Italian Wines
香港人品嘗紅酒多數均會留意法國紅酒,甚至近年在港大熱的澳洲紅酒。很少人知道其實意大利其實為世界最為古老的葡萄酒產區,公元前200年便已經開始出產葡萄酒。到2008年意大利更首次擊敗法國,成為世界上最大的葡萄酒生產國。因其地理位置之利,意大利幾乎所有地區都耕作葡萄,並擁有超過500種意大利獨有的葡萄品種。 因此意大利葡萄酒擁有其獨特性,各家族均有其歷史悠久的釀酒經驗, 故能釀製出豐富層次及與別不同的口感,獨有葡萄品種釀出唯有意大利才能出產的葡萄酒。
RW Wine Store (紅白酒窩) 與約20多間意大利本土家族小酒莊合作,直接由意大利入口精選由酒莊自行種植、釀製至入瓶的葡萄酒。所有精品葡萄酒均為十分獨特,家族自家品牌,絕非大牌子酒廠生產。全新在香港推出,意旨推廣傳統意大利的品酒文化予香港。
Most of Hong Kong people like red / white wines from France or Australia which grow up in recent years in HK. Seldom people know that Italy is the oldest wines making country in the world since year 200 BC. In 2008, Italy became the largest red/white wines production country. Due to the advantage of Italy geographic location, nearly all regions in Italy are suitable for growing grapes, so Italy have over 500 unique native grapes. Therefore, Italian wines are unique and each family winery own its historic oenology.
RW Wine Store works with around 20 Italian small family wine cellars that make wines from growing grapes, wine making to bottling. We import wines directly from Italy. All our wines are boutique wines, non-famous branding, unique, special and new in Hong Kong. We aim to introduce traditional Italian wine tasting culture to Hong Kong people.