Marvino Wine Merchants Limited Hong Kong

Marvino Wine Merchants Limited Hong Kong We have been in the business for almost 5 decades. Mr. Marvin Carsley who originally came from Canada

Jean Chatron X Dolos 酒宴Dolos是一家以法國和日本海鮮為主的餐廳,著重時令食材。主廚Sean Yuen為其推出的招牌菜包括燒鰻魚配鰻魚骨和燒牛排配煙燻牡蠣和骨髓醬。Yuen曾在澳大利亞的餐廳Pearl和Florent...

Jean Chatron X Dolos 酒宴

Dolos是一家以法國和日本海鮮為主的餐廳,著重時令食材。主廚Sean Yuen為其推出的招牌菜包括燒鰻魚配鰻魚骨和燒牛排配煙燻牡蠣和骨髓醬。

Yuen曾在澳大利亞的餐廳Pearl和Florentino Grossi工作,還在香港的Caprice和Hue Dining Restaurant擔任主廚。他也是實驗性餐飲概念tfvsjs.syut的共同創辦人。"SCMP, Lisa Cam 2 Jun, 2023"

Domaine Jean Chartron於1859年由Puligny-Montrachet村前市長Jean-Edouard Dupard創立。他在該地區的葡萄酒歷史上扮演了重要角色,於1873年提出了一項重要的命名法案。在過去的160年和五代人的努力下,Domaine Jean Chartron因擁有村內最獨特的葡萄園(Monopole),包括Clos des Chevalier、Clos du Cailleret和Clos du Pucelles而聞名。現任所有者兼第五代家族成員Jean-Michel Chartron將釀酒視為一項傳統的家族傳統和驕傲的來源。

Marvino很高興與Dolos合作,呈獻Jean Chartron葡萄酒晚宴,由主廚Sean Yuen精選的8道招牌菜品,僅限15個座位!

RSVP:55816618 / 97910903(可使用Whatsapp)

Jean Chatron X Dolos Wine Dinner

Dolos is a French-Japanese seafood restaurant with a focus on seasonal fare. Signature dishes by chef Sean Yuen for its launch include grilled eel with eel bone, and wagyu beef picanha with smoked oysters and bone marrow sauce.
Yuen previously cooked at restaurants in Australia including Pearl and Florentino Grossi, as well as at Caprice and Hue Dining Restaurant in Hong Kong. He was the co-founder of tfvsjs.syut, an experimental dining concept. “SCMP, Lisa Cam 2 Jun, 2023”

Domaine Jean Chartron was founded in 1859 by Jean-Edouard Dupard, the former mayor of Puligny-Montrachet village. He played a pivotal role in the region's wine history by proposing an important naming law in 1873. Over the past 160 years and five generations, Domaine Jean Chartron has become renowned for owning the most exclusive vineyards (Monopole) in the village, including Clos des Chevalier, Clos du Cailleret, and Clos du Pucelles. Jean-Michel Chartron, the current owner and fifth-generation family member, considers winemaking a prestigious family tradition and a source of pride.

Marvino are glad to cooperate with Dolos to presents Jean Chartron wine dinner, 8 kinds of selected signature dishes from Chef Sean Yuen, Only 15 seats are avaliablity!

Date : 31 Oct 2023
Time : 1930 - 2300
Address : G/F , 60 Staunton Street, Central, HK
RSVP:55816618 / 97910903 (Whatsapp avaliable)

Dear valued customers, we are happy to offer you this specialselection of our wines at limited time special pricesfor yo...

Dear valued customers, we are happy to offer you this special
selection of our wines at limited time special prices
for you !

Dragon Boat Festival Special Offer from 14 to 21 June 2023

Free Delivery to HK Island and Kowloon Side with orders over $1500HKD

Free Delivery to New Territories with orders over $2500HKD

If you are interested in ordering any of the following wines
or have any inquiries please contact us at

[email protected]

酒廬 X Marvino快閃試酒會於2月26日下午完滿結束,多謝各位來賓參與一場派對,享用各款美酒,渡過一個完美的下午.希望將來再一次和大家再會,祝長飲長有!The pop-up wine tasting session ended suc...

酒廬 X Marvino

The pop-up wine tasting session ended successfully on the afternoon of February 26th. Thank you all guests for participating in a party, enjoying a variety of fine wines, and enjoying a perfect afternoon.

Hope to see you again in the future,Wish you all the best!


今個月底,Marvino 與《酒廬》合作舉行快閃試酒會,介紹這個新興釀酒國的多個產區,並帶來多款以色列酒供來賓品嚐。 有興趣多了解以色列酒的朋友,包括其葡萄品種和產地分區,以及何謂符合猶太教規的蒄修酒,即Kosher wine和逾越節酒Ko...

今個月底,Marvino 與《酒廬》合作舉行快閃試酒會,介紹這個新興釀酒國的多個產區,並帶來多款以色列酒供來賓品嚐。

有興趣多了解以色列酒的朋友,包括其葡萄品種和產地分區,以及何謂符合猶太教規的蒄修酒,即Kosher wine和逾越節酒Kosher for Passover等等,這是一個難得的機會。

以色列的葡萄種植以國際品種為主,也有當地原生的,今次會帶來兩紅兩白,分別是以100% Chardonnay 和100% 以色列原生葡萄品種Marawi釀造的白酒,以Cabernet Sauvignon,Merlot 和Cabernet Franc為主的波爾多式混釀,和另一款以100%古老葡萄品種佳麗釀Carignan所釀造的紅酒。

《酒廬》亦挑選了一白一紅,讓大家同場比較以色列和法國酒的風土,白酒來自布爾岡的博納丘Côte de Beaune,而紅酒則產自南法產區福熱雷Faugères,以百年老藤的Carignan釀造。

今次是快閃試酒模式,活動免費,由下午2:30開始,會員可於指定時間內隨時加入,但為方便控制人流,請先致電或短訊8489 3843登記。

時間:2:30 - 4:30 PM

Amis X MarvinoBurgundy Wine Dinner 2022於11月9日晚上完滿結束,多謝各位來賓參與一場盛宴,享用美食及葡萄酒,渡過一個完美的晚上.希望將來再一次和大家再會,祝身體健康!We rounded out th...

Amis X Marvino
Burgundy Wine Dinner 2022

We rounded out the wine-dinner on 9th November .
Thank you for your participation in the feast,
enjoy cuisine and wine for a perfect evening .
Hope to see you again and stay healthy!

Marvino x Amis "Burgundy Wine Dinner" in early Novemeber, reservation & get the Early bird price now!We are glad to coop...

Marvino x Amis "Burgundy Wine Dinner" in early Novemeber, reservation & get the Early bird price now!

We are glad to cooperate with Amis to presents a burgundy wine dinner, 8 kinds of selected signature dishes from Chef Man, pairing with Burgundy star winery Jean Chartron, Domaine Michael Juillot , Domaine Camus père et fils, very limited seats are avaliablity!

Amis: 55475106 (Whatsapp avaliable)
Raymond Lau: 55816618 (Whatsapp avaliable)

Date: 9th November 2022
Time: 19:00 - 23:00
Miximum Seat: 24
Price: $2280+10% / per guest
Earlybird Price: $1780+10% / per guest

Downtown X MarvinoIsrael Wine Dinner 2022於10月15日晚上完滿結束,多謝各位來賓參與一場盛宴,享用以色列特色美食及葡萄酒,渡過一個完美的晚上.希望將來再一次和大家再會,祝身體健康!We rounde...

Downtown X Marvino
Israel Wine Dinner 2022

We rounded out the wine-dinner on 15th October .
Thank you for your participation in the feast,
enjoy Israeli cuisine and wine for a perfect evening .
Hope to see you again and stay healthy!

登堂 與 Marvino 再一次攜手合作, 呈獻以色列飲食文化登堂的侍酒師挑選五款特級以色列葡萄酒,配以大廚專門設計的地中海美食.品嘗三大酒莊佳釀,領略釀酒師理念及感受當地風土.當晚更有專人講解,深入了解以色列飲食文化及葡萄酒知識.Somm...

登堂 與 Marvino 再一次攜手合作, 呈獻以色列飲食文化


Sommelier selects five premium Israeli wines, paired with tailor-made Mediterranean cuisine . Taste the wines of the three major wineries, appreciate the winemaker’s ideas and Israel's terrior. Our presenter explain in the evening, and have an in-depth understanding of Israeli food culture and wine knowledge.

Date / 日期 : 2022年10月15日 星期六
Time / 時間 : 1900
Place / 地點 : 觀塘興業街4號The Wave2樓

Price / 費用 :
HK$780 一位
Hk$1398 二人同行

Renowned Dr. Shibi Drori has undertaken a revolutionary project to help the Israeli wine industry stand out in a competi...

Renowned Dr. Shibi Drori has undertaken a revolutionary project to help the Israeli wine industry stand out in a competitive global market with little hope of improving wines such as French Chardonnay. Dr. Shibi Drori is testing a new method for analyzing charred ancient seeds, aiming to use DNA testing to identify and reproduce ancient wines consumed by people like King David and Jesus Christ.

In 2011, Dr. Shibi Drori and his team identified more than 120 varieties of grapes from DNA testing, among which it was found that Hamdani (a.k.a. Marawi) has nothing to do with the completion of grapes known in the world, and in the religious text "Babylonian Talmud" Relevant records were found inside, and it was confirmed that she was the native grape on the "Holy Land" of Israel. Later, Dr. Shibi Drori shared and collaborated with Recanati winemakers to make Marawi and released it at the Milan Expo, which immediately became a symbol of native Israeli wine.

享譽的 Dr. Shibi Drori 進行了一個的革命性項目,目的是幫助以色列釀酒業在一個在競爭激烈的全球市場中脫穎而出的機會,他們對改進法國霞多麗等葡萄酒幾乎沒有希望。Dr. Shibi Drori 測試分析燒焦的古代種子的新方法,旨在使用 DNA 測試來識別和重現大衛王和耶穌基督等人飲用的古代葡萄酒。

在2011年,Dr. Shibi Drori 與其團隊從DNA測試中,鑑定了超過120種葡萄,當中發現了 Hamdani (a.k.a. Marawi)與世上所認知的葡萄完成沒有關係,而且在宗教文獻「巴比倫塔木德」內找到相關紀錄,肯定了她就是以色列"聖地"上的原生葡萄。及後Dr. Shibi Drori 將成果與 Recanati 釀酒師共享及合作,釀造 Marawi白酒 並在米蘭世博會上發佈,旋即成為原生以色列葡萄酒的標誌。

Source from / 資料來源 :

Negev is the desert region that makes up half the country. Vineyards have been planted in the Negev Highlands, in partic...

Negev is the desert region that makes up half the country. Vineyards have been planted in the Negev Highlands, in particularly at Mitzpe Ramon. Soils are sandy loam and loess. The Negev Highlands are up to 3000 feet elevation. Rainfall is barely 2-4” per year. Temperatures range from very hot during the day (60-105 °F in the summer) to cooler evenings and very cold nights. The vineyards are sometimes shrouded in mists during the morning hours. The dryness and lack of humidity keep diseases to a minimum. The modern pioneers in Negev first planted vineyards in the 1990’s. Vineyards in the desert is a classic example of Israel’s skills in agriculture, in making the desert bloom. A unique problem to the Negev vineyards are marauding camels, which may eat a vine to its roots as though it was a salad.

Negev desert 是佔全國一半的沙漠地區。釀酒業先驅於 1990 年代在 Negev Highlands 首次種植葡萄園,特別是在 Mitzpe Ramon。該地區土壤為沙壤土和黃土。Negev Highlands 海拔高達 900米以上。每年的降雨量只有 5-10 厘米。溫度範圍從白天非常熱(夏季溫度 15-40 攝氏度)到涼爽的夜晚和非常寒冷的夜晚,有時會在早晨被薄霧籠罩。乾燥和低濕度將疾病風險控制在最低限度。沙漠中的葡萄園是以色列先進農業技術的典型例子,它使沙漠開花。Negev Highlands 葡萄園的一個獨特問題是駱駝,因為它們可能會像吃沙拉一樣吃掉葡萄樹的根。

Source from / 資料來源 :

Rising toward Jerusalem, Judean Foothills are mainly located in the West Bank.This is today the largest wine growing reg...

Rising toward Jerusalem, Judean Foothills are mainly located in the West Bank.This is today the largest wine growing region, popular with tourists because of its closeness to Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. This little region contains nearly a third of all Israel’s vineyards. Many of them are small plots composed primarily of terra rossa topsoil over limestone bedrock. Beneficial diurnal fluctuations result from warm daily temperatures that are offset by cooling winds from the Mediterranean Sea and cool nighttime temperatures. There’s also a dramatic increase in elevation that goes from 300 to 1,000 meters within the region and average rainfall is up to 20” per year. Winter temperatures are from 40-60 °F, while those in the summer range from say 65-86 °F. Vineyards were planted in the 1950’s and 1960’s.

向 耶路撒冷 遞升的 Judean Foothills 主要位於約旦河西岸。這裡是當今以色列最大的葡萄酒產區,因靠近 Tel Aviv 和 耶路撒冷 而深受遊客歡迎。這個小地區擁有以色列近三分之一的葡萄園。其中許多是主要由石灰岩基岩上的紅土表土組成的小塊土地。有益的晝夜波動源於溫暖的日常溫度,而地中海的涼爽風和涼爽的夜間溫度抵消了這一影響。該地區的海拔也急劇增加,從 300 米增加到 1000 米,平均降雨量高達每年 20 英寸。冬季溫度為攝氏 4-15 度,而夏季溫度範圍為攝氏 18-30 度。葡萄園是在 1950 年代和 1960 年代種植的。

Source from / 資料來源 :

A hot, humid region, Coastal Plain is situated southeast of Tel Aviv. At 0 to 100 meters above sea level, it’s a low-lyi...

A hot, humid region, Coastal Plain is situated southeast of Tel Aviv. At 0 to 100 meters above sea level, it’s a low-lying area. The region consists of alluvial soils mixed with sandy, clay loams, along with terra rossa soils. Today it’s better known for its citrus fruits and strawberries, rather than wine grapes but It was one of the original areas planted by Rothschild in the 1880’s .

Baron Edmond (Benjamin) de Rothschild(1845-1934) , the third son of Baron James Jacob de Rothschild(1792 – 1868), paid an important role in the history and development of Israel. In 1882 he began his involvement in Palestine by sending France’s finest agronomists to survey the land. He supported the new farming villages of Rishon Le Zion and Zichron Ya’acov and then sent his own viticulturists to plant vineyards, which quickly became the dominant form of agriculture. He built the large wineries at Rishon Le Zion in 1890 and Zichron Ya’acov in 1892 and sent Bordeaux winemakers to make the first vintages.

Coastal Plain 是一個炎熱潮濕的地區,位 Tel Aviv 東南部。海拔0至100米,為低窪地帶。該地區由混有沙質粘土的沖積土壤和赤土土壤組成。今天,它以柑橘類水果和草莓而不是釀酒葡萄而聞名,但它是Rothschild 家族在 1880 年代種植的原始地區之一。

Baron Edmond (Benjamin) de Rothschild(1845-1934) 是 Baron James Jacob de Rothschild(1792 – 1868) 的第三個兒子,他在以色列的歷史和發展中發揮了重要作用。1882 年,他開始涉足巴勒斯坦,派遣法國最優秀的農藝師來勘測這片土地。他支持建立 Rishon Le Zion 和 Zichron Ya'acov 的新農村,然後派他自己的葡萄種植者種植葡萄園,這很快成為該區農業的主要形式。他於 1890 年在 Rishon Le Zion 和 Zichron Ya'acov 於 1892 年建立了大型釀酒廠,並派遣波爾多釀酒師釀造第一批葡萄酒。

Source from / 資料來源 :

Mount Carmel , Yatir Forest , Shomron Hills and Judean Hills make up Central Mountain Region. They start in Haifa and th...

Mount Carmel , Yatir Forest , Shomron Hills and Judean Hills make up Central Mountain Region. They start in Haifa and then run down the spine of the country. The main concentration of vineyards is in the valleys north east of Zichron Ya’acov benefiting from southern Carmel Mountain range and cooling breezes off the Mediterranean Sea.

In Central Mountains, the higher areas receive snow in winter. Annual precipitation is 20”, apart from Yatir Forest where it is 10”. Average winter temperatures are 32-65 °F, while summer temperatures can range from 59-86 °F.

Judean Hills rise towards Jerusalem. Warm days, cooling winds from the Mediterranean and cool nighttime temperature characterize the region which sharply rises from 1650 feet elevation, west of Jerusalem. Directly north and south of Jerusalem elevations reach up to 3300 feet. The soils are thin terra rossa and stony, on a bedrock of limestone. Vineyards have been planted here since the beginning of the 1990’s. They tend to be in nature reserves, surrounded by garrigue and wild Mediterranean herbs. Fossils, found in vineyards, show the ancient history of this region.

Central Mountain Region 由 Mount Carmel、Shomron Hills 、 Judean Hills 及 Yatir Forest 組成。他們從 Haifa 開始,然後沿著這個國家的脊梁延續。葡萄園主要集中在 Zichron Ya'acov 東北部的山谷,受益於 Southern Carmel Mountain 和來自地中海涼爽的微風。

在Central Mountain Region,冬季較高的地區會下雪。年降水量為 50厘米,而 Yatir Forest 則為 25厘米。冬季平均溫度為 零下 1 至 18 度,而夏季溫度範圍為 15 至 30 度

Judean Hills 環抱 耶路撒冷,耶路撒冷以西地區海拔以在 500 米上,從這裡開始向上伸延,到在耶路撒冷的北部和南部之海拔高達海拔 1000 米。在溫暖的日子 Judean Hills 受到來自地中海的涼爽風和涼爽的夜間溫度是該地區的特徵,土壤是薄的赤土和石質,位於石灰岩基岩上。自 1990 年代初以來,這裡就種植了葡萄園。它們往往位於自然保護區內,周圍環繞著植物和野生地中海草本植物。在葡萄園中發現的化石展示了該地區的古老歷史。

Source from / 資料來源 :

Golan Heights is situated in the northeast of Israel. It is a volcanic plateau rising to 4000 feet above sea level. The ...

Golan Heights is situated in the northeast of Israel. It is a volcanic plateau rising to 4000 feet above sea level. The area benefits from cool breezes from the snow-covered Mount Hermon. Golan may be divided into three sub-regions: Southern Golan overlooking the Sea of Galilee is 1150 feet above sea level. The soils are basaltic clay. Middle Golan is 1320 to 1650 feet altitude. Then there is Upper Golan which rises from 2500 to 4000 feet. Soil is more volcanic tuff and the black basalt stone is everywhere. The annual precipitation is 32-40”. Winter temperatures can be from below zero to 5 °F., while in the summer the range is from 54-86 °F.. Golan was first planted with quality wine grapes in 1976. It was the region that first drew the world’s attention to Israeli wines. Regular pests include wild boar, which come at night and gorge on the grapes, but only when they are ripe.

Golan Heights is really a different geographical region to Galilee – but in wine law, it is registered as a sub region of Galilee.

Golan Heights 位於以色列東北部。這是一個海拔 1200米以上的火山高原。該地區受益於白雪覆蓋的 Mount Hermon 來的涼爽微風。Golan 可分為三個子區域: 俯瞰 Sea of Galilee 的Southern Golan 海拔 350米以上。土壤為玄武質粘土。Middle Golan 海拔 400 至 500 米。然後是從 750 米上升到 1200米 的 Upper Golan。土壤多為火山凝灰岩,黑色玄武岩石隨處可見。平均每年降雨量為 100 至 130 厘米。冬季溫度可以從零下 17 至 10 度。而在夏季,溫度範圍是 12 至 30 度。於 1976 年首次種植優質釀酒葡萄。這個地區首先引起了世界的關注到以色列葡萄酒。常見的害蟲包括野豬,它們會在晚上出現併吞食葡萄,但只有在它們成熟時才會出現。

Golan Heights 與 Galilee 實際上是一個不同的地理區域 ; 但在法例中,它被註冊為 Galilee 的一個子區域。

Source from / 資料來源 :

One of Israel’s largest wine regions, Galilee is situated in the north of Israel and divided into two sectors: Upper and...

One of Israel’s largest wine regions, Galilee is situated in the north of Israel and divided into two sectors: Upper and Lower Galilee.
Upper Galilee is a mountainous area of forests, plunging peaks and stony ridges.
It is Israel’s most beautiful vineyard region. The soils are heavy, but well drained.
They tend to be a mixture of volcanic, gravel and terra rossa soils.
The vineyards near the northern border with Lebanon are 1200 to 1500 feet above sea level.
The vineyards near Mount Meron range from 2100 to 3300 feet above sea level.
Most of the vineyards in the Upper Galilee were planted only since the mid to late 1990’s.
The annual precipitation in Upper Galilee is from 31-40”. Winter temperatures can be from 32-60 °F while in the summer the range is from 54-86 °F.

The area of vineyards in the Lower Galilee are situated near Mount Tabor. Here elevations are 600 to 1300 feet.
Soils vary between volcanic and limestone. Precipitation ranges from 15-20” a year.

Snowfall in Israel is a common sight during the months of January and February, especially on Upper Galilee .

Galilee 是以色列最大的葡萄酒產區之一,位於以色列北部,分為兩個區:Upper Galilee和Lower Galilee。
Upper Galilee 是一個多山的森林、陡峭的山峰和石質山脊。
靠近黎巴嫩北部邊界的葡萄園海拔 360 到 460米。Mount Meron 附近的葡萄園海拔從 640 到 1000米不等。
Upper Galilee的大部分葡萄園都是在 1990 年代中後期才開始種植的。Upper Galilee 的年降水量為 76厘米 至 100厘米。
冬季溫度可在攝氏 0度至 16度之間,而夏季溫度範圍為攝氏 12度至 30度。

Lower Galilee 的葡萄園位於 Mount Tabor 附近。這裡的海拔是 180 到 400 米。
土壤在火山岩和石灰岩之間有所不同。降水範圍為每年 38-50 厘米。

在十二月到二月之間,以色列的降雪是常見的景象,尤其是在 Upper Galilee .

Source from / 資料來源 :

Israel, like many long thin countries, has a surprising number of microclimates. It is possible to ski in the morning on...

Israel, like many long thin countries, has a surprising number of microclimates. It is possible to ski in the morning on Mount Hermon in the north, and in the afternoon to go scuba diving to see the Coral Reef in the Red Sea resort of Eilat. Likewise, it is possible to be in the Central Mountains at 3300 feet altitude, and a short time afterward to fall away to the Judean Desert, where the Dead Sea, the lowest point on earth at 1300 feet below sea level, is situated. One can visit the hot, humid Sea of Galilee, where you will be surrounded by date palms and banana trees. Climb ten minutes on to the Golan Heights and cool climate produce like apples, pears and wine grapes are grown. It is a country of variety, extremes, but all on a small scale. Israel would comfortably fit into New Jersey.

A hiker may walk anywhere in Israel and find ancient wine presses, providing evidence of a long winemaking history. In modern times the original vineyards were planted in the coastal regions and they formed the basis of Israeli wine for a hundred years or so. With the quality revolution, the vineyard areas moved northwards and eastwards in search of higher elevation. This was when the cooler areas of the Golan Heights, Upper Galilee and the Judean Hills became known for producing quality wines. Today the largest concentration of vineyards is in the north (Galilee & Golan) and the Judean Foothills, between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

While the Wine Map of Israel is divided by topography, soil, and climate into six distinct regions, it can be difficult to classify Israeli producers by region. Many locate their winery in one region but produce wines from several or all regions – taking advantage of the fact that grapes picked from any corner of the country can be delivered to the winery within an hour or two.

與許多狹長的國家一樣,以色列各地擁有各自獨特氣候。早上可以在北部的 Mount Hermon 滑雪,下午可以去 Eilat 紅海度假勝地潛水看珊瑚礁。
同樣地,從最高點海拔 3300 英尺的 Central Mountains,至負海拔的 Judean Desert,那裡是地球上最低點的死海,位於海平面以下 1300 英尺。
您可以參觀炎熱潮濕的 Sea of Galilee,在那裡您將被棗椰樹和香蕉樹所環繞。爬上 10 分鐘到達 Golan Heights,那裡種植了蘋果、梨和釀酒葡萄等涼爽氣候的農產品。
雖然以色列面積等同於美國新澤西洲(或者是台灣面積的 2/3 ),但「麻雀雖小,五臟俱全」。

它們成為以色列葡萄酒的基礎。隨著質量革命,葡萄園區域向北和向東移動以尋求更高的海拔。那時 Golan Heights、Upper Galilee 和 Judean Hills 的涼爽地區以生產優質葡萄酒而聞名。
今天,最大的葡萄園集中在北部(Galilee 和 Golan)和 特拉維夫和耶路撒冷之間的 Judean Foothills。


Source from / 資料來源 :

Downtown X MarvinoIsrael Wine Dinner 2021於12月18日晚上完滿結束,多謝各位來賓參與一場盛宴,享用以色列特色美食及葡萄酒,渡過一個完美的晚上.在此祝各位聖誕快樂,新年更上一層樓.We rounded...

Downtown X Marvino
Israel Wine Dinner 2021

We rounded out the wine-dinner on 18th December .
Thank you for your participation in the feast,
enjoy Israeli cuisine and wine for a perfect evening .
We wish you Merry Chrismas and Happy New Year.

Downtown X MarvinoIsrael Wine Dinner 2021侍酒師挑選五款特級以色列葡萄酒,配以大廚專門設計的地中海美食.品嘗三大酒莊佳釀,領略釀酒師理念及感受當地風土.當晚更有專人講解,深入了解以色列飲食文化及葡萄酒...

Downtown X Marvino
Israel Wine Dinner 2021


Sommelier selects five premium Israeli wines, paired with tailor-made Mediterranean cuisine . Taste the wines of the three major wineries, appreciate the winemaker’s ideas and Israel's terrior. Our presenter explain in the evening, and have an in-depth understanding of Israeli food culture and wine knowledge.

Date / 日期 : 18 Dec 2021
Time / 時間 : 1900
Place / 地點 : 2/F The Wave,Kwun Tong

Price / 費用 :
HK$780 for one
Hk$1398 for two

Please feel free to PM or call 2110 4103 for enquiry
歡迎私信或致電2110 4103 查詢及訂檯

每年五月的最後一個星期一之前的星期四,都會慶祝 International Chardonnay Day,並且在世界各地的許多葡萄酒生產國都在熱列興祝。一種綠皮葡萄,用於生產許多白葡萄酒,還用於生產氣泡酒和香檳,例如Blanc de Bla...

每年五月的最後一個星期一之前的星期四,都會慶祝 International Chardonnay Day,並且在世界各地的許多葡萄酒生產國都在熱列興祝。

一種綠皮葡萄,用於生產許多白葡萄酒,還用於生產氣泡酒和香檳,例如Blanc de Blancs。

關於 Chardonnay 的事實:
Chardonnay 的名字來源於Burgundy, Mâcon 地區的 Chardonnay 村莊。

Chardonnay 是世界上分佈最廣泛的白葡萄,也是世界上最受歡迎的白葡萄酒。它幾乎被種植在世界上每個葡萄酒產區。

有氣泡嗎?Chardonnay 也是如此。Chardonnay 是黑起泡酒中使用的三種主要葡萄之一,與 Pinot Noir 和 Pinot Meunier一樣。

International Chardonnay Day is celebrated on the Thursday before the last Monday in May every year and is gathering momentum in many wine producing countries around the world.

A green-skinned grape used in the production of many white wines and also used in the production of sparkling and champagne like Blanc de Blancs.
Its primary flavours are yellow apple, starfruit, pineapple, vanilla and butter, creamy white wines aged in oak.

Fast facts about Chardonnay:
Chardonnay takes its name from the village of Chardonnay in the Mâcon region of Burgundy.
Chardonnay is the most widely distributed white grape in the world, and is the world's most popular white wine. It's virtually planted in every wine region in the world.
Got bubbles? So does Chardonnay. Chardonnay is one of the three main grapes used in Sparkling wine, along with Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier.

Marvino 為大家帶一個驚喜優惠,嘗試不同風格的 Chardonnay, 一同慶祝盛事!
Marvino brings you a special offer, let you try different styles of Chardonnay, and celebrate the event together!

Tasting Set "Special Chardonnay and more..."

6 in 1 set : $1200

Tasting Set "Premium Chardonnay"


4 in 1 set : $1500

優惠期 / Promotion period :
2021年5月27日 至 2021年 6月5日
27th May 2021 to 5th Jun 2021
訂購 / Order :
Whatsapp : 5581 6618

”Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the course of business.”

Sauvignon blanc是一種綠色的葡萄品種,起源於法國波爾多地區。 Sauvignon blanc 種植在世界許多葡萄酒產區,生產出清爽,乾燥和清新的白葡萄酒。 葡萄也是來自索特爾和巴爾薩克的著名甜點酒的組成部分。 長相思在法國,新...

Sauvignon blanc是一種綠色的葡萄品種,起源於法國波爾多地區。 Sauvignon blanc 種植在世界許多葡萄酒產區,生產出清爽,乾燥和清新的白葡萄酒。
葡萄也是來自索特爾和巴爾薩克的著名甜點酒的組成部分。 長相思在法國,新西蘭,美國的華盛頓州和加利福尼亞州以及以色列等世界廣泛種植。
每年的五月的第一個星期五是官方的日子,起源於新西蘭葡萄酒。 對我們來說,這意味著更多藉口喝酒和慶祝!

Sauvignon blanc is a green-skinned grape variety that originates from the Bordeaux region of France.
Sauvignon blanc is planted in many of the world's wine regions, producing a crisp, dry, and refreshing white varietal wine.
The grape is also a component of the famous dessert wines from Sauternes and Barsac.
Sauvignon blanc is widely cultivated in the world like France, New Zealand, the states of Washington and California in the US and Israel etc.
First Friday in May every year is official day originated from the Wines of New Zealand. which for us means more excuses to drink wine and celebrate!

訂購 Sauvignon blanc 一同慶祝盛事!
Order Sauvignon blanc to celebrate the event together!

葡萄酒介紹 / Wine Insight : Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru “Vieilles Vignes”, Jean Chartron 2017產區 / Region : Puligny-montrachet,...

葡萄酒介紹 / Wine Insight :
Puligny-Montrachet 1er Cru “Vieilles Vignes”, Jean Chartron 2017

產區 / Region :
Puligny-montrachet, Burgundy ,France
年份 / Vintage :
酒精度 / Alcohol :
葡萄品種 / Varieties :
100% Chardonnay
桶內陳年 / Ageing :
12 Months
陳年容器 / Ageing container :
30% new oak barrels / 70% barrels aged 1 and up to 5 years
備註 / Remark:

品飲筆記 / Tasting Note :
長長的光潔與 Puligny 風土引起的轟鳴聲共鳴。

Rich gold covers this chalice.
On the front palate this tactile but firm base gives herbaceous notes of its terroir.
The long finish resonates with a roar from the underground strata’s of its Puligny terroir.
This blend offer us a racy wine which will glorify dishes of fleshy fish –Turbot larded with saffron.

連結 / Link :

World Marselan Day 慶祝一種由是 Cabernet Sauvignon 和 Grenache 的混合葡萄品種 Marselan ,由 Paul Truel 於1961年研究成功。訂立每年4月27日慶祝 Marselan,與...

World Marselan Day 慶祝一種由是 Cabernet Sauvignon 和 Grenache 的混合葡萄品種 Marselan ,由 Paul Truel 於1961年研究成功。

訂立每年4月27日慶祝 Marselan,與 Paul Truel 的生日相同(他是出生在1924年)。

如今,已經有20多個國家使用單獨或混釀方式使用 Marselan 釀製葡萄酒!

許多人認為 Marselan 很可能成為“中國的葡萄”,就像阿根廷的 Malbec ,澳洲的 Shiraz 和 紐西蘭的 Sauvignon Blanc 。

而且由於 Marselan 在中國葡萄酒行業歷史上的特殊地位。 這種葡萄是在將近20年前在河北省懷來市的法中政府聯合項目中首次引入的,該項目現在由 Domaine Franco-Chinois 私人經營。 此後,隨著當地優質葡萄酒的發展,它已經在中國廣泛傳播,並且似乎在每個地區的表達方式都不同。

World Marselan Day ,celebrates a grape what is cross of Cabernet Sauvignon and Grenache, created in 1961 by Paul Truel.

And we celebrates on April 27, the same as Truel’s birth date in 1924.

Wine using the grape Marselan, either on its own or as part of a blend, is now made in more than 20 nations!

Many people think Marselan may well become "China's grape"—kind of like Malbec for Argentina, Shiraz for Australia and Sauvignon Blanc for New Zealand—due to the delicious wines it is making across the country.'

And due to the special place of Marselan in China’s wine industry history. This grape was first introduced almost exactly 20 years ago at a joint French-China government project in Huailai, Hebei Province, which is now privately run as Domaine Franco-Chinois. It has since spread far and wide in China, in tandem with the growth of quality local wine, and seems to express each region differently.

訂購 Marselan 一同慶祝盛事!
Order Marselan to celebrate the event together!

葡萄酒介紹 / Wine Insight : Chassagne Montrachet 1er Cru “Cailleret”, Jean Chartron 2015產區 / Region : Chassagne Montrachet, B...

葡萄酒介紹 / Wine Insight :
Chassagne Montrachet 1er Cru “Cailleret”, Jean Chartron 2015

產區 / Region :
Chassagne Montrachet, Burgundy ,France
年份 / Vintage :
酒精度 / Alcohol :
葡萄品種 / Varieties :
100% Chardonnay
桶內陳年 / Ageing :
12 Months
陳年容器 / Ageing container :
30% new oak barrels / 70% barrels aged 1 and up to 5 years
備註 / Remark:

品飲筆記 / Tasting Note :
整體印象是風格上與Puligny Montrachet極為相似。

From the first look we could take this wine for its cousin Puligny Montrachet- only the first look.
On the nose verbena cedes its place to honeysuckle.
The brusque dryness almost monolithic sings of the terroir.
The expression on the finish is dynamic.
A ten year prospect for ageing.

連結 / Link :

From the first look we could take this wine for its cousin Puligny Montrachet- only the first look. On the nose verbena cedes its place to honeysuckle. The brusque dryness almost monolithic sings of the terroir. The expression on the finish is dynamic. A ten year prospect for ageing.


Rm1201 Global Trade Square , 21 Wong Chuk Hang Road
Hong Kong


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