The Furst Germany wine collection is a remarkable testament to the artistry of Spätburgunder, or Pinot Noir, crafted under the expert guidance of Sebastian Furst, the owner and winemaker. With a passion for the land and a commitment to excellence, Sebastian presents a range of wines that capture the essence of their terroir. Thank you for all those who joined us last night What a night of parallel tasting of Furst remarkable Pinot Noirs, Chardonnay and Reilsing. #wine #wineworld #winetasting #germanywine #winehk #wineevents #spätburgunder #germanywine #fürst #bürstädter
【高性價比香檳品牌 Charles Heidsieck 哈雪香檳 🍾】
不要遺忘這個法國優質香檳品牌,由$320/支起已經可以買到特別且獨特嘅香檳品牌Charles Heidsieck Brut Reserve系列!
Charles Heidsieck 莊位於法國香檳區的核心地帶,生產出超過160年的優質香檳。用最優質嘅葡萄來創造複雜而令人垂涎的香檳,價錢又唔貴,絕對係高性價比之選🤫啱晒想同愛人或者朋友share嘅大家😍
講到高性價比,首選一定要Brut Reserve。而另一款Blanc de Millenaires 2007 係一款醇厚濃郁嘅香檳,強烈推介比香檳愛好者!
🍾Charles Heidsieck Brut Reserve $320/bottle
🍾️Blanc de Millenaires 2007 $1250/bottle | $1200/btl for 6+
【Don't forget about this high-quality Champagne brand Charles Heidsieck🍾】 High-quality Champagne brand Charles Heidsieck offers excellent value for money. You can buy their special and unique Charles Heidsieck Brut Reserve series starting from $320 per bottle!
Located in the heart of the Champagne region in France, Charles Heidsieck has been producing high-quality Champagne for over 160 years. They use the finest grapes to create complex and delicious Champagne that is reasonably priced, making it a great value for money option.🤫 It's perfect for sharing with your loved ones or friends.😍
When it comes to value for money, the Brut Reserve is definitely the first choice. Another option, the Blanc de Millenaires 2007, is a rich and full-bodied Champagne that is highly recommended for Champagne lovers.
🍾Charles Heidsieck Brut Reserve $320/bottle
🍾️Blanc de Millenaires 2007 $1250/bottle | $1200/btl for 6+
The offer is limited, so don't miss out if you're interested!
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【高性價比香檳品牌 Charles Heidsieck查爾斯 海德希克 🍾】
講到高性價比,首選一定要Brut Reserve。而另一款Blanc de Millenaires 2007 係一款醇厚濃郁嘅香檳,強烈推介比香檳愛好者!
🍾Charles Heidsieck Brut Reserve $320/bottle
🍾️Blanc de Millenaires 2007 $1250/bottle | $1200/btl for 6+
【Don't forget about this high-quality Champagne brand Charles Heidsieck🍾】
When it comes to value for money, the Brut Reserve is definitely the first choice. Another option, the Blanc de Millenaires 2007, is a rich and full-bodied Champagne that is highly recommended for Champagne lovers.
🍾Charles Heidsieck Brut Reserve $320/bottle
🍾️Blanc de Millenaires 2007 $1250/bottle | $1200/btl for 6+
The offer is limited, so don't miss out if you're interested!
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WineWorld已經開設咗一個WhatsApp群組👏,專為品酒愛好者而設👍!立刻加入我哋嘅群組📲,咁就唔會錯過WineWorld獨家優惠同限量優惠,因為隨時都會有折扣商品同大家分享~快啲點擊下面條link,然後加入我哋嘅Whatsapp Group,stay tuned我哋嘅第一手資訊啦!🍾👀
【ALERT‼️】Attention wine lovers in Hong Kong! 🍷🇭🇰
WineWorld is excited to announce that we have opened a WhatsApp group exclusively for wine enthusiasts like you! 😍👏Join our group📲 and receive our special promo, exclusive offers, limited offers and also time-limited discounted items! Don't miss out on this opportunity to be the first to know about our firsthand latest offerings.👍 Click the link below to join our group now! 🍾👀
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1/F, Block 3, Connaught Garden, 155 Connaught Road West, Western District (nearest Sai Ying Pun MTR station A2 or B3 exit, ~5 minutes walking distance)
Opening hours: Monday - Friday 10:00am-7:00pm
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【🖤黑色星期五熱身戰🔥】「新西蘭最頂尖酒莊王牌」Kumeu River 🇳🇿,只售HK$245起!
Black Friday就到啦!WineWorld今日為各位愛酒之人帶來搶先熱身優惠😍,等你可以暢飲絲毫不遜色Burgundy白酒嘅Chardonnay! Kumeu River嘅Chardonnay公認係新西蘭最頂尖嘅王牌👑,連續被《葡萄酒鑑賞家》評為世界百強葡萄酒🏆~
英國曾經舉行一場盲品會,將Kumeu River Chardonnay同一群法國領先葡萄酒生產商進行比較,當中包括Leflaive、Lafon、Sauzet、Drouhin、Girardin和Niellon等等,發現佢哋嘅旗艦酒款質量媲美勃艮第特級園。👍呢間新西蘭酒莊得到好多專家嘅高度認可,包括Jancis Robinson MW、Derek Smedley MW、Neal Martin(WA)!
🖤KR Rays Road Chardonnay 2021: $245/btl
🖤KR Coddington Chardonnay 2021: $318/btl
🖤KR Hunting Hill Chardonnay 2021: $418/btl
🖤KR Mate's Vineyard Chardonnay 2021: $438/btl
【🖤Warmup for Black Friday🔥】Best New World Chardonnay--Kumeu River 🇳🇿, available from HK$245 up!
Let’s drink beyond Burgundian Chardonnays this shopping season!😍 Kumeu River’s Chardonnays are arguably the best 👑 in New Zealand and have been consecutively named in the Top one hundred Wines of the world by the Wine Spectator. 🏆
Not long ago there is a blind tasting in the UK comparing Kumeu River Chardonnay against a flight of premier cru and village Burgundies of the same vintage from leading producers including Leflaive, Lafon, Sauzet, Drouhin, Girardin and Niellon. This New Zealand winery is highly recognized 👍 by experts, including Jancis Robinson MW, Derek Smedley MW & Neal Martin (WA)!
🖤KR Rays Road Chardonnay 2021: $245/btl
🖤KR Coddington Chardonnay 2021: $318/btl
🖤KR Hunting Hill Chardonnay 2021: $418/btl
🖤KR Mate's Vineyard Chardonnay 2021: $438/btl
Order via WhatsApp now! 🛍
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【雙11快閃優惠⚡】Dom Perignon 2012低至HK$1400!🥰
雙11臨近,唔想咁dry獨自飲悶酒?等WineWorld畀個限定驚喜優惠你啦!🍾Dom Perignon 2012依家以全城最抵優惠發售,快啲入手,然後同三五知己chill住過雙11🥂~
Dom Perignon香檳王酒窖總管Vincent Chaperon認為2012係一個溫暖嘅年份,和暖嘅夏季讓成熟過程較慢,補救動蕩不斷嘅生長季節所帶來嘅災害。果味同酸度完美平衡🥰,打造出一款鮮亮、清新、表達精準,且具有爽脆口感嘅迷人香檳!👍
【11.11 Single's Day⚡】Shop Dom Perignon 2012 at Best Price: HK$1400! 🥰
Make your 11.11 a celebratory one! 🥂 Enjoy WineWorld’s time-limited offer via our whatsapp to shop Dom Perignon 2012🍾 and have a blast with your besties this Single’s Day!
Dom Perignon cellar master Vincent Chaperon considered 2012 as a solar year, noted for its warm summer that saved this turbulent growing season. Not only it leaves a textured maturity in the grapes, the contrast of the climate also created great balance between acidity and sweetness. 🥰 A perfect champagne you must try! 👍
Order via WhatsApp now! 🛍
Enjoy free delivery with orders over HK$3,000!🚚
"Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business."
1/F, Block 3, Connaught Garden, 155 Connaught Road West, Western District
Tel: +852 9206 2270
Monday to Friday 10:00am-7:00pm
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