You're keen to find out more about Lyre's but need a taste before you commit?
We've gotcha and here is a list of bars & restaurants who already believe in being inclusive when it comes to choosing a drink that suits your needs.
Find it here:
#makeitalyres #lyresspiritco #nonalcoholicdrinks #nonalcoholiccocktails #staysocial #soberoctober
Reasons why you should try non-alcoholic spirits.
a healthier alternative to traditional alcoholic drinks, as they contain little to no alcohol, making them ideal for people who want to cut down on their alcohol intake.
They are versatile and can be used to create a variety of cocktails, which can be enjoyed at any time of the day.
They are suitable for people who are designated drivers, pregnant or nursing, or for those who simply do not drink alcohol. Which makes it an excellent way to socialize without feeling left out of the drinking culture.
This month, enjoy 15% off on the full range of Lyre's non-alcoholic spirits!