【網店獨家 | Online Exclusive】New Year Bordeaux and Champagne
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趁New Year Specials限時優惠入定貨啦🧧!從超抵飲嘅波爾多美酒,到精緻嘅香檳,各類風格不一嘅佳釀都值得您一一探索!無論係純飲,定係搭配如新年菜餚都非常適合。今期優惠低至$198起*,立即購買,與家人和朋友一同分享,迎接新年🧧!
We have rounded up some fine New Year wine for you to serve at your gatherings🤩. From budget-friendly Bordeaux🍷 to exquisite Champagne labels🍾, explore the diverse styles and flavours of these celebratory wines. They are all perfect for pairing with festive Chinese dishes – or simply enjoy sharing bottles with family and friends🧧. Now at price from $198* only, shop now!
*優惠只適用於 www.watsonswine.com 至2025年2月3日,貨品數量有限,售完即止。此優惠不可與W 醇獎賞及其他優惠同時使用。
*Offer only valid at www.watsonswine.com until 03/02/2025, while stocks last. This offer may not be used in conjunction with W Rewards and other promotional offers.
#新年 #拜年美酒