【西班牙、葡萄牙酒特輯🧡Spanish & Portuguese Wine Specials】買滿$488即享9折*!
👉Start your spring tipsy journey now 立即展開春日微醺之旅: https://bit.ly/42UB6ZS
🌸春日悄悄來臨,最適合放慢步調,感受微風與陽光☀️,一杯來自西班牙或葡萄牙嘅佳釀總能為您帶來驚喜。葡萄牙及西班牙相鄰,出產風格多變嘅葡萄酒:輕盈清新嘅白酒、優雅細緻嘅氣泡酒、醇厚迷人嘅紅酒,以及濃郁甜美嘅Port酒,全部都應有盡有。🍷今期買西班牙或葡萄牙酒滿$488,即享9折*! 🧡
🌸Spring has come quietly but surely☀️, a glass of wine from Spain or Portugal can always surprise you. Portugal and Spain are bordered and produce a variety of wines of different styles, including light and fresh white wines, elegant and delicate sparkling wines, rich and concentrated red wines, and sweet Port wines. 🍷Enjoy 10% off when spending $488* on Spanish or Portuguese wines. 🧡
*優惠有效期至2025年3月24日,貨品數量有限,售完即止。此優惠不可與W 醇獎賞及其他優惠同時使用。
*Offer valid until 24/03/2025, while stocks last. This offer may not be used in conjunction with W Rewards and other promotional offers.