Le Bon Whisky

Le Bon Whisky 『不斷創新, 發揮無限想象』禮邦始創於2011年,多年來不斷努力和革新,憑著我們的信念和專業,不論客戶服務,推廣優惠,產品知識,投資建議,禮邦力臻完美,為客戶提供多元化,與眾不同的購物體驗。

Le Bon禮邦國際洋酒很高興為您提供送貨服務:顧客亦可選擇上門自取,有關詳情,歡迎與我們聯絡。

差唔多時間要諗過年要買啲咩,買支酒簡單直接==============================🍾LeBon溫馨提示🍾🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXm...

🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business
#送禮自用兩相宜 #送禮首選 #過年

網站購買任何威士忌, 香檳, 紅白酒, 龍舌蘭酒, 利口酒, 啤酒, 酒版或絕版洋酒滿HKD$1,200免運費,今日落單,聽日送貨,村屋唐樓離島都送。始創於2011年,禮邦國際是香港其中一間大型網上酒窖,所有酒保證正貨!

Lillet Rose 是一款由法國製造的 新鮮、果香和清爽的餐前酒。這款酒以其淡紅色的外觀和細膩的泡沫著稱。Lillet Rose 的香氣包括紅色水果、橙花和葡萄柚,而口感則是豐富、圓潤且平衡。======================...

Lillet Rose 是一款由法國製造的 新鮮、果香和清爽的餐前酒。這款酒以其淡紅色的外觀和細膩的泡沫著稱。Lillet Rose 的香氣包括紅色水果、橙花和葡萄柚,而口感則是豐富、圓潤且平衡。
🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

馬爹利藍帶傲創是一款由法國著名的干邑品牌。這款干邑以其橙色的琥珀色 和 紫檀色的色調 而著稱,並且具有蘋果派、香料和乾果 的香氣。口感上,它展現了優雅和平衡,餘韻有橙皮的味道,味道豐富且濃郁。========================...

馬爹利藍帶傲創是一款由法國著名的干邑品牌。這款干邑以其橙色的琥珀色 和 紫檀色的色調 而著稱,並且具有蘋果派、香料和乾果 的香氣。口感上,它展現了優雅和平衡,餘韻有橙皮的味道,味道豐富且濃郁。
🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

The whiskey is known for its smooth and balanced flavor, which comes from a blend of pot still and fine grain whiskeys t...

The whiskey is known for its smooth and balanced flavor, which comes from a blend of pot still and fine grain whiskeys that are triple-distilled for extra smoothness.
🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

Jingle All the Way to Unbelievable Bargains—Our Best Christmas Sale Yet!==============================🍾LeBon溫馨提示🍾🎁 所有訂單都...

Jingle All the Way to Unbelievable Bargains—Our Best Christmas Sale Yet!
🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

網站購買任何威士忌, 香檳, 紅白酒, 龍舌蘭酒, 利口酒, 啤酒, 酒版或絕版洋酒滿HKD$1,200免運費,今日落單,聽日送貨,村屋唐樓離島都送。始創於2011年,禮邦國際是香港其中一間大型網上酒窖,所有酒保證正貨!

Rebel Yell Small Batch Reserve 是一款由美國 Heaven Hill 酒廠製造的小批量威士忌,以其獨特的風味而聞名。這款威士忌以小麥、玉米和大麥為主要成分,並以小麥取代大麥,使其成為一種小麥威士忌。雖然未標明年...

Rebel Yell Small Batch Reserve 是一款由美國 Heaven Hill 酒廠製造的小批量威士忌,以其獨特的風味而聞名。這款威士忌以小麥、玉米和大麥為主要成分,並以小麥取代大麥,使其成為一種小麥威士忌。雖然未標明年份,但一般認為這款威士忌已經存放約六年。這款威士忌的風味結合了甘草、香腸、香草和堅果,使其在口感上既甜美又平衡。
🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

Gentleman Jack 是 Jack Daniel's 著名的威士忌品牌之一,以其獨特的製程和高品質聞名。這款威士忌以其 高酒精度(47%)和 獨特的風味著稱,特別是濃郁的烘焙香氣和果香。這款威士忌的名字「Gentleman Jack...

Gentleman Jack 是 Jack Daniel's 著名的威士忌品牌之一,以其獨特的製程和高品質聞名。這款威士忌以其 高酒精度(47%)和 獨特的風味著稱,特別是濃郁的烘焙香氣和果香。這款威士忌的名字「Gentleman Jack」代表著一種高雅和優雅的形象,適合那些喜歡品味高的人士。
🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

Auchentoshan以其獨特的三重蒸餾過程而聞名,使其口感更為細膩和平滑。Auchentoshan 18年威士忌具有濃郁的果香和煙熏味,帶有堅果和香草的複雜層次。==============================🍾LeBon溫...

Auchentoshan以其獨特的三重蒸餾過程而聞名,使其口感更為細膩和平滑。Auchentoshan 18年威士忌具有濃郁的果香和煙熏味,帶有堅果和香草的複雜層次。
🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

Saint Germain is a French liqueur made from fresh elderflowers, hand-picked once a year in late spring. Each bottle cont...

Saint Germain is a French liqueur made from fresh elderflowers, hand-picked once a year in late spring. Each bottle contains up to 1,000 hand-picked elderflower blossoms, resulting in a finely crafted, perfectly balanced, and refined liqueur. It has a delicate floral aroma with hints of pear, citrus, and lychee, making it a versatile ingredient for cocktails like the St-Germain Spritz and the St-Germain Royal.
🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

Casamigos Blanco Tequila 由 100% 藍麥芽製成,並在墨西哥的高原上種植。它的特點是擁有清爽的風味,及帶有香草、柑橘和甜蜜的味道,並在短時間內蒸餾,使其風味更為獨特。這款酒的容量為700毫升,酒精濃度為 40%。它...

Casamigos Blanco Tequila 由 100% 藍麥芽製成,並在墨西哥的高原上種植。它的特點是擁有清爽的風味,及帶有香草、柑橘和甜蜜的味道,並在短時間內蒸餾,使其風味更為獨特。

這款酒的容量為700毫升,酒精濃度為 40%。它的外觀為透明無色,帶有淡淡的花香和蜂蜜味道。
🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

Chartreuse Yellow is a vibrant yellow-green color named after the French liqueur, Yellow Chartreuse. It's a bright, eye-...

Chartreuse Yellow is a vibrant yellow-green color named after the French liqueur, Yellow Chartreuse. It's a bright, eye-catching hue that sits between yellow and green on the color spectrum. This color is often used for high-visibility clothing and safety gear due to its striking visibility.
🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

Jim Beam Straight Rye is a classic American whiskey with a rich history. It's made with a mash bill of at least 51% rye ...

Jim Beam Straight Rye is a classic American whiskey with a rich history. It's made with a mash bill of at least 51% rye grain, along with corn and malted barley. This gives it a distinct flavor profile that's spicy, earthy, and slightly sweet. It's aged for four years in new charred oak barrels, which adds notes of vanilla, caramel, and oak to the mix.

Jim Beam Straight Rye is known for its bold, spicy kick and a hint of black pepper, making it a great choice for classic cocktails like the Manhattan, Old Fashioned, and Bloody Mary. It's a versatile whiskey that can be enjoyed neat, on the rocks, or in a variety of mixed drinks.
🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

Casamigos Anejo 在美國橡木桶中陳釀14個月,呈現出深沉的可可和巧克力香氣,並帶有薄荷和木桶的微妙味道。==============================🍾LeBon溫馨提示🍾🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point...

Casamigos Anejo 在美國橡木桶中陳釀14個月,呈現出深沉的可可和巧克力香氣,並帶有薄荷和木桶的微妙味道。
🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

Bushmills Original 是一款來自愛爾蘭的調和威士忌,由Bushmills蒸餾廠製造。這款威士忌以其三重蒸餾和柔和的風味而聞名,酒精濃度為40%。這款威士忌的風味特點包括蜂蜜、蘋果、蘇打和煙燻味,並以其獨特的混合技術和精選的蒸...

Bushmills Original 是一款來自愛爾蘭的調和威士忌,由Bushmills蒸餾廠製造。這款威士忌以其三重蒸餾和柔和的風味而聞名,酒精濃度為40%。

🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

Mr Black Coffee Amaro 是一款由澳洲製造的咖啡利口酒,融合了義大利的傳統後菜酒和澳大利亞的咖啡文化。這款琴酒以其咖啡、柑橘和可可的香氣而聞名,並包含14種草本植物,如橙子、檸檬、葡萄柚、甘草、薄荷和肉豆蔻等。======...

Mr Black Coffee Amaro 是一款由澳洲製造的咖啡利口酒,融合了義大利的傳統後菜酒和澳大利亞的咖啡文化。這款琴酒以其咖啡、柑橘和可可的香氣而聞名,並包含14種草本植物,如橙子、檸檬、葡萄柚、甘草、薄荷和肉豆蔻等。
🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business



🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

A sugar-free 25-year old, ultra premium rum that is sustainably produced and Fair Trade certified. From a 5th generation...

A sugar-free 25-year old, ultra premium rum that is sustainably produced and Fair Trade certified. From a 5th generation family estate, it is naturally aged without artificial ingredients, distilled 100% with renewable energy and KOSHER certified. A full-bodied rum with a long and smooth finish that lingers in the palate. Best enjoyed neat or on a rock, and paired with 70% cocoa chocolate.
🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business

Newton Chardonnay 是一款來自美國加州納帕谷的高檔白葡萄酒。這款葡萄酒以其獨特的香氣和口感而聞名,特別是其橡木和果香的結合。這款葡萄酒的風味特點包括橙子、蘋果和石榴的果香,以及蜂蜜和蘋果醬的香氣。==============...

Newton Chardonnay 是一款來自美國加州納帕谷的高檔白葡萄酒。這款葡萄酒以其獨特的香氣和口感而聞名,特別是其橡木和果香的結合。

🎁 所有訂單都有Le Bon Point & Credit 回贈
【網站購買: https://bit.ly/3SXmHab
【專人服務: https://bit.ly/46Anbq8
【客服電話: 3464 0896 】
Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business


Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 17:00
Thursday 10:00 - 17:00
Friday 10:00 - 17:00




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Our Story

『不斷創新, 發揮無限想象』禮邦始創於2011年,多年來不斷努力和革新,憑著我們的信念和專注,不論客戶服務,推廣優惠,產品知識,投資建議,禮邦力臻完美,為客戶提供精彩無張,多元化,與眾不同的購物體驗。