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一杯Ventisquero Grey Cabernet Sauvignon 帶來細緻朱古力、煙草和黑胡椒的味道,再加上法國優質橡木桶的香氣,用來陪伴我們渡過International Cabernet Sauvignon Day是最好不過。...

一杯Ventisquero Grey Cabernet Sauvignon 帶來細緻朱古力、煙草和黑胡椒的味道,再加上法國優質橡木桶的香氣,用來陪伴我們渡過International Cabernet Sauvignon Day是最好不過。

International Cabernet Sauvignon Day calls for sips of our Grey Cabernet Sauvignon's subtle notes of chocolate, to***co and black pepper, together with fine French oak. 👉 🔥+🍷

#紅酒 #葡萄酒 #美食推薦

深入認識一下傑出的ValledelMaipo代表「CartaVieja Cabernet Sauvignon Gran Reserva 2018」。她酒色為濃烈的櫻桃紅色泛著藍色光澤。黑加侖子、黑櫻桃、咖啡和香料的香氣突出。她可被形容為「結...

深入認識一下傑出的ValledelMaipo代表「CartaVieja Cabernet Sauvignon Gran Reserva 2018」。她酒色為濃烈的櫻桃紅色泛著藍色光澤。黑加侖子、黑櫻桃、咖啡和香料的香氣突出。她可被形容為「結構豐富、口感強烈、個性鮮明」,完美融合了成熟水果、太妃糖和朱古力的味道。此外她的單寧堅固,演變良好並完美帶來成熟酒體的風味。品嚐後,餘留在口中的香氣更是濃烈、持久。

Learn a little more about Cabernet Sauvignon Gran Reserva 2018, a great exponent of . It has an intense cherry red color with bluish reflections. On the nose aromas of cassis, black cherry, coffee and spicy notes stand out. Structured, powerful palate with a great personality that is perfectly complemented by ripe fruit, toffee and chocolate. Its tannins are firm with good evolution and well integrated. Intense, long and persistent finish.

#夏日美酒 #紅酒 #葡萄酒 #美食推薦

Sour is a cocktail mixed with spirit, sour juice and sweet. Whisky sour is the popular one among all. To celebrate the N...

Sour is a cocktail mixed with spirit, sour juice and sweet. Whisky sour is the popular one among all.

To celebrate the National Whisky Sour Day, let’s make your own whisky sour with Monkey Shoulder Blended Malt Whisky.

The tradition way to sweeten whisky sour is adding syrup, but this time you can try adding two tea spoons of jam.

This creation tastes like whisky with donuts, will definitely surprise you.





炎炎夏日,來一杯Framingham Pinot Noir,細味紅莓、櫻桃和李子的風味,輕盈中帶著陣陣煙燻橡木桶香。體驗獨特的世界名酒風味!🍷☀️Savor the flavors of summer with a glass of Fra...

炎炎夏日,來一杯Framingham Pinot Noir,細味紅莓、櫻桃和李子的風味,輕盈中帶著陣陣煙燻橡木桶香。體驗獨特的世界名酒風味!🍷☀️

Savor the flavors of summer with a glass of Framingham Pinot Noir, featuring notes of red berries, cherries, and plums, with a hint of smoky oak barrel. Experience the unique taste of this world-renowned wine! 🍷☀️


Happy National Rum Day!Icy cola is the best thing to enjoy with rum in this hot summer.  Ingredients:1 parts Sailor Jerr...

Happy National Rum Day!

Icy cola is the best thing to enjoy with rum in this hot summer.

1 parts Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum
3 parts cola

How to make:
1. In a Collins or highball glass, measure Sailor Jerry spiced rum and then add ice.
2. Top with cola and garnish with a lime wheel.



一份傑瑞水手冧酒 (金)

1. 在可林杯或高杯,加入傑瑞水手冧酒 (金)及冰塊。
2. 倒入可樂,並用青檸片用將飾。

Gather your friends and enjoy the smooth richness of CAMUS XO Borderies! 🥃✨ With its complex flavors of dried fruits 🍇, ...

Gather your friends and enjoy the smooth richness of CAMUS XO Borderies! 🥃✨ With its complex flavors of dried fruits 🍇, nuts, and a hint of spice 🌶️, it’s perfect for sharing stories and creating memories. Whether you’re relaxing at home or out for a night, let’s raise a glass to good times! 🥂🎉

和朋友們聚在一起,享受卡慕(布特妮)家族珍藏 XO干邑的順滑醇厚!🥃✨這款干邑擁有乾果🍇、堅果和香料🌶️的複雜風味,非常適合分享故事和創造回憶。無論是在家放鬆還是外出聚會,讓我們為美好時光乾杯!🥂🎉

#乾杯 #干邑愛好者 #為我們乾杯 #好心情 #分享美好 #理性飲酒

寶龍Prosecco 嚟自🇮意大利威尼托特雷維索省,用咗格雷拉(Glera) 提子嚟釀造,混雜住花香果香,帶有相思花,白桃同柑橘果子香味。 味道清新、細膩、芳香,果香味濃郁。 🥂It’s origin is 🇮Province of Tre...

寶龍Prosecco 嚟自🇮意大利威尼托特雷維索省,用咗格雷拉(Glera) 提子嚟釀造,混雜住花香果香,帶有相思花,白桃同柑橘果子香味。 味道清新、細膩、芳香,果香味濃郁。 🥂

It’s origin is 🇮Province of Treviso (Veneto), Italy. And its vine is Glera, this gives the prosecco a fruity, flowery, with scents of acacia flowers, a touch of Golden apple, white peach and citrus fruits. It has a fresh, delicate, fragrant taste, with a strong touch of fruit.🥂

「我發現無論你在哪裡、在做什麼,或是跟誰在一起,我永遠都會誠摯地、真心地、毫無保留地愛你。」祝大家七夕快樂!“I’ve realized that no matter where you are or what you’re doing o...



“I’ve realized that no matter where you are or what you’re doing or who you’re with, I will always honestly, truly, completely love you. “

Wish everyone happy Qixi Festival!

今天是世界白酒節,讓我們一起慶祝白酒文化,細味江小白調配的藝術!與三五摯友一同共醉,感受無窮樂趣!As we celebrate the essence of baijiu on World Baijiu Day, we invite yo...


As we celebrate the essence of baijiu on World Baijiu Day, we invite you to explore the art of mixing with Jiangxiaobai with your besties!🥂

#江小白 #강소백

Enjoy the smooth taste of Camus VSOP Borderies! 🌟✨ With rich notes of dried fruit 🍇, floral hints 🌸, and a touch of spic...

Enjoy the smooth taste of Camus VSOP Borderies! 🌟✨ With rich notes of dried fruit 🍇, floral hints 🌸, and a touch of spice 🌶️, it’s perfect for sipping or mixing in your favourite cocktails 🍹. Let’s celebrate good times this August! 🥂💖

享受卡慕(布特妮) VSOP干邑的順滑口感!🌟✨這款干邑擁有乾果🍇、花香🌸和香料🌶️的豐富風味,無論是單飲還是調酒🍹都很合適。八月,讓我們一起慶祝美好時光!🥂💖

#乾杯 #干邑愛好者 #輕鬆飲 #快樂氛圍 #理性飲酒

Ventisquero的Grey Chardonnay以引人入勝的色澤和芳香味著稱。它口感清新,帶有淡淡的雲呢拿和堅果香氣,餘韻悠長。其酒體結構適合搭配意粉、芝士和白肉的晚餐或午餐!Ventisquero's Grey Chardonnay...

Ventisquero的Grey Chardonnay以引人入勝的色澤和芳香味著稱。它口感清新,帶有淡淡的雲呢拿和堅果香氣,餘韻悠長。其酒體結構適合搭配意粉、芝士和白肉的晚餐或午餐!

Ventisquero's Grey Chardonnay is a wine with an appealing color and aroma. It has a dry taste with soft notes of vanilla and nuts, which lingers in the aftertaste. Its structure makes it a good wine to accompany dinner or lunch consisting of pasta, cheeses, and white meats!

#紅酒 #葡萄酒 #美食推薦

🌞🌺 用汀斯頓麥芽威士忌來迎接夏天的來臨!🌺🌞無論你是舉辦一場熱鬧的花園派對,享受陽光浴,或只是在漫長的一天結束後放鬆身心,我們為你準備了完美的夏日夥伴 :充滿活力和令人難以抗拒的夏日Summer Spice !🌞🌺 Shake up y...

🌞🌺 用汀斯頓麥芽威士忌來迎接夏天的來臨!🌺🌞

無論你是舉辦一場熱鬧的花園派對,享受陽光浴,或只是在漫長的一天結束後放鬆身心,我們為你準備了完美的夏日夥伴 :充滿活力和令人難以抗拒的夏日Summer Spice !

🌞🌺 Shake up your summer with Deanston! 🌺🌞

Whether you're hosting a lively garden party, lounging in the sun, or simply unwinding after a long day, we've got the perfect summer companion for you: introducing our vibrant and irresistible Summer Spice!

著名評酒網站 .suckling 在評論我們的 Vertice Carménère/Syrah 時表示:「這款酒富含濃郁、飽滿的質感,呈現成熟的黑色漿果和布冧風味,果香豐沛,單寧感也很出色。」你是否也對這款智利紅酒充滿好奇?那就今天立刻來品...

著名評酒網站 .suckling 在評論我們的 Vertice Carménère/Syrah 時表示:「這款酒富含濃郁、飽滿的質感,呈現成熟的黑色漿果和布冧風味,果香豐沛,單寧感也很出色。」你是否也對這款智利紅酒充滿好奇?那就今天立刻來品嚐一下吧!

“…rich, bold, ripe dark berries and plums with a very juicy, fluid build of fruit flavors and tannins.” - .suckling shares his thoughts on our Vertice Carménère/Syrah. Have you ever tasted it? Try it today!

你準備好今天來一次舒適放鬆的品酒之旅了嗎?Carta Vieja Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon 集濃郁風味和迷人香氣於一身,是與芝士拼盤一起品嚐的理想選擇。 🍷🧀Indulge yourself today! Exp...

Carta Vieja Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon 集濃郁風味和迷人香氣於一身,是與芝士拼盤一起品嚐的理想選擇。 🍷🧀

Indulge yourself today! Experience the richness of Carta Vieja Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon – bursting with flavor and captivating aromas. It's the ultimate companion for unwinding with a nice cheese platter. 🍷🧀





Let’s discover Casa Noble Tequila together, savour and enjoy life, one sip at a time!

Nurture and harvest their Blue Weber agave in the rich, volcanic soil of our high-altitude fields. Aged in French Oak Barrels for a more complex flavour profile.

The perfect tequila for sipping, Casa Noble Blanco tequila is elegantly balanced and smooth, with a sweet agave presence and hint of citrus.

🌞🍹 走進夏日,與杜博摩氈酒一同享受!🍹🌞🌟✨ 每一口杜博摩氈酒雞尾酒都能讓你沉浸在夏日的精髓中。氈酒的清爽口感與鮮明的柑橘風味將把你帶到陽光明媚的海灘和熱帶度假勝地。就像是一杯度假的滋味!🏖️🍸🌺🌞🍹 Step into summer w...

🌞🍹 走進夏日,與杜博摩氈酒一同享受!🍹🌞

🌟✨ 每一口杜博摩氈酒雞尾酒都能讓你沉浸在夏日的精髓中。氈酒的清爽口感與鮮明的柑橘風味將把你帶到陽光明媚的海灘和熱帶度假勝地。就像是一杯度假的滋味!🏖️🍸🌺

🌞🍹 Step into summer with Tobermory Gin! 🍹🌞

🌟✨ Immerse yourself in the essence of summer with every sip of our Tobermory Gin Spritz. The crispness of the gin combined with the vibrant citrus notes will transport you to sun-drenched beaches and tropical getaways. It's like a vacation in a glass! 🏖️🍸🌺

今天是全國魚子醬日,正在尋找一瓶香檳來搭配嗎?維多利亞(慶典)香檳 2012,這個年份體現了高水準的成熟度與酸度的平衡。由 50% 黑皮諾、40% 夏多內和 10% 莫尼耶皮諾混合而成。香氣優雅而複雜,帶有花香和果香。這支香檳與各種魚子醬完...


維多利亞(慶典)香檳 2012,這個年份體現了高水準的成熟度與酸度的平衡。由 50% 黑皮諾、40% 夏多內和 10% 莫尼耶皮諾混合而成。香氣優雅而複雜,帶有花香和果香。


Today is National Caviar Day, looking for a bottle of champagne to pair with?

Champagne Victoire (Celebration) Brut Vintage 2012, this vintage is a reflection of high level of maturity well-balanced with the acidity. With the blend of 50% Pinot Noir, 40% Chardonnay and 10% Pinot Meunier. An elegant and complex nose with floral and fruity aromas.

Perfect champagne to pair with various of caviar!

Get ready for A Midsummer Rose & Cucumber Night's Dream at Zeus .lkfJoin us on TOMORROW for an enchanting evening featur...

Get ready for A Midsummer Rose & Cucumber Night's Dream at Zeus .lkf

Join us on TOMORROW for an enchanting evening featuring top DJs HIVERGOD and J.wan .wan_janet, and a mesmerizing dance performance by Elyssium.

Give a rose to your princess. Pair up and enjoy a long marshmallow candy at the bar. Start from both ends and finish at the middle with less than 5cm. Win a Hendrick’s gin shot for your sweet victory.

Lastly, enjoy the night at the dance floor.

Tickets are $120 and include a complimentary Hendrick's Gin mix. Don’t miss out on this magical night!

Congratulations to Bar Leone () for winning the Disaronno Highest New Entry Award and The Best Bar in Asia 2024!We are t...

Congratulations to Bar Leone () for winning the Disaronno Highest New Entry Award and The Best Bar in Asia 2024!

We are thrilled to celebrate the incredible achievement of Bar Leone in Hong Kong, which has made history by becoming The Best Bar in Asia 2024, sponsored by Perrier. This prestigious recognition is a testament to the bar's exceptional cocktails, warm and welcoming atmosphere, and unwavering commitment to providing an unforgettable experience for its guests.

As the recipient of the Disaronno Highest New Entry Award, Bar Leone has demonstrated its remarkable ability to captivate the hearts of cocktail enthusiasts and industry experts alike. In just one year since its opening, the bar has made an indelible mark on the vibrant cocktail scene in Hong Kong and has quickly risen to the top of the rankings.

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to Lorenzo Antinori () and the entire team at Bar Leone for their outstanding achievement. Their passion, dedication, and unwavering commitment to excellence have truly set a new standard for cocktail bars in Asia.

今日係日本嘅海之日,咁緊係要介紹返支嚟自日本之餘又關於海嘅酒俾大家認識認識啦!日本(悅)海洋北海道手工氈酒,喺蒸餾過程中用咗喺太平洋深處抽取嘅深海水,所以佢非常特出。為咗加強依支氈酒嘅層次同風味,佢用嚟蒸餾嘅植物成分都浸漬咗 22 個鐘。依...


日本(悅)海洋北海道手工氈酒,喺蒸餾過程中用咗喺太平洋深處抽取嘅深海水,所以佢非常特出。為咗加強依支氈酒嘅層次同風味,佢用嚟蒸餾嘅植物成分都浸漬咗 22 個鐘。


Today is Japanese Marine Day, let me introduce a spirit that come from Japan which also related to the ocean.

Etsu Pacific Ocean Water gin stands out for its use of water drawn from the depths of the Pacific Ocean during the distillation process. For greater intensity and character, this gin is distilled with botanicals after 22 hours of maceration.

The iodine taste of this exceptional gin highlights botanicals including Japanese yuzu and bitter orange peel.

 x Tia咖啡馬天尼。致獨一無二的您。 x Tia Maria Cold Brew Martini.One of a kind as you are.                                    #咖啡酒  #咖...

x Tia咖啡馬天尼。

x Tia Maria Cold Brew Martini.
One of a kind as you are.

#咖啡酒 #咖啡 #雞尾酒

國際Mojito日快樂!今日我們與您一同慶祝,以Giffard椰子果蓉為主角,調製一杯特別的Mojito !每一口都帶來椰子的迷人風味,令你回味無窮!立即來嚐試這款「Coconut Mojito 」,感受夏日的激情!Happy Nation...

國際Mojito日快樂!今日我們與您一同慶祝,以Giffard椰子果蓉為主角,調製一杯特別的Mojito !每一口都帶來椰子的迷人風味,令你回味無窮!立即來嚐試這款「Coconut Mojito 」,感受夏日的激情!

Happy National Mojito Day! Today, we're celebrating with you by featuring Giffard Coconut Fruit For Mix puree in a special Mojito recipe! Each sip brings the enchanting flavor of coconut, leaving you wanting more. Come and try this "Coconut Mojito " to experience the summer's exhilaration!

Light Rum 60 ML
Coconut Fruit For Mix 25 ML
Pineapple Juice 90 ML
Lime Juice 15 ML

無論是與摯友小酌,還是與情人浪漫共飲,今天國際菠蘿雞尾酒日,一定要來一口Giffard的經典菠蘿雞尾酒!純正法式配方的魅力滋味,必定令你陶醉其中,流連忘返。快來一探究竟,感受這款夏日清涼佳釀的迷人魅力!Whether enjoying a ...


Whether enjoying a casual tipple with close friends or indulging in a romantic sip with your loved one, today on National Piña Colada Day, you must savor a glass of Giffard's classic piña colada! The captivating flavors of the authentic French recipe will surely enchant you, leaving you craving for more. Come discover the alluring charm of this refreshing summer delight!

Light Rum 60 ML
Coconut Fruit For Mix 25 ML
Pineapple Juice 90 ML
Lime Juice 15 ML


「這是一封寫給Tia Maria的情書 – 欠缺一杯Tia咖啡馬天尼的夜晚都不完美。 Tia Maria標誌著每一個夜晚的獨特體驗。」 特別感謝@joannahstyle
"A love letter to Tia Maria - No perfect evening is complete without a Tia espresso martini. The perfect way to bring some uniqueness and flavour to any evening at home." A special thanks to

#咖啡酒 #咖啡 #雞尾酒

卡慕干邑在2024年在各種的國際烈酒榮獲金獎的殊榮。足以證明了卡慕干邑的專業及品質。- 卡慕 (濃香) VSOP 榮獲 2024 年國際烈酒獎 (ISW) 金獎 🏅🥇。- 卡慕 (布特妮) VSOP 榮獲 2024 年國際烈酒獎 (ISW)...


- 卡慕 (濃香) VSOP 榮獲 2024 年國際烈酒獎 (ISW) 金獎 🏅🥇。
- 卡慕 (布特妮) VSOP 榮獲 2024 年國際烈酒獎 (ISW) 金獎及烈酒商業 - 干邑界別中的 (干邑大師) 金獎 🏅🥇。
- 卡慕 (尊貴) XO 榮獲 2024 年干邑大師金獎及舊金山世界烈酒競賽 (SFWSC)金獎🏅🥇。
- 卡慕 (布特妮) XO 榮獲 2024 年 ISW 金獎、干邑大師金獎及 SFWSC 金獎🏅🥇。

Camus won multiple gold medals at spirits awards ceremonies in 2024. Backing up the qualities of our cognacs, and Camus’s expertise.

- Camus VSOP won a gold medal 🏅🥇at International Spirits Award (ISW).
- Camus VSOP Borderies won gold medals 🏅🥇at ISW, and at The Spirits Business Global Cognac Masters (Cognac Masters).
- Camus XO Prestige won gold medals 🏅🥇at Cognac Masters, and San Francisco World Spirits Competition (SFWSC).
- Camus XO Borderies scored gold medals 🏅🥇at ISW, Cognac Masters, and SFWSC.

Monkey Shoulder and Hendrick's are glad to invite a master, the shop owner of Somm Juice , Liz , to be the guest bartend...

Monkey Shoulder and Hendrick's are glad to invite a master, the shop owner of Somm Juice , Liz , to be the guest bartender for four bars , , and .moon_garden next week.

With his talent, passion for spirit and wine, skills and experience earned, he won the champion of Taiwan Monkey Shoulder Ultimate Bartender Championship Competition 2022. He shows the spirit of Monkey Shoulder, breaks through his limit, and continuously shines in the recognized competitions.

This time, Liz will break through the limit with Monkey Shoulder Blended Malt Whisky and Hendrick's.

Don’t miss the chance taste Liz’s remarkable cocktails!

金猴麥芽威士忌和亨利爵士氈酒很高興邀請調酒界新星,Somm Juice的店主@masumasu_somm_juice,林莉榮 ,於下星期擔任四家酒吧@thesanctumhk,,@penna.moon_garden的客席調酒師。

憑藉著自己的天賦、對烈酒與葡萄酒的熱情、技巧與經驗,他獲得了2022年Taiwan Monkey Shoulder Ultimate Bartender Championship Competition的冠軍。他展現了金猴麥芽威士忌所宣揚精神,突破自己的極限,在公認的比賽中不斷發光發熱。


準備好發掘你的冰凍夏日雞尾酒了嗎? Tia冰凍咖啡馬天尼雞尾酒就是你的最佳選擇!❄☕做法超級簡單:25ml Tia Maria冷萃咖啡利口酒25ml 特濃咖啡25ml 伏特加將所有材料混合打碎以3粒咖啡豆裝飾Ready to d...

準備好發掘你的冰凍夏日雞尾酒了嗎? Tia冰凍咖啡馬天尼雞尾酒就是你的最佳選擇!❄☕ 做法超級簡單: 25ml Tia Maria冷萃咖啡利口酒 25ml 特濃咖啡 25ml 伏特加 將所有材料混合打碎 以3粒咖啡豆裝飾
Ready to discover your new favorite summer cocktail?
Introducing the Tia Frozen Espresso Martini! ❄☕
Here how simple it is to make:
25ml Tia Maria
25ml Espresso Coffee
25ml Vodka
Blend all the ingredients
Garnish with 3 coffee beans

#咖啡酒 #咖啡 #雞尾酒

茴香酒是一種茴香味的利口酒。通常無色,並且由於含有糖,比干型茴香味烈酒(苦艾酒)更甜。安帝卡森伯加(白)茴香酒具有宜人的茴香香氣,口感柔滑、和諧而濃郁。甜甜的,但與味蕾接觸時,它仍然非常順滑,而且帶有一絲酸味。Anisette, or An...



Anisette, or Anis, is an anise-flavored liqueur. Usually colorless and, because it contains sugar, is sweeter than dry anise flavoured spirits - absinthe.

Antica Sambuca Classic, with pleasant anise aroma, it has a velvety, harmonious and intense flavour. Sweet but on contact with the palate it remains smooth with hints of sourness.


Room 1804, Eastern Harbour Centre, 28 Hoi Chak Street, Quarry Bay
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday 09:00 - 13:00




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Our Story

Established in the year of 1946, Leung Yick first started its business in Wanchai as a local small wholesaler for general foodstuffs, groceries, beers and spirits.

In light of increased demand of alcoholic beverages in the 1970s, Leung Yick further expanded its business portfolio to include imported whiskies, liqueurs, vodkas, gins, rums, cognacs and wines.

With the change in era, Leung Yick shifted the focus from solely local distribution and wholesale to both import and export of alcoholic beverages.

In 2003, Leung Yick further expanded its product range by taking up various direct agency brands in wines and spirits, and this step has further extend the distribution network of the company.