Watson's Wine

Watson's Wine Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Watson's Wine, Wine, Beer & Spirits Store, TASTE, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue, Hong Kong.

【西班牙、葡萄牙酒特輯🧡Spanish & Portuguese Wine Specials】買滿$488即享9折*!👉Start your spring tipsy journey now 立即展開春日微醺之旅: https://bit....

【西班牙、葡萄牙酒特輯🧡Spanish & Portuguese Wine Specials】買滿$488即享9折*!

👉Start your spring tipsy journey now 立即展開春日微醺之旅: https://bit.ly/42UB6ZS

🌸春日悄悄來臨,最適合放慢步調,感受微風與陽光☀️,一杯來自西班牙或葡萄牙嘅佳釀總能為您帶來驚喜。葡萄牙及西班牙相鄰,出產風格多變嘅葡萄酒:輕盈清新嘅白酒、優雅細緻嘅氣泡酒、醇厚迷人嘅紅酒,以及濃郁甜美嘅Port酒,全部都應有盡有。🍷今期買西班牙或葡萄牙酒滿$488,即享9折*! 🧡

🌸Spring has come quietly but surely☀️, a glass of wine from Spain or Portugal can always surprise you. Portugal and Spain are bordered and produce a variety of wines of different styles, including light and fresh white wines, elegant and delicate sparkling wines, rich and concentrated red wines, and sweet Port wines. 🍷Enjoy 10% off when spending $488* on Spanish or Portuguese wines. 🧡

*優惠有效期至2025年3月24日,貨品數量有限,售完即止。此優惠不可與W 醇獎賞及其他優惠同時使用。
*Offer valid until 24/03/2025, while stocks last. This offer may not be used in conjunction with W Rewards and other promotional offers.


  - Super Tuscan:熱情、勇氣、創新及叛逆飲酒嘅朋友🍷,一定有聽過Super Tuscan呢個名詞,但您又知唔知係咩意思!今日,客席作家兼意大利酒專家Vincent Yuen,就會同我哋訴說Super Tuscan嘅歷史及意義...

- Super Tuscan:熱情、勇氣、創新及叛逆

飲酒嘅朋友🍷,一定有聽過Super Tuscan呢個名詞,但您又知唔知係咩意思!今日,客席作家兼意大利酒專家Vincent Yuen,就會同我哋訴說Super Tuscan嘅歷史及意義,並品嚐Mazzei嘅Concerto di Fonterutoli葡萄酒!

👉立即了解Super Tuscan:https://bit.ly/3X15AWb



【網店獨家 | Online Exclusive】Lascombes: Classic Margaux👉立即選購 Act now: https://bit.ly/4hkuok1 擁有悠久歷史嘅波爾多二級莊Château Lascombes位...

【網店獨家 | Online Exclusive】Lascombes: Classic Margaux

👉立即選購 Act now: https://bit.ly/4hkuok1

擁有悠久歷史嘅波爾多二級莊Château Lascombes位於Medoc中心地帶,座落於Margaux西北邊嘅山坡之上,完美展現Margaux嘅迷人風土🍇。

今次網店獨家優惠,我哋帶嚟一系列Château Lascombes正牌、副牌佳釀!酒莊憑藉穩定且優良嘅品質,多年嚟都成為我哋嘅熱賣商品,其副牌Chevalier de Lascombes亦以豐富果香及清新口感,深受Margaux飲家嘅喜愛🍷。如果您仲未試過,就記得趁今次機會選擇喇😍!

On a hillside in the northwest of Margaux, in the heart of the Médoc, sits Second Growth Château Lascombes. It is a unique property with a long history driven by pioneering owners, and terroir reflecting the beauty of the appellation.

We are delighted today to bring you a range of Château Lascombes vintages, alongside the second wine, Chevalier de Lascombes, which itself delivers the vibrant fruit and freshness held so dear by Margaux lovers🍷. Prized for its consistency, this Château is one of our hottest sellers🏆. If you haven’t experienced these wines yet, now is your chance😍!


*優惠只適用於 www.watsonswine.com 至2025年2月17日,貨品數量有限,售完即止。此優惠不可與W 醇獎賞及其他優惠同時使用。
*Offer only valid at www.watsonswine.com until 17/02/2025, while stocks last. This offer may not be used in conjunction with W Rewards and other promotional offers.


  - 春日美酒優惠🌸Embrace the flavours of Spring!令人期待嘅春天悄悄到來,我哋嘅春日美酒優惠亦開始咗喇🌸!200多款精選葡萄酒可享醇酒匯會員優惠及額外折扣💰,令您盡情享受春天嘅氣息,迎接新季節嘅到來🍷!👉春...

- 春日美酒優惠🌸Embrace the flavours of Spring!


👉春日美酒優惠 Spring SALE: https://bit.ly/3Eyvx9d

Just as the vibrant hues of spring begin to bloom🌸, so our Spring SALE arrives! Embrace the arrival of the new season's season by refreshing your cellar🍷 – from our list of 200+ wines on top of Member Discount💰. Indulge in the spirit of Spring!



【情人節餐飲指南❤️Food and Wine Pairing for Valentine’s Day】要慶祝情人節,點少得精心準備嘅美酒佳餚🍷,以營造氣氛!今日,我哋就參考人氣扒房The Grill Room嘅餐單🍽️,為大家介紹兩個必勝...

【情人節餐飲指南❤️Food and Wine Pairing for Valentine’s Day】要慶祝情人節,點少得精心準備嘅美酒佳餚🍷,以營造氣氛!今日,我哋就參考人氣扒房The Grill Room嘅餐單🍽️,為大家介紹兩個必勝餐飲配搭,為您打造出令人難忘嘅用餐體驗🌹。

Valentine’s Day is a celebration of love, and few things set the mood better than a thoughtfully prepared meal complemented by the perfect wine🍷. Inspired by the contemporary steakhouse The Grill Room🍽️, this guide explores 2 unbeatable pairings that enhance flavors, and can surely create an unforgettable dining experience that delights the senses🌹.


【情人節浪漫必備:粉紅玫瑰酒 | Rosé for Valentine's Day】❤️為情人節製造浪漫回憶,不妨與摰愛分享一支玫瑰酒! 我哋特別為您挑選適合節日慶祝嘅玫瑰香檳及氣泡玫瑰酒🍷,每一款都風格不一,能夠配搭唔同種類嘅美食🍽️,絕...

【情人節浪漫必備:粉紅玫瑰酒 | Rosé for Valentine's Day】❤️為情人節製造浪漫回憶,不妨與摰愛分享一支玫瑰酒! 我哋特別為您挑選適合節日慶祝嘅玫瑰香檳及氣泡玫瑰酒🍷,每一款都風格不一,能夠配搭唔同種類嘅美食🍽️,絕對可以滿足您嘅另一半!仲要考慮?立刻入手玫瑰酒,提升浪漫氣氛、留下溫馨時刻🌹!

👉立即選購 Act now: https://bit.ly/4117poz

❤️Create a beautiful Valentine’s Day celebration by sharing a bottle of rosé with your beloved! Take a look at our lovely selection of pink-hued wines, both still and sparkling🍷: there’s something for every Valentine here. They offer so much potential for food pairing as well🍽️: when in doubt, drink rosé! Make happen the most loving and memorable occasion ever🌹!!



【情人節浪漫必備:粉紅玫瑰酒 | Rosé for Valentine's Day】❤️為情人節製造浪漫回憶,不妨與摰愛分享一支玫瑰酒! 我哋特別為您挑選適合節日慶祝嘅玫瑰香檳及氣泡玫瑰酒🍷,每一款都風格不一,能夠配搭唔同種類嘅美食🍽️,絕...

【情人節浪漫必備:粉紅玫瑰酒 | Rosé for Valentine's Day】❤️為情人節製造浪漫回憶,不妨與摰愛分享一支玫瑰酒! 我哋特別為您挑選適合節日慶祝嘅玫瑰香檳及氣泡玫瑰酒🍷,每一款都風格不一,能夠配搭唔同種類嘅美食🍽️,絕對可以滿足您嘅另一半!仲要考慮?立刻入手玫瑰酒,提升浪漫氣氛、留下溫馨時刻🌹!

❤️Create a beautiful Valentine’s Day celebration by sharing a bottle of rosé with your beloved! Take a look at our lovely selection of pink-hued wines, both still and sparkling🍷: there’s something for every Valentine here. They offer so much potential for food pairing as well🍽️: when in doubt, drink rosé! Make happen the most loving and memorable occasion ever🌹!!


【網店獨家 | Online Exclusive】Good Fortune with Lucky 8 SALE👉立即選購 Act now: https://bit.ly/40Kspjo 我哋以Lucky 8 SALE為大家送上最熱烈嘅新年祝...

【網店獨家 | Online Exclusive】Good Fortune with Lucky 8 SALE

👉立即選購 Act now: https://bit.ly/40Kspjo

我哋以Lucky 8 SALE為大家送上最熱烈嘅新年祝福❤️!精選多款來自世界各地嘅超抵飲葡萄酒,全部價錢都係「8️⃣」字尾,寓意大家鴻運當頭,恭喜發財🧧!一於與親朋好友共酌美酒,好運年年✨!

Perfect for spreading warmth and creating lasting memories❤️, our Lucky 8 SALE labels are affordable gems with prices that resonate with the prosperous number 8 (which is, of course, associated with wealth in Chinese Culture)🧧. These picks come in different styles, spanning the world's wine regions. May the New Year bring abundant good fortune to all✨!

*優惠只適用於 www.watsonswine.com 至2025年2月10日,貨品數量有限,售完即止。此優惠不可與W 醇獎賞及其他優惠同時使用。
*Offer only valid at www.watsonswine.com until 10/02/2025, while stocks last. This offer may not be used in conjunction with W Rewards and other promotional offers.



【網店獨家 | Online Exclusive】New Year Bordeaux and Champagne👉立即選購 Act now: https://bit.ly/3C6KjmM趁New Year Specials限時優惠入定貨啦🧧...

【網店獨家 | Online Exclusive】New Year Bordeaux and Champagne

👉立即選購 Act now: https://bit.ly/3C6KjmM

趁New Year Specials限時優惠入定貨啦🧧!從超抵飲嘅波爾多美酒,到精緻嘅香檳,各類風格不一嘅佳釀都值得您一一探索!無論係純飲,定係搭配如新年菜餚都非常適合。今期優惠低至$198起*,立即購買,與家人和朋友一同分享,迎接新年🧧!

We have rounded up some fine New Year wine for you to serve at your gatherings🤩. From budget-friendly Bordeaux🍷 to exquisite Champagne labels🍾, explore the diverse styles and flavours of these celebratory wines. They are all perfect for pairing with festive Chinese dishes – or simply enjoy sharing bottles with family and friends🧧. Now at price from $198* only, shop now!

*優惠只適用於 www.watsonswine.com 至2025年2月3日,貨品數量有限,售完即止。此優惠不可與W 醇獎賞及其他優惠同時使用。
*Offer only valid at www.watsonswine.com until 03/02/2025, while stocks last. This offer may not be used in conjunction with W Rewards and other promotional offers.

#新年 #拜年美酒


【農曆新年期間特別營業時間安排 📢 Special Opening Hours during Lunar New Year】要買酒過新年嘅您,注意喇‼️:農曆新年期間,所有門市嘅營業時間將作特別安排,並將於初四(2025年2月1日星期六)回...

【農曆新年期間特別營業時間安排 📢 Special Opening Hours during Lunar New Year】要買酒過新年嘅您,注意喇‼️:農曆新年期間,所有門市嘅營業時間將作特別安排,並將於初四(2025年2月1日星期六)回復正常營業時間。感謝各位諒解,新年快樂🧧!

Dear wine lovers, to celebrate Lunar New Year, our opening hours for all retail stores will be adjusted during the Lunar New Year holidays, and will resume normal on 1st Feb 2025 (Saturday). Thank you for your understanding. Happy Lunar New Year🧧!

📢農曆新年期間網上訂單配送安排 eStore Delivery Service during Lunar New Year就到農曆新年,仲未準備好美酒嘅您請注意!想喺農曆新年前得手,記得喺1月27日下午5點前於網店下單🥰!如超出最後出貨時間...

📢農曆新年期間網上訂單配送安排 eStore Delivery Service during Lunar New Year


👉把握機會下單 Get ready for Year of the Snake: https://bit.ly/42paW0R

Still not yet ready for Lunar New Year filled with great wines? Don't forget to order by 27-Jan 5pm to get your wines before Lunar New Year! 🥰 If you missed the cut-off time, your wines will be delivered on/after 31-Jan, thank you for your attention. Happy Lunar New Year🧧❤️️


【新品上架 | New Arrivals】屈臣氏酒窖首款中國威士忌 — 叠川 🥃 Introducing our First Chinese Whisky Portfolio: The Chuan叠川意味著豐富嘅層次,係東西方文化嘅碰撞、糅...

【新品上架 | New Arrivals】屈臣氏酒窖首款中國威士忌 — 叠川 🥃 Introducing our First Chinese Whisky Portfolio: The Chuan




👉叠川 The Chuan:https://bit.ly/4hpg61a

The Chuan reflects the layered richness of its terroir, rooted in the unique landscapes of Emei Mountain—a UNESCO World Heritage site. Here, year-round precipitation and summer warmth creates ideal conditions for whisky making, intensifying its flavors through enhanced evaporation.

Crafted with precision, The Chuan blends Chinese ingredients and global techniques. European and Chinese barley come together, while three distinct oak casks from three continents define its depth. Bourbon casks from the U.S. introduce elegant vanilla and fruity notes, followed by sweet richness from Spanish sherry casks. The pinnacle of its complexity lies in the proprietary Chinese Single Oak casks, which impart a long, sophisticated finish of sandalwood and mandarin peel. These rare casks, crafted from timber sourced from the protected Changbai Mountain, make this whisky truly extraordinary.



🆕🎊立即試試2025新品!Try our 2025 New Arrivals Now! 🎊🆕🍷 💝為我哋2025年打響頭炮嘅,係來自世界各地嘅新酒款及新年份佳釀,當中包括Grandes Murailles、Abadia Retuerta、S...

🆕🎊立即試試2025新品!Try our 2025 New Arrivals Now! 🎊🆕

🍷 💝為我哋2025年打響頭炮嘅,係來自世界各地嘅新酒款及新年份佳釀,當中包括Grandes Murailles、Abadia Retuerta、Suertes del Marques、Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia等🎉。由層次豐富嘅紅酒到輕盈清爽嘅白酒,為新一年屬於您嘅每個精彩時刻做好準備!立即睇睇🏃!

👉新品佳釀 New Arrivals:https://bit.ly/3WqTRQu

🍷 💝We are thrilled to kick off 2025 with our curated new arrivals - those new to our portfolio plus new vintage releases, featuring Grandes Murailles, Abadia Retuerta, Suertes del Marques, Tenuta dell’ Ornellaia & many more 🎉. From bold, textural reds to crisp whites, get ready for your upcoming celebratory and exciting moments! Explore Now🏃!


Check out the great deals of New Arrivals at Watsons Wine, ranging from wines to Champagne and Whisky. See more special offers and online discount.

【App獨家優惠📱 App-only Offers🔥】由今日起至1月28日,只要用手機App埋單,輸入優惠碼「APPONLY」,所有紅/白酒*及清酒即享額外95折,既方便又可以嘆盡優惠!立即把握機會下載Watson's Wine手機App,...

【App獨家優惠📱 App-only Offers🔥】由今日起至1月28日,只要用手機App埋單,輸入優惠碼「APPONLY」,所有紅/白酒*及清酒即享額外95折,既方便又可以嘆盡優惠!立即把握機會下載Watson's Wine手機App,揀選靚酒與家人、朋友把酒暢聚!新舊客戶都有份㗎!

Download the Watson's Wine mobile app now for more great deals, and enjoy a convenient, seamless purchasing experience! From now until 28-Jan, ALL customers are entitled to enjoy extra 5% off on still wine*/ Sake when entering coupon code ""APPONLY"" & checking out on app in a single purchase. Act now and shop for exquisite wines and gather with your family and friends for a delightful drinking experience!

*香檳和烈酒除外。此優惠不適用於限時優惠商品、W 醇獎賞和清倉特賣商品,且不可與其他促銷優惠同時使用。如有任何爭議,屈臣氏酒窖保留最終決定權。
*Excludes Champagne and spirits. Offers do not apply to purchases of limited time offer items, redemption items and clearance sale items, and may not be used in conjunction with other promotional offers. In case of any disputes, the decision of Watson’s Wine shall be final.


  – 醇酒分・賞 Point Rewards農曆新年就快到喇!一齊嚟屈臣氏酒窖揀選心水美酒,準備送禮同聚餐啦!新一期醇酒匯積分‧賞已為您準備好,今期只需6,000積分(=$100)起,即可換領Yangarra🇦🇺、Champagne Pa...

– 醇酒分・賞 Point Rewards

農曆新年就快到喇!一齊嚟屈臣氏酒窖揀選心水美酒,準備送禮同聚餐啦!新一期醇酒匯積分‧賞已為您準備好,今期只需6,000積分(=$100)起,即可換領Yangarra🇦🇺、Champagne Palmer & Co🇫🇷、Pahlmeyer🇺🇸等嚟自世界各地24款美酒🍷🎁!最抵嘅禮品兌換價值更幫您慳$400*。數量有限,立即把握機會換領✨!

👉立即換領 Pick your gifts now: bit.ly/4fLGW2t

Lunar New Year is just around the corner! Let's head to Watson's Wine to choose your favorite wines for gifting and gatherings! Our new gift options for Watson’s Wine Club points have just arrived. From just 6,000 points (=$100), you can pick your favourite from our 24 fabulous gift options, including Yangarra🇦🇺, Champagne Palmer & Co🇫🇷, Pahlmeyer🇺🇸 and many more, with saving of up to $600 off*!✨Shop and pick your gifts now!

🚚以電話落單/ 網購,單次交易消費滿$1,200,可享免費送貨服務1次。
🚚Enjoy FREE delivery upon spending $1,200 in a single purchase, when ordering by phone or online.


*優惠只適用於 www.watsonswine.com 至2025年03月31日,貨品數量有限,售完即止。
*Offer only valid at www.watsonswine.com until 31/03/2025, while stocks last.

#品酒 #醇酒分賞

【網店獨家 | Online Exclusive】New Year Specials: Up to 25% savings*👉立即選購 Act now: https://bit.ly/4g4LUHN  就快到新年,係時候趁New Year ...

【網店獨家 | Online Exclusive】New Year Specials: Up to 25% savings*

👉立即選購 Act now: https://bit.ly/4g4LUHN

就快到新年,係時候趁New Year Specials限時優惠入定貨喇🧧!今期精選4款熱賣拜年美酒🔥,包括法國波爾多五級莊Chateau Clerc Milon、Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande女爵副牌、以及熱賣Penfolds及Montes,低至75折*,🍷把握入貨機會🤩!

We are now offering limited time offer of New Year Specials, take this chance to stock up for the upcoming New Year gathering🧧! This week, we have featured 4 hot-selling items🔥, including the 5th growth of Chateau Clerc Milon, 2nd wine of Pichon Longueville Comtesse de Lalande, as well as the renowned Penfolds and Montes, at up to 25% off*! 🍷 Don’t miss out! 🤩


*優惠只適用於 www.watsonswine.com 至2025年1月31日,貨品數量有限,售完即止。此優惠不可與W 醇獎賞及其他優惠同時使用。
*Offer only valid at www.watsonswine.com until 31/01/2025, while stocks last. This offer may not be used in conjunction with W Rewards and other promotional offers.

#新年 #拜年美酒


  – Deluxe Chinese New Year Gifts from $313/btl* only!👉立即選購 Shop Now: https://bit.ly/4g2IzJ0迎接農曆新年,除咗送賀年糖果同餅乾之外🍬,仲有其他更別出...

– Deluxe Chinese New Year Gifts from $313/btl* only!

👉立即選購 Shop Now: https://bit.ly/4g2IzJ0

迎接農曆新年,除咗送賀年糖果同餅乾之外🍬,仲有其他更別出心裁嘅選擇。當中包括來自頂級酒莊嘅旗艦酒,以及Mouton Rothschild同Montes嘅禮品套裝,絕對能令您嘅送禮對象眼前一亮🍷。如果想同親友有個難忘嘅回憶,不妨一齊品嚐一杯特別版威士忌,令您嘅慶祝活動更添樂趣🎉。

Celebrate Lunar New Year – by moving beyond the usual gifts of sweets and cookies🍬! Elevate your gifting with your selection from our carefully curated collection🍷, featuring flagship wines from top producers, and exclusive vertical packs from esteemed estates including Mouton Rothschild and Montes. For an unforgettable celebration with loved ones, indulge in a special-edition whisky, promising to make your festivities truly remarkable🎉.


*Offers valid until 10/02/2025, while stocks last. Terms & conditions apply.



TASTE, Festival Walk, 80 Tat Chee Avenue
Hong Kong

Opening Hours

Monday 11:00 - 19:30
Tuesday 11:00 - 19:30
Wednesday 11:00 - 19:30
Thursday 11:00 - 19:30
Friday 11:00 - 19:30
Saturday 11:00 - 19:30
Sunday 11:00 - 19:30





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