫瑰金Prosecco更加係完美配搭晒香港人嘅口味同生活習慣。每支20cl嘅迷你支裝,一個人飲都啱啱好,唔會嘥🥂🥰輕...

意大利 Prosecco Gold Rosé 迷你套裝🥂
4支裝迷你套裝 $188






Italian Prosecco Gold Rosé Mini Set 🥂
4 Mini Bottles for $188

Italian sparkling wine has always been a favorite among Hong Kongers, and this rosé gold Prosecco perfectly matches local tastes and lifestyle. Each mini bottle is 20cl, just the right amount for one person—no waste! 🥂🥰

With its light rosé gold color and delicate bubbles, it offers fresh fruit aromas with a hint of floral notes. It has a balanced sweetness, an alcohol content of 11%, and a refreshing taste that isn’t too heavy. Imported directly from Italy, ensuring authenticity and quality. 👍🏽

Whether sharing with friends, relaxing after work, or celebrating a date, this mini set is perfect. It makes a lovely gift for friends who enjoy sweet wines—stylish, generous, and practical! 🤩

Pre-order now 📲 https://bit.ly/3OPcPfo

#氣泡酒 #意大利直送 #派對必備 #香港交友 #酒舍

🎄 愉景灣聖誕美酒巡禮 Booth No.9 等緊你!🍷今年聖誕,約埋班Friend去愉景灣歎返杯!🥂我哋特登為大家精選咗啲靚酒,等你可以盡情享受聖誕氣氛!📍 日期:2024年12月13-15日(一連三日)📍 時間:14:00-21:00📍...

🎄 愉景灣聖誕美酒巡禮 Booth No.9 等緊你!🍷


📍 日期:2024年12月13-15日(一連三日)
📍 時間:14:00-21:00
📍 地點:愉景灣 Booth No.9 酒舍

🍷 酒舍精選靚酒推介:
* The Glen Grant Highball - 清新提神,最啱聖誕派對!
* First Drop Mothers Milk Shiraz 2022 - 澳洲果香濃郁紅酒
* First Drop Real Time Chardonnay 2022 - 清新爽脆白酒
* Cinzano Prosecco DOC - 意大利經典氣泡酒


🎄 Discovery Bay Christmas Wine Walk Booth No.9 is waiting for you! 🍷

This Christmas, gather your friends and enjoy a drink at Discovery Bay! 🥂
We have specially selected some great wines for you to fully enjoy the Christmas atmosphere!

📍 Date: December 13-15, 2024 (three consecutive days)
📍 Time: 14:00-21:00
📍 Location: Discovery Bay Booth No.9 Alcohood

🍷 Wine House Selected Recommendations:

*The Glen Grant Highball - Fresh and invigorating, perfect for Christmas parties!
*First Drop Mothers Milk Shiraz 2022 - Rich fruity Australian red wine
*First Drop Real Time Chardonnay 2022 - Crisp and refreshing white wine
*Cinzano Prosecco DOC - Classic Italian sparkling wine

Have a Christmas filled with wine and atmosphere! Tag your friends and come join us! 🎅🏻✨

#愉景灣好去處 #聖誕市集 #美酒


See you all at 香港愉景灣 Visit Discovery Bay

🥃 尊貴限定 | Johnnie Walker XR23 皇牌威士忌想飲到最頂級嘅威士忌?呢支限量版XR23就啱曬你!🌸 以蘭花為靈感,調配出獨特嘅花香味道🍯 入口有蜜糖甜香,仲帶有熱帶水果嘅清新🪴 尾韻係溫潤嘅木質香,回味無窮呢支威士忌係...

🥃 尊貴限定 | Johnnie Walker XR23 皇牌威士忌


🌸 以蘭花為靈感,調配出獨特嘅花香味道
🍯 入口有蜜糖甜香,仲帶有熱帶水果嘅清新
🪴 尾韻係溫潤嘅木質香,回味無窮


🥃 限量發售 :https://bit.ly/3OEQUre

🥃 Exclusive Limited Edition | Johnnie Walker XR23 Blended Whisky

Looking to taste the finest whisky? This limited edition XR23 is perfect for you!

🌸 Inspired by orchids, it offers a unique floral aroma.
🍯 On the palate, there's a sweet honey note, complemented by a refreshing hint of tropical fruits.
🪴 The finish reveals a warm woody scent, leaving a lasting aftertaste.

This whisky is crafted from 23-year-old spirits from three prestigious distilleries, with every sip reflecting 23 years of maturation to achieve this perfect flavor!

🥃 Limited Release: https://bit.ly/3OEQUre

只要加入酒舍嘅頻道,可獲得更多獨家優惠 😎
Join the Alcohood channel to get more exclusive offers! 😎
📲 https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Val1OC2GufJ23DhkQ10K

#威士忌 #限量版美酒 #品味之選 #威士忌之最 #酒舍

🎊 阿媽最愛嘅「2蚊」優惠嚟啦!買任何酒類產品,出示樂悠卡仲加$2就有一支價值$100嘅 Jacob's Creek Winemaker's Selection Merlot 帶返屋企!🍷✨記住呢個優惠淨係限定樂悠卡用戶先享有架!快啲約埋阿...

🎊 阿媽最愛嘅「2蚊」優惠嚟啦!

買任何酒類產品,出示樂悠卡仲加$2就有一支價值$100嘅 Jacob's Creek Winemaker's Selection Merlot 帶返屋企!🍷✨



🎊 Grandma's favorite "$2" offer is here!

Buy any alcoholic beverage, show your Loyau card, and for just an extra $2, you can take home a $100 value Jacob's Creek Winemaker's Selection Merlot! 🍷✨

Remember, this offer is exclusively for Loyau card users!
Quickly invite Grandma and Dad for some shopping!

The offer is limited, so act fast!

#樂悠卡優惠 #銀髮族至愛 #紅酒優惠 #長者優惠 #抵到震 #飲杯靚酒 #銀髮族專屬 #長者 #銀髮族 #2蚊優惠 #樂悠卡 #65歲 #長者咭 #長者福利 #長者中心 #生果金 #酒舍

🎄 【2024聖誕香檳精選】邊款香檳最啱過節?聖誕節就快到了,大家準備好慶祝的氣氛了嗎?今年的聖誕派對,聖誕香檳不可或缺嘅選擇😎由意大利嘅金樽Bottega,到法國嘅皇牌Moët & Chandon,再到日本清酒界嘅革新者獺祭,全部都喺呢篇...

🎄 【2024聖誕香檳精選】邊款香檳最啱過節?



由意大利嘅金樽Bottega,到法國嘅皇牌Moët & Chandon,再到日本清酒界嘅革新者獺祭,全部都喺呢篇文詳細分析晒!

🔍 想知道2024年最值得買邊幾款香檳?
🤔 諗緊送咩香檳最體面?
💝 想整個與別不同嘅聖誕派對?

🔗 即睇詳細分析:https://bit.ly/3Out55p
💬 記得Share俾朋友,等佢哋都可以成為香檳專家!

#聖誕精選 #香檳推介 #派對之選 #送禮之選 #品味生活
#香檳 #過節必備 #酒舍


Rm 804-805, 8/F, Mega Trade Centre, 1 Mei Wan Street
Tsuen Wan

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 11:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 11:00 - 18:00
Thursday 11:00 - 18:00
Friday 11:00 - 18:00




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